American exorcist god.

Chapter 269 Arrogant Recognition of Master

Chapter 269 Arrogant Recognition of Master
  In the middle of the family dinner, the doorbell in the front yard suddenly rang.

Xu Yi was a little confused, who would come at this time?
  His eyes turned around and were fixed on Keith. Apart from Lisa, he was the only one who was familiar with the situation in Boston.

"Keith! Go and take a look!" Xu Yi shouted.

Keith carried a handful of skewers and ran to the front yard. Not only was he not annoyed by Xu Yi telling him to do things, but he felt honored.

A moment later, Keith hurried back and said, "Mr. Xu Yi, this is team leader Martin."

"I'm afraid there is something very important!" Xu Yi understood instantly.

Every move he makes is paid close attention to by the senior officials in New York, so Martin knows about the family dinner he holds. If it is not a very important matter, the other party will never come to disturb him.

Martin paced back and forth in the front yard, looking anxious. The moment he saw Xu Yi, he quickly said, "Professor Robert is missing!"

"Professor Robert who was in charge of designing the Blade of Scourge?" Xu Yi was slightly surprised.

He has come into contact with Robert, who has answered his questions about the Blade of Scourge many times. His evaluation of Robert is: a genius among geniuses!

It is no exaggeration to say that Roberto took [-]% of the credit for the development of the Blade of Scourge.

Robert's importance to Boston is unquestionable;
  Even if something happened to the mayor of Boston, Martin could bear to come over to see Xu Yi tomorrow, but not Robert. Robert was too important to Boston.

Without Robert, Boston's occult research would instantly go back thirty years.

Xu Yi would call Robert and have a detailed chat whenever he was free. His purpose was known to everyone on the road.

He was very much looking forward to bringing Robert into his team and letting him assist him in his research.

"What's going on?" Xu Yi asked repeatedly.

He felt that the opportunity had come!
  Although Robert is a seven-foot tall man, the hero's method of saving "Beauty" is effective for both men and may even be more effective for men.

Do you understand the value of male revolutionary comrades?
  "After Robert took over Daniel's project, he began to look through the information on Olivedo's Blood. One day he suddenly said that he was going to Egypt to find inspiration..."

Martin began to tell what happened, and Xu Yi listened quietly.

He also knew about this matter. After Daniel's accident, he could not find anyone capable of inheriting the Olivedo Blood project, and in the end he had to let Robert take on the role concurrently.

The Blood of Olivedo is not the first project that Roberto has moonlighted on; in fact, he has moonlighted on thirteen projects in total.

The main theme is "a sheep is driven, and a group of sheep are also driven".

"The news came back a few days ago that Professor Robert had found key materials. But when he came back, Professor Robert suddenly changed his mind and said that he had detected huge soul power and wanted to know more about it."

Martin let out a long sigh, "I didn't expect that this morning, news suddenly came from Egypt that Professor Robert was missing."

Huge soul fluctuation? Xu Yi's heart moved and he asked subconsciously, "When is the exact time when the soul fluctuation appears?"

Martin frowned and recalled, "It should have been three days ago, at 1:35 in the morning."

The time is actually right! Xu Yi's eyes lit up. He remembered that it was about the same time when the Crow Man broke the Eight-tatami Mirror and the original sin was involved in the turbulence of time and space.

Could that huge soul fluctuation that suddenly appeared be the source of original sin?
  After all, the timing is too coincidental.

But it might also be Xu Yi's random thoughts. He has been busy with Sin Bones and the Philosopher's Stone recently, and he is already a little obsessed with this aspect.

But no matter what, it was worth checking, otherwise the trip would be in vain.

"Although the rescue team has been dispatched, we still feel that it is not safe, so we want to ask Mr. Xu Yi if we can bring Professor Robert back."

After Martin finished speaking, he added another sentence, raising his voice deliberately, "We will try our best to meet Mr. Xu Yi's requirements."

This is obviously talking about the "remuneration" aspect.

"Let's wait until I bring Robert back!" Xu Yi had no intention of taking advantage of the situation.

It's really unreasonable to accept so many "gifts" from Boston's senior management and not be able to help others even though they are short-handed.

Moreover, even if there is no reward, he will save Robert.

"Good buddy" is in trouble, how can he refuse to save him?
  Of course, if Robert refuses to join Xu Yi's "gang", it may be another situation.

