American exorcist god.

Chapter 270 The crew that set sail

Chapter 270 The crew that set sail

The "Journey of Sword Trial" was still going on. After getting off to a good start with Ailan, Xu Yi was in high spirits, but soon his face became darker and darker.

"Dad, please give me some strength! I managed to hold on for three seconds!"

"Carlisle, can you show your perseverance in studying Japanese late at night? You gave up after only three attempts?"

"Keith, you don't have to try, you've already passed!"

Xu Yi became more and more irritable, with "I hate iron but cannot turn into steel" written all over his face.

He created the "Alchemy Weapon: Seven Deadly Sins", but he was aiming for the mythical exorcism artifact.

Even if it is not able to reach this level when it is just created, it can definitely reach or even surpass it as it continues to devour and grow.

How can an ordinary exorcist have any chance of obtaining a mythical exorcism artifact?

Even the most common exorcism holy weapon is enough to suffocate.

If you miss this opportunity, I'm afraid it will be difficult to get it next time.

And the most important thing is that the sin skeleton is still bound to the individual. Except for Xu Yi, only they can use it.

"Next... Anna, would you like to try?" Xu Yi subconsciously slowed down his voice.

Ana became nervous instantly, and her palms were all sweaty.

William stood nearby, his heart suddenly hanging, and he could only cheer for his sister secretly.

He knew that his sister was interested in Xu Yi, to the point where she didn't even think about food and tea. Xu Yi asked him to come to Boston, and he mustered up the courage to mention it, trying to get a chance for his sister.

Unexpectedly, Xu Yi agreed simply and neatly.

Xu Yi looked at Anna in front of him with a complicated mood.

If you ask men what style of girls they like, some would say cute style, some would say royal sister style, and those with more unique tastes would even say tomboyish style.

But in the end you will find that they actually like anyone who is beautiful.

Xu Yi actually had a good impression of Anna, so he agreed to let her come over and give her a chance.

Of course, the most important thing is that the other party's favorability level reaches a rare 98, almost catching up with Maria and Lisa.

"Hey! This damn charm has nowhere to be released!" Xu Yi sighed in his heart.

Anna is very eager to pull out the guilty corpse, but unfortunately reality does not change according to human will. Anna does not have the heart of gold at all, and she does not let the guilty corpse accept her conditions.
  So of course, she failed.

The light in Anna's eyes dimmed, and those beautiful eyes lost their former aura.

"If you like, you can be my secretary and help me with daily things." At this moment, Xu Yi spoke slowly.

"Really?" Anna raised her head suddenly, and there was light in her eyes instantly.

"If you are willing, you can sign your name on it." Xu Yi took out a parchment, which was an "entry bond contract" that had not been used for a long time.

This was what he had thought about early on. It was only after he became the titled exorcist that he discovered that this "position" was quite annoying at times.

Since becoming the title exorcist, the number of visitors has increased day by day. Most of them are from major cities and high-level officials from major countries. Xu Yi is still embarrassed to refuse.

It's not because of the other party's special status. The difference in his eyes between those high-ranking officials and ordinary people is... there is no difference.

This is the confidence that comes from "the pinnacle of excellence in the world."

Xu Yi has roughly figured out the class represented by the entries. The "golden entries" belong to the realm of gods.

Although Jason's combat ability is a bit sluggish, whether it is "immortality" or "infinite evolution", they are undoubtedly the powers of the "true god".

Small evil gods like Ratma can only be regarded as "false gods" at best. The distance between false gods and true gods is further than that between ordinary people and false gods.

Therefore, the "light golden" blood throne is basically the pinnacle of the human world.

But Xu Yi didn't feel safe at all. There was a saying that was right. The more he knew, the more he was in awe.

He had just touched the thin layer of iceberg beneath the sea.

The reason why Xu Yi received those high-ranking officials was very simple. Those people came to give gifts, such as rare meteorites, lost mystical books...

The most outrageous thing is that they don't have any requirements, they just want to leave a good impression in front of him.

Who can refuse this? Who else is not confused?

So he needed a secretary to receive them.

Lisa and Maria didn't have time at all, and asking them to do such a thing was undoubtedly a small talent but a big use.

