American exorcist god.

Chapter 275 Obtaining the Golden Sutra of the Sun

Chapter 275 Obtaining the Golden Sutra of the Sun
  Xu Yi stared at the "inverted pyramid" in front of him, but the corner of his eye was looking at Moi. He was a little curious about this woman's identity.

Being able to make lost alchemy bombs and interpret the so-called Saint Guide Map, the identity of the other party is definitely not ordinary.

But it was also thanks to the other party that he successfully entered here. If such a majestic and strange "inverted pyramid" appeared in the real world, it would have caused a sensation long ago.

This is obviously a different space.

Generally speaking, it is a troublesome thing to enter the pyramid.

As the tomb of the Pharaoh, the pyramid will be completely sealed with huge rocks when it is built, but now they don't have to worry about this problem.

The pyramid in front of me collapsed with a big hole for some unknown reason.

Xu Yi's face was gloomy, and clothes were scattered around the entrance of the cave. They were the uniforms of Robert's security team.

There was only a withered skeleton left inside the costume, and their flesh and blood had been eaten away by something.

Robert and his party had obviously been here.

Xu Yi looked around and didn't find Robert's "wool coat". He breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe Robert was still alive.

"Go in!" Scarface pointed his pistol at Xu Yi and ordered.

Once here, there is no need to worry about pursuing soldiers, but there are many traps in the pyramid. Xu Yi can use them to "clear mines", which can be regarded as making the best use of everything.

Xu Yi is not in a hurry to deal with the three tool men. The three of them are quite useful, especially Moi.

"As a tool man, of course you have to give full play to your light and heat!"

Scarface would never have imagined that Xu Yi's thoughts at the moment were the same as his.

"What do you want to do here?" Xu Yi asked, wanting to find out more.

"Shut up! If you talk again, I'll kill you with one shot!" Scarface shouted.

Xu Yi gave the other party a cold look, but decided to let the other party dance for a while.

Scarface suddenly shuddered. He didn't see Xu Yi's gaze and felt that the temperature inside the pyramid had dropped.

The deeper into the pyramid, the darker it became. Moi turned on the flashlight, and the bright beam of light swept over, and a touch of gold suddenly came into view.

Moi was stunned for a moment, then moved the flashlight back. The light beam was fixed on that golden light, and Moi's pupils involuntarily dilated.

Xu Yi's pupils were also dilated. In the corner of the underground palace lurked a golden scorpion that was half a man tall. The gold on its body was too conspicuous and could not be hidden at all.

The golden scorpion exudes a strong icy aura and is obviously a dark creature. With Xu Yi's current strength, it is obviously impossible for him to be surprised just by seeing a dark creature.

The reason why he was surprised was because there was a book inlaid on the back of the golden scorpion.

The cover of the book is golden, extremely thick, as if it is made of pure gold. The center of the cover is engraved with a golden sun, surrounded by dense and mysterious marks.

It's unmistakable, that unique aura is impossible to fake.

"Sun Golden Sutra!" Scarface suddenly shouted angrily. Unable to bear the greed in his heart any longer, he rushed towards the golden scorpion.

The golden scorpion seemed to be frightened, so it crawled into the hole next to it and fled deeper.

The movements of the four people were almost the same, and they all chased the golden scorpion.

The route in the cave was complicated. Xu Yi was soon separated from the trio of robbers. Scarface ignored Xu Yi at all. At this moment, he only had golden scorpions in his eyes.

On the other hand, Mo Yi frowned and glanced at Xu Yi's back. If the other party wanted to escape, there was no need to follow him into the tunnel.

Are you afraid that the collar around your neck will explode? She could only guess so.

The reason why Xu Yi wanted to stagger away from the three people was because he wanted to take a shortcut, and the straight line between two points was the shortest.

These solid stone layers can stop ordinary people, but they cannot stop him. His body is a powerful stone crusher.

He used his psychic ability to lock onto the Golden Scorpion, then forced a shortcut to intercept it in front of the Golden Scorpion.

The golden scorpion was startled by the sudden appearance of Xu Yi, and subconsciously swung its scorpion tail and stabbed Xu Yi. Xu Yi did not dodge, and reached for the Sun Golden Sutra on the back of the golden scorpion.