"I'll leave immediately after I finish handling the matters at hand!" Xu Yi raised his head and glanced at the sky. The sun was gradually sinking, and the glow of the setting sun was about to appear.

Martin left with great gratitude. Before he left, he suddenly mentioned something.

"For! Mr. Xu Yi, major countries are now planning exorcist academies, and they may need your help then!"

Exorcist Academy? Xu Yi was slightly stunned, but didn't ask any more questions and turned back to the backyard. The barbecue party in the backyard was in full swing. Xu Yi clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention.

"Everyone, come here!" Xu Yi took out a heavy metal box and placed it on the table.

Seeing Xu Yi's serious look, everyone knew that something was announced and gathered around him.

"Let everyone come over today. In addition to getting together after not seeing each other for a long time, the more important thing is..." Xu Yi slowly opened the lid of the box, and dark golden light came out from inside. "Let's see who is the legendary one." King Arthur!"

An iron plate was welded into the box. There were seven grooves on the iron plate, and the remains of the seven deadly sins were inserted into them.

He cut his palm and dripped the blood on the seven sinful corpses one after another.

The sin skeletons shook slightly, and after absorbing the blood of their host Xu Yi, they came back to life from their slumber.

Case among the crowd clenched his fists subconsciously, and his palms still hurt slightly.

Only he knew how violent those iron-like things turned out to be after they woke up.

"Come on! Come here one by one and see which one you can pull out!" Xu Yi didn't waste any time and started to call the names directly, "Arent, you should come first!"

Allente also came over. He temporarily closed the Holy Flame Exorcism Studio in New York and brought his wife and children with him. Apparently he was planning to continue to serve as Xu Yi's "housekeeper" in Boston.

Ellent took a gulp of water, a little nervous.

Who hasn’t dreamed of being an exorcist?

It's just a pity that his talent is really poor, the kind that even Xu Yi can't save, so he gradually gave up on this idea.

But now the opportunity has come. Today, he, Lao Ai, wants everyone to know what it means to have accumulated a lot of knowledge, and what it means to be an old man. He has recently learned a lot about the culture of the Xia Kingdom.


Arent held his hands and retreated. He had just held the "lust" sinful body, and his hands felt as if they were being pricked by needles.

"Next!" Xu Yi shouted expressionlessly.

Among the seven deadly sins, lust is the least difficult one, and the most difficult one is probably arrogance.

"I'll do it!" Maria strode out.

Just by listening to the voice, Xu Yi knew that it was Ai Lan who was in control of the body at the moment. After all, he was too familiar with the two of them. After all, they were comrades who often studied the body structure.

Ailan walked straight to the metal box, stretched out his hand to the "arrogant" sin body, and Xu Yi quietly activated the "Eye of Sin".

Of all the people, he had the highest expectations for Maria and Alan.

Two souls in one body, Maria also possesses rare soul talents. These talents of "bravery", "decisiveness" and "indomitableness" are most vividly displayed in Ailan.

If Maria doesn't have a "heart of gold", then Xu Yi really can't think of anyone who can.

Alan holds the "Arrogance" Sin Bone, which is the most violent and powerful among all the Sin Bones.

A "heart of gold" shone in the center of Alan's chest, much brighter than Case's.

These are all within Xu Yi's expectations, but the next step is the key, which is Sinku's recognition of Ailan.

Ailan's hand trembled suddenly, a look of pain appeared on her face, but she did not let go, holding on to the arrogant sinful body tightly.

Arent's eyes widened, feeling incredible.

If it was just physical pain, he might still be able to persevere, but the stinging sensation was on the soul, and it was simply not a pain that people could bear.

Ailan and "Arrogant" Sinku were in a stalemate for five minutes. Ailan's face turned pale, but she had no intention of letting go.

She is an extremely proud person who cannot tolerate being rejected by a "piece of iron".

Even if she died here today, she wouldn't be able to let go.

Xu Yi noticed Ailan's thoughts and wanted to stop him, but at this moment, the "arrogant" sin skeleton suddenly stopped shaking.

Alan is accepted! Xu Yi was overjoyed.

Ai Lan smiled when she relaxed. The next second, she fell to the ground and was caught by Xu Yi.

"You did a great job, you can rest assured now." Xu Yi smoothed Ai Lan's frown.

(End of this chapter)

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