American exorcist god.

Chapter 282 Robbery of wealth and sex

Chapter 282 Robbery of wealth and sex

Xu Yi suddenly clenched his fists and couldn't help but cheer.

He had no hope at all, but life was like this, there were some surprises that always came unexpectedly.

Through a high-power magnifying glass, you can see that there is an extremely fine golden color at the connection between the bullet and the cartridge case, which is smaller than dust.

In order to ensure a stable connection between the warhead and the cartridge case, the warhead adopts an embedded design, so there will be a little powder remaining in the embedding port.

Xu Yi carefully put the cartridge case into the box, sealed it and put it away.

Although there is only a tiny bit of powder and it has no effect at all, he has the Philosopher's Stone!

He can use the Philosopher's Stone to "copy" the golden diamond-shaped bones.

As he gained the body of a demigod, his powerful body could solve most problems. The alchemy revolver had long been put on hold, and the powerful spear skills he had trained so hard had no use.

This is a bit of a pity!

The biggest problem restricting guns is their power.

The "golden bullet" in front of him gave him hope.

If the golden bullet can be reproduced, the alchemy revolver can be reborn and even become a trump card in his hand.

"There are too many good things in the Ring of Destruction!"

Xu Yi thought of the "black water droplets" on the crow man's chest before. They must be something extremely precious.

"If you have the chance, it would be great to 'visit' the base of the Ring of Destruction."

Xu Yi suddenly turned his head, looked eastward, and murmured to himself, "I don't know if our 'tour guide' is good enough?"


Robert trudged forward in the sandstorm.

Not only did he leave the pyramid, he also left the alien space and now returned to the real world.

The terrifying sandstorm had no intention of stopping. Instead, it became more violent as time went by. Fortunately, he had a magic weapon to protect him.

At this moment, a figure appeared in his field of vision, and he was suddenly startled. Could it be that Xu Yi was catching up?

But he soon breathed a sigh of relief, because there were two figures who appeared, and they couldn't be Xu Yi.

"Brother, what a coincidence, why are you coming to visit Sandstorm?" One of the fat men suddenly turned his head and greeted him warmly.

Come on for a fucking sandstorm! Robert had no intention of communicating at all. He just wanted to leave here quickly. It would be difficult to deal with the devil Xu Yi when he came after him.

He turned around and walked in the opposite direction.

"Brother, there's a pit over there, it's dangerous!" the fat man shouted again.

This is a desert, not a road with a manhole cover uncovered. Where did the hole come from? Robert not only did not stop, but also accelerated his pace, preparing to stay away from these two psychopaths.

But he had only taken a few steps when a muffled sound suddenly came from the ground. Robert rolled his eyes and fell to the sand.

"Sister Moi, you said we have all escaped, why do we still listen to that person and squat here?" The fat man dug up the sand and recovered the Vano bomb buried underneath.

They were too poor, and the bases of these Vano bombs were worth a lot of money, so he wanted to recycle them.

"Shut up and do as I say!"

Moi's vision is longer than Fatty's, and she knows very well that this may be an opportunity to get them out of the current predicament.

The fat man muttered something under his breath, but still obediently tied Roberto up with a rope and injected a large amount of anesthetic.

The sandstorm gradually subsided, and Xu Yi's figure appeared in front of Robert.

He deliberately let Robert go because he didn't want the Ring of Destruction to know what he was going to do next.

He secretly left traces of his own blood on Robert. With his blood induction, at least before leaving this desert, he could easily find Robert.

Xu Yi glanced at Mo Yi and the two, a little surprised. He just mentioned it casually and asked the two people to squat at the exit of the different space. Unexpectedly, the two people actually did it and caught Robert, which saved him a lot of energy.

"Okay! It makes the road wider!" Xu Yi glanced at the two of them appreciatively.

The fat man puffed up his chest subconsciously, like a soldier being reviewed by the leader.

Damn it! He actually felt a "sense of glory". What was going on?

After Xu Yi was sure that Robert was in a coma, he took out the "Lair of the Evil God" and stuffed it into Robert's mouth.

He knows that the Ring of Destruction has a "soul ban" and cannot tell anything about the Ring of Destruction, let alone betray it.

But what if I don't know that I have become a "two-fifth boy"?

Xu Yi felt the need to try it.

He has "long admired the base of the Ring of Destruction", and according to the custom of reciprocity, others are so hospitable, how can he not return the favor?

But Ring of Destruction was too shy and didn't even leave an address, so he had to find a way on his own.

The Evil God's Nest is integrated into Robert's body, and in this way, the large "Surveillance Guard" is finally formed.

"I hope I will be found out later!" Xu Yi prayed secretly.

Although the Evil God's Nest is concealed enough, the Ring of Destruction has too many methods, and he is not confident that he can keep hiding it.

"Go! Take off his clothes!" Xu Yi didn't want to do it himself, so he ordered the fat man beside him.

The fat man's body trembled suddenly, and while taking off his clothes, he looked at Xu Yi in horror from the corner of his eye.

I never expected that the other party would actually have this kind of hobby!

The reason why the other party spared his life was because he fell in love with him, right? No! He has been keeping his integrity for many years.

"Get out! No need for underwear!"

Xu Yi felt that something was wrong with the other person's eyes, so he kicked him away.

The fat man fell headlong into the yellow sand. He breathed a sigh of relief, but for some reason, he felt a little regretful.

He glanced at Robert's white body and suddenly swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

He had heard someone say before that every male with ketone thought that his sexual orientation was normal before he discovered that he was keto. Could it be that he...

"I'll throw him far away so as not to hinder Sister Moi's eyes." The fat man dragged Robert away. He felt that he needed to verify such an important matter.

Xu Yi began to search Robert's belongings.

The reason why he let the fat man pick off the other person's things was to give Robert the illusion: "He was robbed..."

His peripheral vision suddenly caught sight of the fat man's figure, and he silently completed the rest of it in his mind: "...Another robbery."

Okay, now Robert should not be doubtful, but convinced.

In addition, Xu Yi also has another purpose, which is to find clues.

As soon as the origin of greed awakened Emperor Ramses, the Ring of Destruction appeared. If the Ring of Destruction had no way of searching for the origin of original sin, he would never believe it.

The search methods mastered by the Ring of Destruction are much better than his.

He must carry the remains of sin with him and be within a hundred meters before he can sense the source of original sin.

This range is too small, and actively searching for it is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

Xu Yi looked through the information that Robert carried with him, and unexpectedly found something. A place name was mentioned repeatedly in the information.

Bermuda Triangle!

Is that where the next source of original sin appears? Xu Yi couldn't help but think.

(End of this chapter)

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