American exorcist god.

Chapter 281 True God Bullet

Chapter 281 True God Bullet

Emperor Ramesses lowered his head and stared blankly at the corpse of greed on his chest.

The sinful bones that should have been integrated into his body seemed to possess spiritual intelligence at this moment, brazenly launching betrayal and piercing deeply into his chest.

To make matters worse, there was a strong suction force on the sin skeleton, which was sucking the origin of greed in his body.

He was resurrected because of his greedy origin. If his greedy origin was swallowed up, he would naturally return to darkness.

He wanted to pull out the greedy sin skeleton, but the sin skeleton was like a leech, clinging to his body. He used all his strength to pull out even an inch.

Emperor Ramesses glanced at the battlefield. When he saw Xu Yi with a smile on his face, his heart skipped a beat.

The white-gold air flow surged out from Xu Yi's body, forcing the surrounding Scorpions back. With a tap of his feet, he penetrated the Scorpion Legion like a long knife and went straight to Emperor Ramesses.

Emperor Ramses didn't know that the other party had been hiding his strength just now, and he was just pretending to be tired of dealing with it.

How could he be like this? You are already so strong, why is your heart still so dirty?

Xu Yi felt the fluctuations coming from the sin skeleton, and the corners of his mouth curled up involuntarily.

As the saying goes, one trick can be eaten all over the world, and one can be tricked one after another. Last time it was Tomie Kawakami, and this time it was Emperor Ramses.

Emperor Ramesses' mouth was obviously wrapped in linen, but for some reason, he always felt that the other person's mouth was particularly upturned.

All of this has been turned into a mouthful by Sin Gu!

Xu Yi activated "Blood is Holy" with all his strength and rushed towards Emperor Ramses.

Since the Ring of Destruction has been slow to take action, don't blame him for his lack of martial ethics. As long as he swallows the source of greed, the opponent will be unable to recover.

Emperor Ramses wanted to escape, but Sinke suddenly erupted with a powerful suction force, holding him in place.

Xu Yi took this opportunity to grab Emperor Ramses' neck and push him to the ground. With his other hand, he held the handle of the sin skeleton and stabbed deeply into Ramses' chest.

The suction power of the Sin Corpse exploded again, and the greedy origin in the Great Emperor was sucked into the Sin Corpse.

The red copper clock bird noticed the movement behind him and looked back, his eyes almost popping out.

It was focused on setting up the formation and only looked back for a short two or three seconds. It didn't expect that it would become like this in the blink of an eye.

"It seems that we can only use that thing!"

Although it was very reluctant to part with it, it knew it had to be used, otherwise Ramses the Great would perish here.

The red copper clock bird opened its mouth, and an iron-green gun barrel stretched out, pointing at Xu Yi from a distance.

Xu Yi felt chills all over his body. He turned his head suddenly and looked in the direction of the clock bird.

The powerful vision of the Eye of Obscure allowed him to see what was in the barrel of the gun.

It was a strange bullet with an unknown body. The bullet was made of diamond-shaped bone. The bone was golden, more dazzling than gold.

The pupils of the red copper clock bird were locked on Xu Yi. It was a bullet with the "bone of the true god" as its warhead, and it penetrated everything.

As long as it hits the vital point, even the "false god" will fall on the spot.

The barrel of the gun vibrated loudly, and the hot red steam was discharged from the gap in the clock bird's body. The bullet came out of the chamber with fire and shot towards Xu Yi.

Xu Yi's first reaction was to dodge, but the speed of the bullet was too fast. With his super dynamic vision, he could only see a faint stream of light.

Unable to dodge, he could only raise his arms to block.

"Blood is Holy" is activated with all its strength, and the surging holy flames gather on the arms. Even powerful alchemy bullets will be destroyed into powder when faced with the frontal impact of the holy flames.

But the golden bullet penetrated the holy flame, as if the holy flame did not exist.

"There is a field surrounding the bullet. Except for fields of comparable strength, the bullet can ignore everything!" Xu Yi suddenly understood.

The "golden bullet" hit his arm. With the strength of a demigod's body, he could resist small missiles without being hurt.

