American exorcist god.

Chapter 273 Sandstorm and Extra Sun

Chapter 273 Sandstorm and Extra Sun

Xu Yi was afraid of problems such as "Master Kong" and "Kang Shuaifu", or "six walnuts" and "six nuclear bombs", so he did not rush to conclusions and translated word by word.

That's right, it is indeed the "Golden Sutra of the Sun" and the "Black Sutra of the Dead".

Although there was no concept of counterfeiting at that time, these two books were so important. They were the origin books of the magic circle.

Logically speaking, most knowledge-based things do not follow the theory of "the older they are, the better they are", because as long as someone studies it, knowledge will change with each passing day and gradually move towards a higher level.

Unless there has been a gap in this knowledge, "Alchemy" and "Arrayology" are the representatives.

The alchemical fault is caused by the mysterious destruction of the "Eye of Truth".

As for the science of magic circles, it was due to the loss of the Golden Book of the Sun and the Black Gold of the Undead, as well as the destruction of ancient Egypt.

Xu Yi inexplicably thought of the crow people in the Ring of Destruction.

Alchemy machinery of that level, placed in today's alchemy circles, is simply the difference between a Xiaomi plus rifle and an alien laser gun.

"Could it be that the Ring of Destruction has mastered ancient alchemy?" Xu Yi inevitably guessed.

Arrayology, its origin is in ancient Egypt. It was not called this name at first, but was called Inam, which means "the ability stolen from the gods."

The most classic example is the "Lance of Longinus", which was originally just an ordinary spear in the hand of the centurion Longinus, but after it stabbed Jesus and was contaminated with the blood of Jesus, it became a mythical holy weapon.

The reason why the spear can reach the sky in one step is because the divine blood of Jesus gives it the "holy magic circle".

In fact, all mythical holy weapons have holy magic circles.

The holy magic circle comes from God and is a power exclusive to God. The earliest pioneers to study this aspect were the priests of ancient Egypt.

They discovered that some strange patterns would appear on certain things that were contaminated with the flesh and blood of the true god, or the remains of the god.

The priests copied those patterns, and that was the earliest prototype of the magic circle.

By chance, the priest discovered that using certain materials to paint those patterns would produce magical abilities. From then on, the research on the magic circle began to get out of hand.

"Could it be that the difference between true gods and mortals is that their bodies contain the holy magic circle?"

Xu Yi suddenly thought of a problem. Although his current body was powerful, it could never reach this level.

Ancient Egypt once had an extremely prosperous period. During that time, countless talented people devoted themselves to the research of magic circles, and a large number of results emerged.

The pharaoh of the dynasty ordered people to integrate the essence of these magic circles, and finally compiled them into two strange books, namely the Golden Book of the Sun and the Black Book of the Dead.

After the two strange books disappeared, the dynasty of ancient Egypt quickly declined. A large number of priests died, causing the magic circle science to become extinct for a time. It has only recovered a little now.

It’s not like there are no people who want to imitate their ancestors and re-compile the Golden Book of the Sun and the Black Book of the Dead, but they soon discover that they are just blind monks pursuing alchemy - they want to eat shit!

In the ancient Egyptian era, true gods did exist, and every one of them was a militant, just like Brother Haonan who was fighting for territory. There would be a war every three days, and occasionally true gods would fall.

In this way, wouldn't the divine skeleton and the true god have more flesh and blood?

But after "Twilight of the Gods", the true god disappeared and there was no research material. What to use for research?

"I'm really sleepy, so give me a pillow!"

Xu Yi's interest in these two scriptures has gone beyond saving Robert. If Robert knew, he would probably faint in the toilet.

The Sinful Bones fused with the Mythic Sacred Artifact are not just thrown into the furnace and burned casually to create a Northeastern stew.

If he wants to retain the characteristics of the holy weapon, he must first transfer the "holy magic circle" on it and then imprint it on the new alchemical weapon.

