American exorcist god.

Chapter 279 Who are you lying to?

Chapter 279 Who are you lying to?

Deep in the pyramid, Robert stood in front of the circular pool.

There is black liquid flowing in the pool, and tiny insects are swimming in it. Anyone who comes close to the pool will be attacked wildly by them.

The golden coffin of the Pharaoh stood in the center of the pool. The golden coffin kept shaking. Black smoke rose from the sculpture of the Pharaoh on the surface. The black smoke turned into a skull and roared at Robert.

"It's time to greet our great emperor, Ramses II, who has awakened!" the red copper clock bird said in a deep voice.

Among the names of Ramses, only Ramses II can be called the "Great Emperor", and the others are just stars adorning the sun and moon.

Ramesses II is the most famous pharaoh in the ancient Egyptian dynasty, a true pharaoh.

After the words fell, an invisible wave spread out from the clock bird, and the black liquid in the pool was separated, forming a channel that led directly to the Pharaoh's golden coffin.

"Go! Give the Black Book of the Dead to our great emperor. My aura can easily cause misunderstandings, so I'll leave this matter to you." The red copper clock bird said softly.

Robert held the Black Book of the Dead and felt a hundred reluctances in his heart.

Sacrificing the Black Book of the Dead to Emperor Rameses can speed up the emperor's recovery and return to his peak faster, while also allowing the emperor to control the power of the dark magic circle.

But once a sacrifice is made, the Black Book of the Dead will be "annihilated."

He already felt it was a pity that the Golden Book of the Sun was gone, and now the Black Book of the Dead is also gone...

But he said nothing and walked straight towards the golden coffin.

He knew his identity very well. Although his scientific research ability was very strong, geniuses like him abounded in the Ring of Destruction.

There is only a thin line between genius and madness.

The red copper clock bird looked at Robert's back and felt a sense of relief.

Trapping Xu Yi in the Hawala Labyrinth and using the Black Book of the Dead to awaken Emperor Ramesses, its plan this time was completely accomplished!

At this moment, the sound of breaking wind suddenly came from behind, and Robert subconsciously turned his head to look, but he could not see anything.

The clockbird's sapphire pupils have super-dynamic vision. It saw clearly what was approaching rapidly, and an expression of disbelief flashed in its pupils.

Xu Yi? !

How could the other party appear here? Shouldn't the other party be trapped in the hawala maze? Clockbird was puzzled.

Xu Yi's process of deciphering the Hawala maze was not smooth.

Although he has learned the knowledge of the magic circle from the Sun Golden Scripture, there is still a long way to go before he can use it.

Fortunately, he can speed up the process by burning entries to obtain "occult inspiration."

Some dark creatures that are usually destroyed will also swallow some entries. Those low-level entries have no improvement effect on him now, so they all become "firewood".

After leaving the Hawala Labyrinth, he felt something abnormal deep in the pyramid, so he used his ability to sneak in the dark and quietly touched it.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived, he saw the scene of the Black Book of the Dead being sacrificed, so he took action decisively.

After being stunned for a moment, the red copper clock quickly reacted.

The clock running on its back suddenly stopped, and with it as the center, the space with a radius of 500 meters suddenly "frozen".

The water in the pool stopped flowing, and even the sound of the howling wind disappeared.

"Time stops!" came the indifferent voice of the clock bird.

If it were anyone else, they would definitely be frightened by the clock bird. After all, with the taboo power of "time standing still", anyone would be wary of taking action directly.

But Xu Yi's movements didn't pause at all, and he crashed straight into the solidified field.

The four birds were stunned for a moment. They did not expect that the other party would be so decisive.

"They are all thousand-year-old foxes. Who can they deceive by pretending to be a fairy tale?" Xu Yi was disdainful. Xu Yi is very familiar with the fluctuations of time. The essence of resurrection coins is the countercurrent of time. The "time still" field in front of him is simply fake.

The purpose is to scare him and buy time.

Xu Yi activated "Blood as Holy" with all his strength, his speed soared to the extreme, and it took only a blink of an eye to reach the altar in the center of the pool.

The Pharaoh's golden coffin shook violently and cracked a gap. A hand wrapped in linen stretched out and grabbed the Black Book of the Dead in Robert's hand.

Although Emperor Ramesses had just woken up, he still sensed the aura of the Black Book of the Dead, and even felt the threat of Xu Yi.

"Don't reach out, otherwise you will be cut!"

Xu Yi stretched out a finger, and the "holy" power gathered at the fingertips, turning into a scorching sword of holy flames, slashing down from top to bottom, and Ramesses' hand was broken in response.

Robert originally wanted to hide the Black Book of the Dead, but he felt the eyes behind him that were like the gaze of death. In the end, he did not dare to do anything and just held the Black Book of the Dead blankly.

He finally understood why the Ring of Destruction found Xu Yi difficult to deal with.

He had only experienced this kind of terrifying power from a few senior figures in the Ring of Destruction.

Xu Yi grabbed the Black Book of the Dead, quickly turned the pages, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

Perfect! There are no alchemical potions on it!

He quickly put the Black Book of the Dead into the toy space. If it weren't for the unlucky nature of "opening champagne at halftime", he would have wanted to celebrate with two bottles of wine.

This can also be regarded as "the end of all hardships". I just learned the Golden Sutra of the Sun, and immediately obtained the Black Sutra of the Dead. It was simply a double happiness.

The copper clockbird didn't even speak, but instead let out a shrill cry to express its anger.

If he knew the knowledge in the Sun Golden Sutra and learned it from Xu Yi, he would probably be furious!

The ground shook violently, and the heavy coffin door fell to the ground, sending up smoke and dust all over the sky.

Emperor Ramesses, who was wrapped in linen, stepped out of the golden coffin, holding the Pharaoh's scepter, and scanned the whole place with his dark pupils.

"Now that you see your Lord, why don't you kneel down and worship?"

Ramses the Great spoke ancient Egyptian, but it contained the sound of the soul, so everyone present could understand what he meant.

When he was commanding ancient Egypt, all the areas and people he saw belonged to him, so he believed that the people in front of him should kneel down to him as a matter of course.

However, the behavior of the two people in front of him was a bit beyond his expectation.

One of them ran away with his head down.

Emperor Ramesses could understand this. After all, he had just woken up and was afraid of his majesty, so it was completely understandable for him to run away.

The reason why Robert ran away had nothing to do with Emperor Ramses. She just wanted to take advantage of Xu Yi's attention on the mummy and quickly escape from this terrifying guy Xu Yi.

Emperor Ramesses' eyes fell on the second one.

The other party's gaze made him very unhappy. There was no admiration or fear in that gaze, but instead it was as if he was looking at some delicious prey.

Xu Yi stared at the mummy in front of him, his eyes shining.

Although all this was a trap by the Ring of Destruction, Robert did not lie. He indeed sensed a powerful soul wave, and Xu Yi was not wrong.

The source of original sin! The origin of the original sin of greed lies within the body of this mummy!

Xu Yi felt that he really came to the right place this time, first the Sun Gold Sutra, then the Undead Black Gold, and now the Original Sin of Greed.

(End of this chapter)

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