American exorcist god.

Chapter 276 The conspiracy of the Ring of Destruction

Chapter 276 The conspiracy of the Ring of Destruction

Deep inside the inverted pyramid.

Robert walked in the dark corridor, somewhat like taking a leisurely stroll.

The traps on the road could not harm him. He was surrounded by a light red film, and those terrifying magic circles were eliminated by an invisible force.

If Xu Yi saw this scene, he would be so surprised that he could not speak.

Boston's top management tried their best to save him, but Robert was not in danger at all. Entering the strange inverted pyramid was like returning to his own back garden.

"The puppet was destroyed and our actor, the Golden Scorpion, took his last breaths, but his mission was completed."

A sound suddenly sounded in the corridor. The sound was very strange, full of the crisp sound of metal collision.

Robert turned his head and looked to the upper left, where a red copper-colored mechanical bird was suspended.

The mechanical bird is only the size of a palm, and its wings are slightly fluttered, but it is obviously able to float in the air and has little to do with these wings.

The back of the mechanical bird is hollow, with one red and two blue hands rotating counterclockwise inside, and you can see the extremely complex mechanical structure below.

If Xu Yi were here, he would definitely be able to recognize the origin of the "red copper clock bird" at a glance. The bird's head is engraved with the pattern of a door.

That's the symbol of the Ring of Destruction.

"You guessed it right, Xu Yi is actually here!" Robert sighed at the red copper clock bird.

"It's just a basic judgment! With your importance to Boston, they will definitely come to rescue you. The most certain way, of course, is to ask Xu Yi."

Human complacency flashed through the clockbird's sapphire-like pupils.

"There is no guidance along the way. Aren't you afraid that he won't find it here?" Robert was a little confused.

You must know that this place is located in a different space. Even if he left a guide map, it would be very difficult to find this place.

"The more arrangements there are, the easier it is to be exposed. Don't underestimate the opponent's ability."

Robert nodded and had to admit that the other party's idea was correct and the plan was indeed successful.

"When can I return to the organization?" Robert suddenly asked.

"Quickly! Hollow out all the valuable things in Boston, and you can return to the organization." The clock bird flew down on the backpack behind Robert to save energy.

They didn't reach their destination for a while, and Robert was particularly interested in talking.

"Is Xu Yi really that difficult to deal with? He's even willing to use the Golden Scripture of the Sun as bait!"

The red copper clock bird did not answer directly, but talked about another thing.

"We have secretly investigated Xu Yi and found that the other party's growth rate is too alarming. If the sea of ​​gods had not dissipated after Ragnarok, we even doubted that the other party would be the reincarnation of the gods!"

Clock Bird suddenly changed his voice, "With the Hawala Labyrinth, even if you can't kill the opponent, you can still make the opponent quiet for a while. Recently, the organization was made a little uncomfortable by the group of maggots from the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization."

Robert nodded clearly, he already had the answer in his heart.

It seems that Xu Yi is indeed very difficult to deal with, otherwise based on his understanding of the organization, he would never have used such a "cowardly" method.

They called the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization "flies", "maggots", and "cowards hiding in the shadows".

The Ancient God Sacrifice Organization's mockery of them was much simpler, calling them "madmen".

As a member of the Ring of Destruction, he had to clarify that this was not a mockery, but a fact...the people in the Ring of Destruction were indeed a group of lunatics.

"Isn't it a pity to give the Sun Golden Sutra away like this?"

Robert was very distressed when he thought about this trap, which actually required sacrificing the Sun Golden Sutra.

You must know the Golden Book of the Sun and the Black Book of the Dead, but the book of origin of the magic circle is a rare treasure even in the Ring of Destruction.

"The organization has thoroughly understood these two books. There is nothing to regret. Moreover, I also left a surprise in the Golden Sun Book. It is impossible for the other party to get this advantage in vain." Clock Bird said lightly.

The Clock Bird naturally knew that he was reluctant to let go of his children and could not trap the wolf. Without the temptation of the Sun Golden Sutra, it would be basically impossible for Xu Yi to enter the Hawala maze.

