American exorcist god.

Chapter 271 You just say she’s pretty but not pretty, right?

Chapter 271 You just say she’s pretty but not pretty, right?
  Darkness fell, and in the remote suburbs, Xu Yi and Xu Changrong walked one behind the other.

"Where is the restaurant you mentioned?" Xu Changrong was confused at the moment.

After the barbecue party, Xu Yi suddenly asked him to take him to see a restaurant. Xu Changrong was very happy at first, feeling that his son had really grown up and knew how to respect his father.

The party had just ended, and the restaurant was already in place. It must have been prepared for his father.

But the further he walked, the more confused he became. What kind of restaurant would be placed in such a wilderness?
  "We're here!" Xu Yi suddenly stopped.

Xu Changrong's hands silently stretched to his waist. Today he wanted Xu Yi to see what the majesty of a father was.

There's not even a ghost in this place, so where's the restaurant?

Seeing that the son is still alive, the father draws out seven wolves!
  Seeing that Xu Changrong was ready to use the "magic weapon", Xu Yi quickly snapped his fingers and said, "The restaurant is here."

The Eight Demonic Houses slowly emerged from the sky, huge tentacles dancing in the air.

Xu Changrong looked at the Eight Demon Houses blankly. After a moment of silence, he came back to his senses.

During this time, he came into contact with many ghosts and evil spirits, and he was no longer the ignorant little chef in Chinatown.

"This is a restaurant? What kind of restaurant would be built in a tomb?"

Xu Changrong was still going crazy. He had a vague feeling that his dream of retirement might be dashed.

Xu Yi always thought that the appearance of the Eight Demon Houses looked like a fortress, but when Xu Changrong said it, it did look a bit like a tomb.

"Would it be better if we added a signboard?"

Xu Yi muttered to himself, then took out the "Xu's Restaurant" signboard from the toy treasure box and placed it on the Eight Demons House.

He stepped back to Xu Changrong and watched the effect with him. He suddenly broke into a cold sweat, and Xu Changrong's face turned black.

Fortunately, the plaque of "Xu's Restaurant" is vertical. When placed on the Eight Demons House, it looks like a tombstone in front of a grave.

"Calm down! Calm down!" Xu Yi quickly comforted his father, who had already pulled out half of the "Seven Wolves" from his waist.

He sighed. It seemed that his plan to save divinity was going to go to waste.

He connected with the ghost warrior. The ghost warrior in Yaoyao's house held the Misa Hammer, and the divinity was injected into Yayoi's house along the chain on the Misa Hammer.

The Yaoyao House began to change rapidly, and the rock-like material turned into wood.

The essence of Yaoyaoya is "semi-activated flesh and blood". Whether it is rock or wood, it is just an external disguise of flesh and blood, just like a chameleon.

After a while, a luxurious Chinese restaurant appeared in front of you. The main body was made of wood and painted with bright red paint. It was antique and decorated with carved dragons and painted roofs.

Xu Changrong secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Although this restaurant is not serious, which Chinese cook can refuse such an ancient restaurant? Who hasn’t dreamed of being a chef yet?
  "Didn't we agree that we need someone to accompany us?" Xu Changrong started to find fault.

"Follow me!" Xu Yi took the lead into the Eight Demons House.

Xu Changrong followed behind, looking around with surprise on his face. This restaurant is not a flashy restaurant, the decoration inside is equally luxurious.

Xu Yi's eyes were filled with distress. Doesn't it look good? This is all obtained in exchange for divinity.

It is true that Yaoyaoya can change the appearance and internal layout at will, but it requires divinity. He is in short supply of divinity now, and it is hard not to feel bad for it to be wasted in a place like this.

But if the Yaoyao House is not done well, it will be bad if my father becomes passive and slows down his work later.

"Dad, come here and see the employees I have prepared for you!" Xu Yi waved, and two employees Shi Shiran came over.

"Have you forgotten the request I told you?" Xu Changrong looked at the two people walking over and was instantly dumbfounded.

"I haven't forgotten! Women, you have to be pretty!" Xu Yi nodded with determination.

"Is this the kind of elegance I'm talking about?" Xu Changrong felt like he was about to collapse.

"Just tell me if she's a girl and not pretty, right?" Xu Yi simply broke the pot.

The corners of Xu Changrong's mouth twitched, and he couldn't refute these words.

Two women, one large and one small, stood in front of him. The older one was about sixteen or seventeen years old, while the younger one was only seven or eight years old and was still a ghost.

delicate and pretty! This is so damn delicate!
  "Let me introduce to you, this is Harada Mieko, who can be responsible for future outbound purchasing and other business." Xu Yi pointed at Harada Mieko and said.

Mieko Harada bowed deeply to Xu Changrong, and Xu Changrong hurriedly returned the bow.