Carlisle was very willing to do this job, but as the "Second Ryan", how could Xu Yi let her choose to lie down. Although Allente is also qualified, he is more or less useless. After all, a male secretary is not as powerful as a "confidante".

Although those high-ranking officials could not see Xu Yi in person, they could know the relationship between Anna and her with a little investigation.

In this way, senior officials can willingly give away the gifts in their hands. After all, who doesn't understand the principle of pillow sex?
  And Xu Yi can sit back and relax and concentrate on his strength!

"In the future, Anna can be his spokesperson, specializing in dealing with ordinary people's affairs." Xu Yi thought to himself.

Anna didn't hesitate at all and signed her name on the parchment.

"Case, do you want to get a devil's contract?" Xu Yi looked at Case.

Keith's loyalty value actually reached 91, which Xu Yi did not expect.

"Mr. Xu Yi, I am very willing to be your demon disciple!" Keith also did not hesitate, took the contract and signed his name.

Can! This guy has really broadened the road!
  Lisa and William were the only ones left on the field who didn't try.

Lisa stepped forward and held the "lazy" sin body. The "Heart of Gold" appeared on Lisa's chest, but Xu Yi sighed in disappointment.

Because the golden heart is too dim, like a candle that is about to be extinguished.

He has observed that the heart of gold is actually not very rare. About one person in ten thousand people has it. This is actually a very high probability.

But most of them have dark hearts of gold like Lisa, and it is basically impossible to get the approval of the sinner.

"How is the industrial transfer going?" Xu Yi asked William next to him.

Under William's management, Buster Pharmaceutical Company prospered, and there were faint signs of becoming the leading pharmaceutical company in New York.

Xu Yi's future focus will definitely be in Boston. After all, the scientific research resources here are almost the richest in the world.

As a loyal follower of Xu Yi, William naturally wanted to come.

"Almost half!" William answered truthfully.

"Speed ​​up! You'll be busy soon!" Xu Yi urged.

When Xu Yi opened a company, he didn't just want to become a leading industry in the mortal world, he wanted to lead the trend in the extraordinary world.

He had a hunch that if he wanted to become a "true god", the resources consumed would be terrible, and the company would become a weapon for him to harvest resources.

So he must plan ahead.

While Xu Yi and William were chatting, Lisa had finished the "trial".

Xu Yizheng wanted to comfort Lisa and tell her not to be discouraged, but he suddenly raised his head and stared at the "lazy" sin in Lisa's hand.

Lisa was waving the "Lazy" Sin Skeleton, as if she was trying to see if she could take advantage of it.

Does this mean you passed the test? Xu Yi was a little stunned.

Although he and William were talking, most of his attention was still on Lisa. Lisa only frowned once when she first held the "lazy" sin skeleton, and then nothing else happened.

The "lazy" sin was in Lisa's hands, as docile as a kitten.

Isn’t this degree of compatibility too high?
  Xu Yi quickly understood the reason.

I originally thought that only Maria passed the test, but unexpectedly there was another Lisa. Xu Yi was in a good mood and felt like she could open the champagne tonight to celebrate.

"The last one, it's your turn, William!" Xu Yi urged.

William walked straight to the metal box and held the "Greed" corpse without hesitation.

If it matches a certain sinful corpse, you can directly feel it as long as you get close to it. Of course, it may also be chosen randomly, such as Ellente.

The "Greed" sin body shook, and the dazzling golden heart appeared. William endured the pain for a moment, and greed returned to calm.

William's heart of gold is not as bright as Alan's, and his compatibility is not as high as Lisa's. It happens to be in the middle, very balanced.

Xu Yi felt that tonight was no longer as simple as popping champagne to celebrate, it could just be a party by the wine pool!

There were actually three people who passed the test, and together with Case from before, four of the Seven Deadly Sins had already been confirmed as proxy hosts.

Xu Yi and William signed an entry bond and gave each other the entry "Body of a Wild Beast".

This green entry from Chainsaw Massacre Leatherface has been in Xu Yi's "pocket" for a long time, and there has never been a suitable opportunity to give it away. Now I just take this opportunity to give it away.

Xu Yi looked around with eager eyes.

These people will be his team to "set sail" in the future. As for whether they can sail through the "Sea of ​​True God", everything is still unknown.

(End of this chapter)

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