"I hope our Mr. Xu Yi can have a good experience in the Hawala maze!" Robert responded casually to cover up his dissatisfaction.

The higher-ups of the organization had indeed studied it thoroughly, but he had never even touched the Golden Book of the Sun and the Black Book of the Dead. He originally thought about applying for it and studying it after returning to the organization, but he didn't expect it to be gone now.

"Actually, we brought not only the Golden Scripture of the Sun, but also the Black Scripture of the Dead!" Clock Bird suddenly said.

Robert's eyes lit up, and he thought to himself, could it be that his efforts were finally noticed by the organization, and the Black Book of the Dead was specially brought for him to study?

But soon, his eyes dimmed.

"Next, I need your assistance to speed up the process of the emperor's resurrection through the Black Book of the Dead!" the red copper clock bird said in a deep voice.

Although Robert was disappointed, he knew that he was not qualified to bargain, so he respectfully said yes.


Xu Yi frowned as he looked at the scattered remains of the golden scorpion in front of him.

They're back here again, for the fifth time!

After obtaining the Sun Golden Sutra, he wanted to leave, and then found that this area was actually a maze.

Although Xu Yi has good memory and spatial ability, he doesn't want to crack it stupidly.

He has a special way of cracking the maze, which is to "push all the way".

The solid stone wall could not stop him at all. After determining the direction, he walked straight and smashed the wall with his iron fist when he encountered it.

He has been walking in the maze for more than half an hour. Logically speaking, such a long time is enough for him to walk back and forth in the pyramid, but he is still trapped here.

Xu Yi looked behind him. Behind him was a straight "artificial passage" that he, a worker, dug out with his own hands.

What went wrong?

He realized that it was impossible to get out of this maze with brute force alone.

"It's over! It's the Hawala maze! We're done!" Moi suddenly fell to the ground, his eyes blank.

Xu Yi did not kill the "robber trio", so Moi wouldn't say anything. The identity of the other party made him very curious.

Fatty was just an insignificant person, but Xu Yi was worried that killing him would put too much pressure on Moi.

When the other party has a psychological breakdown and is unwilling to take him out of this alien space, it will be troublesome.

The fat man was carrying a "human stick" on his back, which was Scarface whose limbs had been torn off.

Scarface's wound was sprayed with special hemostatic medicine and wrapped in a bandage, so he wouldn't die for a while.

Xu Yi didn't even kill Scarface, not because he was merciful, but because he had a vague hunch that the other person was still useful.

"What is the Hawala maze?" Xu Yi asked, and Moi seemed to recognize the origin of the maze.

"The Hawala Labyrinth is a masterpiece of the ancient Egyptian dynasty. The Pharaoh summoned a large number of priests and asked them to use the power of the magic circle to construct a labyrinth."

Mo Yi looked desperate, "When the maze was built, they claimed that even if a god walked into it, if he didn't understand the magic circle, he wouldn't be able to leave."

It is indeed a magic circle! Xu Yi knew clearly in his heart. He had vague suspicions about this before, but now he was [-]% sure.

Ordinary magic formations are usually used for defense or attack, but the magic formation in front of you is different. It is countless times more advanced.

"Is it a hallucination? No! It should be...sensory hypnosis!"

Xu Yi's heart continued to sink, and he knew he was in big trouble.

You must know that he can have the body of a demigod and even his senses can be hypnotized, which shows how terrifying this magic circle maze is.

"According to you, as long as you understand the magic circle, you can leave here, right?" Xu Yi looked at Moi.

"Are you the master of the magic circle?" Mo Yi suddenly raised his head and stared at Xu Yi with expectant eyes.

"I only know a little bit about it, but..." Xu Yi suddenly changed his voice and took out the Sun Golden Sutra, "I can learn it now."

Mo Yi's eyes lit up. She didn't expect it just now. The Sun Golden Sutra, which is known as one of the origins of the magic circle, was in their hands.

If you have thoroughly studied this scripture, why worry about not being able to leave here?

Xu Yi opened the Sun Golden Sutra with a smile on his face, and then he was stunned, and his face instantly turned gloomy.

The pages of the Sun Golden Sutra suddenly dimmed.

(End of this chapter)

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