American exorcist god.

Chapter 272 The Golden Book of the Sun and the Black Book of the Dead

Chapter 272 The Golden Book of the Sun and the Black Book of the Dead

Xu Yi took Xu Changrong to the "patio", a deep ancient well leading to an unknown place.

The Land of the Patio is the core of Yaoyaoya and the only area that cannot be changed by divinity.

The ghost warrior stood quietly next to the ancient well. Although he was motionless, Xu Changrong could still feel the awe-inspiring power.

"This is a ghost warrior. The power he possesses is still a little worse than mine!" Xu Yi introduced softly.

Xu Changrong was even more surprised. Although he didn't know how strong his son was, he could still roughly guess it from the words of people around him.

The armor in front of me is actually on the same level as the title of Exorcist? !
  Xu Yi's next words made him widen his eyes, "From now on, this ghost warrior will be controlled by you."

Yes, Xu Yi plans to open the "permanent authority" of the ghost warrior for Xu Changrong.

He couldn't do it before, but now that he has the body of a demigod, coupled with the power of faith, he can open the mind channel of Xu Changrong and the ghost warrior.

This was a decision he made after careful consideration.

The power he has mastered has exceeded that of the ghost warriors, and there is no need for the ghost warriors to protect him. However, such a powerful force, if it rots in the warehouse, it will be a violent act.

Who controls the ghost warrior?
  Of course it couldn't be Mieko Harada. Although the other party had controlled a ghost warrior once and it was breathtakingly beautiful, this did not become the reason for Xu Yi to let her control him.

Such a powerful force must naturally be controlled by someone who is absolutely trustworthy.

There were only three options in his mind, "Lisa", "Maria", and "Dad Xu Changrong".

That's right, there are only three, and Carlisle is not among them. It's not that he can't trust Carlisle, it's just that the opponent's mentality is too bad.

Until now, Carlisle still regards herself as a "female college student who dreams of becoming a ballerina". Little does she know that she has become the second Ryan, the king of werewolves and vampires!
  The werewolves and vampires suffering from the wasting disease came to Carlisle. After Carlisle helped eliminate the wasting disease, the werewolves and vampires followed her lead.

But Carlisle didn't realize this at all, and just thought it was a small favor, just like her aunt helping a neighbor buy some bread.

"I hope Alan can make Carlisle change his mentality!"

Xu Yi sighed. He felt a headache because of the messed up Carlisle, so he ignored Carlisle's pitiful eyes and asked Ailan to take her to practice.

The main theme is that a "evil person" still needs to be "evil" to grind!

To this day, he can still remember Carlisle's dull expression as if he had been struck by a bolt from the blue.

Xu Yi chose his father Xu Changrong without much thought. The reason was simple: because it suited him.

Father Xu Changrong controls the Ghost Warrior, which is equivalent to getting the top-notch car of Yaoyaoya, which can go anywhere.

The ghost warrior can hunt dark creatures such as evil spirits for him, allowing him to use his dark chef abilities to cook "delicious" dark dishes, thus improving his own strength.

It can be seen that Xu Changrong is not averse to dark cuisine, otherwise he would not be so ghostly.

"Can I do it?" Xu Changrong began to doubt himself.

For others, fathers buy luxury cars and mansions for their sons, and hire professional bodyguards. But when it comes to Lao Xu's house, why is it the other way around?

"We, the old Xu family, can't say no!" Xu Yi said firmly.

Xu Changrong was speechless because these were the words he used to teach Xu Yi when he was a child.

"I will open the ghost warrior's permissions for you later." Xu Yi took out a small book and handed it over, "This is the operation manual. Dad, please familiarize yourself with it when you have time!"

Xu Changrong could only take it.

At this moment, the Annabelle doll on Xu Yi's waist suddenly vibrated.

"I almost forgot!" Xu Yi slapped his head, reached out and took out a small takraw ball from the space, and threw it towards the ancient well.

The little Tengqiu began to expand, but within a moment, it had returned to its original appearance. It was the Sacred Cat Spirit Tree that had been in the toy space.

