American exorcist god.

Chapter 274 You Have the Way of Death

Chapter 274 You Have the Way of Death

The convoy was rushing along and when they came to the edge of the sandstorm, Xu Yi suddenly shouted angrily, "Be careful!"

But it was too late. The off-road vehicle shook violently and something exploded under the vehicle.

The explosion was not fatal, it just overturned the off-road vehicle to the ground, but a special wave followed. Xu Yi heard a buzzing in his ears, and was in a trance for a moment, then returned to normal.

Xu Yi was a little surprised. With his current physical condition, even if he was in the center of the bomb, this situation would not happen.

"Vano bomb?!" A word flashed in his mind.

This kind of reaction, this kind of effect, he could only think of such a thing.

Could it be that the people from the Ring of Destruction wanted to ambush him?

No wonder he thinks so, the Vano bomb is an alchemical product that has been lost long ago.

In his impression, only the Ring of Destruction has the ability to create such lost alchemy products.

Xu Yi's muscles tensed up, ready to activate "Blood as Holy" at any time.

He knew very well that if it was an attack from the Ring of Destruction, what would follow would be a flood-like bombardment.

It's just a pity that the rescue team will be affected. The driver fell unconscious on the steering wheel. The fluctuations of the Vano bomb are aimed at the soul, which is very difficult to prevent.

"We've all fainted. Hurry! We'll leave immediately after finding the guide map!" The man's hoarse voice suddenly came.

Guiding Saint Picture? Xu Yi was slightly startled.

Just when he was in a daze, the car door was opened.

Xu Yi clenched his fist subconsciously. The power gathered by this fist was enough to smash a hill, but he suddenly stopped, and the expression on his face was still a little dull.

"Moy! There's someone here who's still awake!" A large fat man pointed at Xu Yi and screamed.

"Idiot, didn't I tell you before? Don't call me by your real name, call me by your codename!" came a female voice with a smoky voice.

"Oh! Poisonous Scorpion, there is someone here who is still awake. Is there something wrong with the Vano bomb you made?" Fatty's main character is to be obedient.

"You just screamed, what's the use of switching back now!"

You don't need to look at her expression to know that the woman speaking must have a look of helplessness on her face.

Mo Yi looked into the car, looked at the sober Xu Yi, and said to himself: "That shouldn't be the case! Could it be that the old cripple deceived me and sold me inferior materials?"

"It's probably like that! One look at that old cripple and he's not a good person. His eyes are always glued to you, his eyes are narrowed, and he has a vulgar look on his face." The fat man cursed angrily.

The two of them actually started chatting like no one else was around.

Xu Yi felt like at this moment, Ye Gucheng and Ximen Chuixue were fighting on the top of the Forbidden City. Ye Gucheng was secretly preparing to use the flying immortal, but suddenly he found that the person who climbed up on the roof was actually a young man who had just stepped into the world. Rookie.

Not the Ring of Destruction, but two stupid thieves, no, it should be three.

There was also a scar-faced man who was rummaging for something in the car behind him. Although he was wearing a mask, the huge scar spread all the way to his forehead, which was too conspicuous.

"Look, there's a password box here!" The fat man pointed at the metal box at Xu Yi's feet and screamed.

"Boy, if you know what's going on, open the box quickly, otherwise I can't guarantee whether there will be an extra hole in your head!"

Scarface heard the commotion, walked over, and aimed his gun at Xu Yi's head, blood flashing in his eyes.

Is this a ruthless character? Xu Yi understood instantly.

The two people before were just stupid thieves, but the person in front of him was definitely a vicious thug. He has come into contact with many perverted murderers and feels that he can never go wrong.

The other party is also an exorcist, and his strength is at least at the elite level.

But for Xu Yi, who was just a slightly stronger ant, he had already sentenced him to death.

What I hate the most is someone pointing a gun at me jpg!

"Don't you know me?" Xu Yi did not take action immediately.

The Holy Guidance Picture these people mentioned reminded him inexplicably of the "Ghost Drawing Talisman".

A group of ancient Egypt scholars couldn't figure out the name of Zhang Gui's talisman, but they learned it from a gang of three people, which gave him a new idea.

"Who are you? Why should we know you?" The fat man looked at Xu Yi with disdain, feeling that this person was really stupid and could not figure out the situation until now.

Even if you are the son of a wealthy Arab, as long as they are cruel and pull the trigger, you will not die on the spot.