"This is little Alice, she can be responsible for the reception work in the store!" Xu Yi pointed to another person and said. Little Ellie is the little girl who died in the hands of the evil god Max. As a devout believer of the Ghost Warrior, her remaining soul has always been attached to the Ghost Warrior's armor.

It was not until recently that the soul was resurrected by Xu Yi with the power of faith.

Little Alice walked and bounced. She used to be lame in one leg, but now she has become a ghost. She can finally walk normally and even jump three feet high.

Therefore, she was very interested and did not feel sad at all about "turning into a ghost". Instead, she found it fun.

"Hello, uncle!" Little Alice greeted very politely.

Xu Changrong smiled and nodded quickly. He had never been able to resist this kind of "little carrot head".

When Little Lisa sneaked into his kitchen for the first time, he gave Little Lisa the fried chicken wings that had just come out of the pan, and regular customers murmured at her for a long time afterwards.

"You guys go and play first!" Xu Yi watched Mieko Harada and little Alice leave, her expression suddenly becoming serious.

He looked at Xu Changrong and said, "Dad, I have something to ask you!"

"You tell me?" Xu Changrong was paralyzed on the sofa in the hall, with an expression of resignation.

He had already guessed it when Xu Yi brought him here.

"Dad, I need your help to find the source of original sin." Xu Yi took out the "seven-bead bracelet" he prepared early in the morning.

The tiny beads on the bracelet were actually the bones of the seven deadly sins. He spent a lot of effort to separate just a tiny bit from the bones.

That is to say, he is the master of the sinful body, otherwise he would not be able to do it.

Xu Changrong said nothing, took the bracelet, and listened quietly to Xu Yi's introduction to the use of the chain.

"In addition to the source of original sin, I also need you to find the divine remains!" Xu Yi said solemnly.

Naturally, he was searching for the divine skeleton in order to create the "Alchemy Weapon: The Seven Deadly Sins".

"Sin bones as raw materials" and "compared to the mythical exorcism holy weapon". Just hearing these two requirements, you know that the difficulty of making the weapon is completely "abyss plus level".

The crafting skills can be obtained through "Ando Ming's Blacksmithing Technique".

But skill is only the easiest part of forging. "Materials", "Flame", and "Array Migration" are the difficulties.

Naturally, the main material was sinful bones, and as auxiliary materials, Xu Yi planned to use a big one, all using mythical exorcism artifacts!
  You must know that the casting opportunity is only once. Once the sin bones are fused with other materials, it will be difficult to separate them, so it must be done in one step.

If you want to use it, use the best one!

If Xu Yi told this idea, others would definitely think he was crazy.

What a precious thing a mythical exorcist artifact is! Xu Yi actually wanted to melt it and then forge the weapon again?
  In fact, Xu Yi didn't have this idea at first. He just wanted to use some precious auxiliary materials to build it. But after he automatically obtained the "Eight-foot Magatama", this idea quietly crept into his head.

When he grabs the "Yata Mirror" and "Amancongyun Sword", well, if he doesn't use the mythical exorcism holy weapon as an auxiliary material now, I'm afraid that even if the forging is completed, he will suddenly wake up that night and regret it.

Isn’t this obsessive-compulsive disorder?

"Array migration" is the biggest difficulty in choosing mythical sacred artifacts as auxiliary materials. The only way Xu Yi can think of is to study the magic array science and then think of a solution.

"Flame" is a key part of forging. If the temperature of the flame is not enough, even the bones of sin cannot be melted, and forging weapons is even more nonsense.

But fortunately, the "burning fire" of the ghost warrior can barely melt the sinful bones, but it will take a little longer, which will test the "divinity".

"Burning Fire" is essentially the condensation of the power of Oni Samurai and Buster.

The divinity of the Nightmare Bones, the transcendent flesh and blood on the bones, the demon-suppressing flames of the Cat Spirit Sacred Tree, and the red lotus fire of the Demonic Knife.

Then through the medium of the Clay God Stone Stele, all the forces are integrated.

Only such an outrageous combination of forces can melt the sinful corpse.

Everything else is easy to talk about, because they are all renewable resources, but the "divine nature" is very tricky, and it will be gone after you use it.

With the divinity that the ghost warrior currently controls, he can forge at most two alchemical weapons, but it is absolutely impossible to forge seven.

Therefore, finding the divine remains has become a top priority.

"Sacred bones? What is that thing? Can I find it with my power?" Xu Changrong had a little self-doubt.

Shen Gu knew it was not simple as soon as he heard it. He was still barely able to deal with some evil spirits. How qualified was he to participate in such a thing?
  "Follow me!" Xu Yi, of course, considered this issue and waved to Xu Changrong.

(End of this chapter)

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