The roots of the Holy Cat Spirit Tree cling to the wall of the ancient well and continue to extend downward. The leaves of salvation and the sleeping flower stretch out.

This ancient well was found by Ando Ming by chance. The water in the well contained some unknown power, so Ando Ming built the forging room with the ancient well as the center.

After the forging room was contaminated by the flesh and blood of Yamata no Orochi, the ancient well also changed. Its other functions are still unclear, at least it is beneficial to the cat spirit tree. “Introduce you to another friend, Buster.”

Xu Yi released Buster, the cat spirit in the treasure box space. As soon as Buster came out, he ran outside, like a wild horse running wild.

"Don't leave this room." Xu Yi warned, and then released all the cat souls, and the deserted Xu's restaurant suddenly became lively.

The cat spirit Buster was almost going crazy in the toy space. Xu Yi was afraid that it would suffer from "Jade Syndrome" and decided to change its living environment.

Xu Yi clapped his hands, feeling satisfied.

The Xu family restaurant in Xu Yi's eyes: the powerful ghost warrior who protects the restaurant, the ever-changing house cat spirit Buster, the outstanding Mieko Harada, and the cute and well-behaved little Alice, it's simply perfect!
  The Xu Family Restaurant in Xu Changrong's eyes: a suit of armor that doesn't move, a big cat spirit that's hard to control, a Japanese witch who doesn't understand the language, a child laborer that even the sinister boss despises, and a hopeless life!

After everything was taken care of, Xu Yi left Xu's restaurant and walked alone in the wilderness. He had to catch a plane to Egypt.


Egypt, Library of Alexandria.

Xu Yi sat at the desk, flipping through the documents left behind by Robert, and finally fixed his eyes on an "ancient page" with a solemn expression.

As soon as he arrived at the Egyptian airport, a special car took him to this library.

The original Library of Alexandria has long since disappeared into the dust of history. This new library was jointly funded by the church and Boston, and it also contains occult books.

The person who was supposed to pick him up asked Xu Yi if he wanted to go to the hotel first.

Although they were anxious, they knew they couldn't be anxious and they couldn't neglect Xu Yi just because they wanted to get Robert back.

But after Xu Yi heard about the Library of Alexandria, he immediately made his decision.

What the hell hotel? He is the man who wants to live in the library!
  The reason why they want to go to the Library of Alexandria is because Robert worked here before disappearing, and there may be some clues left here.

Xu Yi had just arrived, so he couldn't directly copy the occult information here. Although no one dared to care about him, he still planned to investigate Robert's affairs first.

"The security team Boston arranged for Robert is too rubbish! They don't even know where Robert disappeared."

Xu Yi secretly complained while translating the "ancient page".

If the security team knew Xu Yi's comments, they would definitely feel innocent.

Late one night Robert suddenly said he wanted to go out and he was in a hurry.

The security team didn't pay attention. They had worked together for so long, and they knew the "eccentricities" of Robert's genius scientist very well. They knew that it was impossible to stop him, and they could only arrange someone to protect him.

Burrault went to the desert. It was normal at first, but after the team arrived in a certain area, a sandstorm blew up strangely.

The scale of the sandstorm was frightening, and it lasted all night before stopping.

Then Robert lost contact, along with the entire security team, and the magic weapon used to locate Robert also failed.

The "ancient page" contained ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, and Robert had been trying to translate them before he disappeared.

In fact, the translation work did not belong to Xu Yi. Boston found several experts in this field, but when Xu Yi saw the hieroglyphics on the ancient pages, his heart suddenly moved.

This sister...ahem, I seem to have seen this hieroglyphics somewhere!

He searched around the memory palace and found that it actually existed, in the Finn family's information.

Comparing the ancient book, Xu Yi searched word by word and finally translated a few words.

"What meridian is the sun, what meridian is what is dark..."

Xu Yi muttered softly, and he shuddered suddenly, his eyes widening instantly.

Sun Golden Sutra! Undead black gold!
  The legendary book of origins of the magic circle!

(End of this chapter)

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