The camouflage ability of Xu Yi's demigod body is so strong that these people can't find any flaws. The fat man thought the pretty boy in front of him would yell and say something like, "My dad is so-and-so", but he didn't expect the other party to pat his chest and let out a long sigh of relief, "That's good! That's good!"

It seems that not every exorcist knows him, especially in a place far away from the United States like Egypt.

Xu Yi's actions confused the fat man, thinking to himself, could the person in front of him still be a wanted criminal?

"Open the box! Now!"

The fierce light in Scarface's eyes flashed away. He didn't want to talk nonsense, so he moved the pistol two inches closer and pressed it against Xu Yi's forehead.

Because the raw materials used in the Vano bomb are not very good, the effect is also very poor. It can only make people unconscious for two minutes at most. The time is almost up.

You have a way to die!

Xu Yi glanced at Scarface, but still chose to open the metal box. He wanted to verify whether these people really knew about the "ghost painting charm".

The box was opened, and Moi rummaged through it. When he found the ghost talisman, his eyes lit up, and he nodded towards Scarface.

The three robbers were very happy, and Xu Yi was also very happy. They finally found someone who knew the goods!

"This person knows Sister Moi's name, what should we do?" the fat man suddenly asked.

"Kill him!" Scarface said nothing but wanted to pull the trigger.

But Moi pushed Scarface's hand away, "Forget it, don't cause trouble, let's leave quickly! I'm not the only one with this name."

Scarface put away the gun. No one involved had any objections, and of course he wouldn't do anything unnecessary.

"We'll be right away..." Scarface said mid-sentence when his expression suddenly changed and he pointed his gun at the surroundings.

The people in the rescue team have woken up. They are all elites selected from a million. If it were not for the unexpected victory of the lost Vano alchemy bomb, they would not be in such a mess.

"No one is allowed to move, or I will kill him!"

Scarface suddenly had an idea and aimed his gun at Xu Yi, taking Xu Yi as a hostage.

The people in the rescue team looked at Scarface like a fool.

It's not a good choice to take as a hostage, but Mr. Xu Yi. I'm afraid Mr. Xu Yi can kill these three stupid thieves with just a few clicks of his fingers.

Didn’t you see that they didn’t even open their holsters? This is the absolute trust in Mr. Xu Yi!

But soon their eyes widened.

Xu Yi came out of the car tremblingly and raised his hands, "Yes! Don't shoot, I don't want to die yet!"

What kind of acting skills is this of a billionaire actor! Mr. Xu Yi, if you go to Hollywood to participate in a movie, if you don't win the Oscar, all the judges of that session should be shot!

Xu Yi turned his back to the three robbers and winked at the captain of the rescue team.

Although the captain didn't know what Xu Yi was going to do, he still understood the meaning and cooperated to stage a "cop and robber kidnapping drama". Finally, he watched the three robbers take Xu Yi and disappear into the wind and sand.

Crazy sand rushed towards his face, Scarface took out a magic weapon, and the burst of light from the magic weapon blocked the wind and sand and protected the four people.

"What are we going to do about this guy?" Fatty asked, pointing at Xu Yi.

"Take them first!" Scarface didn't have a kind heart. He was afraid that those people would catch up and use Xu Yi as a hostage.

Xu Yi was very cooperative, even a little too much, and automatically put on the self-destructing neck ring.

The two of them guarded Xu Yi. Mo Yi frowned and stared at the ghost-drawing talisman, muttering something in his mouth. This made Xu Yi more and more certain that the other party definitely knew what it was.

The four-person team trekked through the wind and sand. Occasionally they needed to stop to let Moi decipher the guide map.

They came to the center of the sandstorm, and the yellow sand in all directions roared like wild beasts.

"Follow me closely! Don't lose me!"

Moi said a word and moved forward in the wind and sand in a strange route.

I don’t know how long it took, but my eyes suddenly brightened up, the wind and sand disappeared, and everyone stared blankly at the giant thing in front of them.

It was an extremely huge pyramid, the end of which was difficult to see at a glance.

The weirdest thing is that the pyramid is upside down, with the tip inserted into the ground and the four flat corners arching toward the sky.

"Sure enough, you still have to find professionals to do professional things!"

Xu Yi's eyes were sparkling at this moment, and he felt the strange smell lingering in the air, coming from the golden sun.

(End of this chapter)

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