But facing a small bullet, his strong body was as fragile as a bubble.

The bullet pierced his arm, but no blood spattered out, because the blood turned into "holy flame" to resist the bullet.

Xu Yi's expression suddenly changed, and a powerful energy raged in his arm, and the holy flame could not stop it at all.

He suddenly couldn't feel his arm, which was completely necrotic.

Centipede-like black spots appeared on his arms, and what was even worse was that those black spots were spreading along his arms and toward his chest. Xu Yi made a quick decision and suddenly tore off his unconscious arm and threw it away, causing black blood to splash on the ground.

He breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the fresh blood on the broken arm.

"Fortunately, I didn't trust him. If he was hit, his life would definitely be decided here!" Xu Yi was secretly afraid.

Where did these terrifying things, the Ring of Destruction, come from?

First the "black drops" on Crow Man's chest, and now the "golden bullets", the organization's background is shocking.

Emperor Ramses finally seized the opportunity, pulled out the greedy corpse from his chest, and threw it out.

He was extremely eager before, but now he avoids it. I am afraid that Emperor Ramesses will never dare to fuse the sin of greed in this life, and he will have a psychological shadow.

Blue light spread across the entire field, Emperor Ramses roared excitedly, and Xu Yi frowned.

The space array was finally constructed, and Emperor Ramesses rushed towards the blue vortex.

Xu Yi hesitated and did not move.

The barrel of the gun in Clock Bird's mouth was always aimed at him, and he could see the second "golden bullet" in the barrel.

Although he had already experienced it once, he still didn't have the confidence to dodge the bullet.

The "gun" was probably designed with this situation in mind. It is extremely accurate and fast, and is designed to deal with high-speed targets.

The figure of Emperor Ramesses disappeared into the whirlpool, and the red copper clock bird also plunged into the whirlpool.

The blue vortex slowly dissipated, and the falling metal wings of the clock bird ran out of energy and fell to the ground.

As Emperor Ramses left, the Scorpion Legion could only roar, helplessly turning into yellow sand and scattering.

"It's not like there's nothing to gain!" Xu Yi made a casual move, and the sin of greed automatically fell into Xu Yi's hands like a flying sword.

The sinful body of greed trembles, and the breath keeps rising.

Xu Yi took out the Snake of Ending, and on the head of the snake that represented "greed", a faint green light appeared in the pupils.

The goal of “the finishing touch” is achieved!

Although the Sin Skeleton was not able to swallow all of the "origin of greed", it did swallow some of it, and the number was much larger than when Tomie Kawakami was there.

The mouth of the "greedy" snake contained a new Philosopher's Stone, but Xu Yi did not take it out on the spot.

Who knows if there is an informant of the Ring of Destruction here? Such an important secret must not be exposed easily.

He put away the Serpent of the End.

Now that the sin of "greed" has been activated, there is another channel to obtain the Philosopher's Stone.

Xu Yi did not leave immediately, but came to squat in front of the broken arm.

The severed arm was completely rotten, and when touched lightly with a stick, thick black water gushes out.

Until this moment, he still had lingering fears. If the bullet hit his head or heart instead of his arm, his life would definitely be at stake here.

The super-accelerated regeneration entry was completely ineffective in front of that bullet.

Xu Yi picked with a stick for a long time, and finally found what he was looking for among the broken arms.

Use clean water to rinse away the blood on the bullet casing, and the full picture of the bullet is finally revealed before your eyes.

There was a complex magic circle engraved on the shell. Xu Yi took a quick look and found that it should have the effect of increasing speed.

Xu Yi stared at the warhead and sighed in disappointment.

The warhead disappeared!

This is actually to be expected. The energy that causes the super-accelerated regeneration to fail, crushes the holy flame, and causes flesh and blood to necrotic, all comes from the golden diamond-shaped bones that serve as warheads.

Now that the energy is exhausted, the warhead will naturally be gone.

Xu Yi was a little unwilling to give up, so he took out a high-power magnifying glass and put the bullet under the magnifying glass.

Although the Eye of Obscure is powerful, if you want to see more subtle things, you need professional equipment.

(End of this chapter)

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