Among them is the study of magic circles.

If you are not familiar with it, how can you talk about migration?

Xu Yi studied the ancient page over and over again, but did not get any valuable information, and there was no clue about Robert's disappearance.

He stood up and glanced around, ignoring the "bald detectives" who were immersed in searching for clues.

These famous experts on ancient Egypt are all elderly and extremely smart people, but their hair condition is unbearable.

Xu Yi touched his hair subconsciously and breathed a sigh of relief.

If he could find a few hair loss, the fright would be a hundred times more intense than when coconut milk suddenly appeared on the bedside when he woke up in the middle of the night. Xu Yi began to "sweep" the books and the ground.

The members of the rescue team glanced at Xu Yi and stopped paying attention. They didn't think Xu Yi could find any clues at all. Their positioning of Xu Yi was "high-end force deterrence."

After finding Robert, we can immediately get Robert out of danger.

"Turns out it was just to kill time!"

They felt more at ease when they saw Xu Yi just flipping through this book and that one.

Materials from this library are not allowed to be taken out.

Unconsciously, three days passed, the rescue team became more and more anxious, and the atmosphere in the library became more and more depressing.

Xu Yi acted as if nothing was wrong and he was doing whatever he was supposed to do.

It's not that he doesn't care about Robert's affairs. It's useless just to be anxious. Finding people is not something he is good at.

He used these three days to scan all the books in the Library of Alexandria into the Memory Palace. For this purpose, he stayed up two nights in the library.

Many of the occult books here are about magic circles.

Xu Yi didn't find it strange. After all, the library was built in Egypt, which is also the birthplace of the magic circle.

These days, the "Bald Detective Team" has also changed its research goals and turned it into a "treasure map."

They felt that Robert's disappearance must be related to the treasure map.

In Xu Yi's opinion, it was more like a ghost drawing than a treasure map. It was full of messy lines and incomprehensible symbols.

At this moment, rapid footsteps sounded, and everyone raised their heads. This was the library, and everyone was immersed in research. The sudden noise was very annoying.

The door of the library was pushed open violently, and a member of the rescue team gasped slightly, "Then...the sandstorm appeared again!"

Everyone stood up instantly, and Xu Yi's attention was also attracted.

The sandstorm the other party mentioned naturally refers to the sandstorm that caused Robert to disappear.

These days, they have put forward many speculations, one of which is that a sandstorm appeared, causing a gap in a different space to be opened, and Robert and others were involved in the different space, which is why they disappeared without a trace.

"There is also the sun. There is an extra golden sun in the sandstorm." The man continued.

Everyone frowned slightly, wondering if this person had drunk too much and was talking nonsense. How could there be an extra sun in the sandstorm?

Xu Yi was stunned for a moment, and his eyes suddenly widened.

That can't be the real sun. If this happens, there may be a possibility.

That is the Sun Golden Sutra being opened!

There are similar descriptions in relevant classics.

The rescue team members quickly discussed and decided to take the initiative.

They entered the sandstorm. Even if they were just trying their luck, it would be better than staying in the library and "waiting for death."

This is not an adjective. If they sit here again, Robert will be "killed" sooner or later.

The convoy quickly assembled, and after some discussion, they decided to break the library's rules and bring all the materials they had researched these days with them.

The information was placed in a safe, and for safety reasons, it was naturally given to Xu Yi for safekeeping.

The convoy ran all the way, and Xu Yi could already see the sandstorm from a distance. The people in the rescue team did not exaggerate. The sandstorm covered the sky and the sun, and it was like the end of the world.

In the center of the sandstorm, a golden sun could be seen, and Xu Yi felt a strange aura from above.

He became more and more certain that it was the fluctuation caused by the Sun Golden Sutra.

The sun disappeared quickly, but the sandstorm continued. The driver silently pressed the accelerator to the bottom. Although the last sandstorm lasted all night, they did not dare to gamble and must seize the time.

(End of this chapter)

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