Just when he was about to get the Golden Sutra of the Sun, the ground suddenly collapsed, and people and monsters mixed with gravel fell downwards.

When Scarface arrived, he only saw a flash of gold flashing through the hole. He hesitated for two seconds and jumped in.

The wind roared in his ears, and Scarface hit the ground heavily. Fortunately, the hole was not too high from the ground, and his body was strong enough, but he only suffered some skin injuries. The sounds of heavy objects falling to the ground were heard one after another, and Moi and Fatty also followed.

Scarface heard the noise coming from the front, ignored the two of them, and chased after the sound. He suddenly stopped, his eyes filled with desire that could not be concealed.

The limbs of the golden scorpion were scattered on the ground, and thick dark green blood was splashed. Xu Yi stood next to the body of the golden scorpion, holding a golden book in his hand.

Sun Golden Sutra!

"Hand over what you have in your hands!" Scarface yelled angrily.

At this moment, he only had the Sun Golden Sutra in his eyes. He was completely confused and ignored some fatal details.

He couldn't fall to death from such a height. How could the Golden Scorpion be broken into pieces? Why did Xu Yi appear in front of them?

Mo Yi and Fatty also rushed over. Their desire for the Sun Gold Sutra was not that strong, so they could still maintain a trace of sanity.

They felt that something was wrong. The "hostage"'s expression was too calm, so calm that he was even a little indifferent.

It seemed that what was pointed at him was not a pistol, but a child's toy; what he wore around his neck was not a collar that could explode at any time, but a decorative necklace.

When they saw the scorpion stumps scattered on the ground, they shuddered slowly and subconsciously retreated.

"Oh, are you ordering me?" Xu Yi looked at Scarface expressionlessly.

Scarface was impatient. He walked forward in a few steps and wanted to snatch the Sun Golden Sutra from Xu Yi's hand.

But his body suddenly became cold, and when he met Xu Yi's cold eyes, his body trembled involuntarily, as if the person standing in front of him was not a human being, but some terrifying beast.

At this moment, his reason finally came back, and he wanted to escape, but it was too late.

His limbs suddenly hurt, and then he couldn't feel their limbs anymore.

His hands and feet were torn off by Xu Yi, and blood spurted out. Xu Yi threw the broken limbs aside and fused them with the golden scorpion's broken limbs.

Xu Yi pulled off the self-destructive collar around his neck. The mechanism on the collar was activated and exploded. Xu Yi stood in the center of the explosion, motionless.

The smoke of the explosion gradually dissipated. A series of things happened so fast that Moi didn't react until then.

She filled the explosives in the collar. She was very aware of the lethality of those alchemical gunpowders to living things. Seeing Xu Yi being enveloped by the explosion, she breathed a sigh of relief quietly.

The next second, Moi's pupils suddenly shrank. The fat man next to her had the same reaction as her, and he wanted to escape.

"You guys dare to take the fifth step and try?"

Xu Yi stood at the center of the explosion, unscathed, except that his shirt was slightly damaged. He looked at the two people trying to escape and spoke calmly.

The two of them suddenly stopped. The fat man had one leg hanging in the air, and he didn't dare to fall down because this was his fifth step.

His body leaned forward and one leg was in the air, so he could only fall forward.

The fat man grimaced in pain, but his first reaction was not to cry out in pain, but to look back at Xu Yi, fearing that the distance of throwing him would be considered the fifth step.

Seeing that Xu Yi made no other movements, he breathed a sigh of relief.

If you can't take the fifth step, is this a five-step snake?

Fatty felt resentful in his heart, but he didn't dare to express it at all.

Moi's face turned pale. She realized that she had kicked an iron plate, and it was a titanium alloy iron plate.

It's not that there's something wrong with the quality of the Vano bomb, it's that the opponent is strong enough to be immune to the Vano bomb!

Is that human being? Moi was frightened.

Xu Yi ignored the two people who were frightened. He stared at the Sun Gold Sutra in his hand and frowned.

The Sun Golden Sutra is not fake, he can be sure of this.

But getting such a precious treasure so easily made him feel unreal.

He raised his head and looked around.

Not only was there something wrong with this place, but he couldn't tell what was wrong for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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