American exorcist god.

Chapter 283 Mainly because I like teaching and educating people

Chapter 283 Mainly because I like teaching and educating people

Boston, Notting Hill.

The maple trees all over the mountain are surging in the cold wind. From the high terrain to the low terrain, the maple leaves turn red layer by layer, like a gradient color carefully painted by a famous painter.

"I'm sorry! I couldn't find Robert." Xu Yi apologized softly.

"You have tried your best. You can only blame Robert for his bad luck." Martin, the leader of the Boston Special Task Force, was dejected and could not hide the disappointment on his face.

Robert was the pillar of the Boston Research Institute. Now that pillar has collapsed, many projects have not been taken over, which is a big worry for Boston’s senior management.

Xu Yi thought it was pretty good. The long-term pain was better than the short-term pain. If Robert, a twenty-five-year-old boy, stayed in Boston, who knows what would happen in the future.

"Mr. Xu Yi, I came here today because I have something important to discuss with you." Martin quickly adjusted his mentality and regained his energy.

"Oh, what's going on?" Xu Yi became interested.

He glanced at the safe in Martin's hand. This kind of box made of special alloy is usually only used when storing very valuable things.

He failed to bring Robert back, and no matter how generous the Boston executives were, they couldn't "reward him heavily." He was quite curious about the contents of the box.

"On behalf of various European countries and cities, I sincerely invite Mr. Xu Yi to join Isolt College and serve as an honorary professor." Martin said seriously.

"Iseult Academy?"

Xu Yi was stunned for a moment. Martin had mentioned something about the academy before, but he didn't expect that it was to pave the way for now.

He himself has not graduated from MIT, and his academic ability is quite average. Since he was invited to join the job, Isolt cannot be an ordinary school.

There is only one explanation for this, Isolt is a college for exorcists.

In fact, there were quite a few small institutions that taught exorcism privately, but this was Xu Yi's first time hearing about a specialized exorcist academy.

"The salary we provide for honorary professors is a high-quality exorcism tool per month." Martin quickly added.

For a title exorcist, talking about money is simply insulting.

Don't think it's just a "magic weapon", but you should know that it's a monthly salary. In fact, this is already very sincere.

But Martin knew very well that it would be difficult to impress Xu Yi with the magic exorcism weapon alone, so he decisively launched his second killer move.

“At the same time, we will also provide honorary professors with a small entry gift.”

The box in Martin's hand has already entered the password and can be opened directly at this moment.

Golden light illuminated Xu Yi's eyes. Inside the box was a spear tip. Xu Yi recognized its identity instantly without Martin's introduction.

The remains of the Spear of Longinus, and most importantly, the tip of the spear.

This spear point obviously does not belong to Boston, otherwise Xu Yi would have known about it a long time ago, and it was probably transferred from other countries.

"This is no small gift." Xu Yi took a deep look at Martin.

The Spear of Longinus was broken into three pieces. If you can get the tip of the spear in front of you, only the last part of the spear is missing.

A mythical exorcism artifact, even if it is just a remains, is still an extremely precious treasure.

"Where is Iseult Academy?"

Xu Yi neither agreed nor refused, but asked about the situation in the academy.

"It's in Boston, very close to Notting Hill. If you drive, you can get there in half an hour..." Martin began to introduce the Isolt College.

Xu Yi did not find it strange that Isolt College was established in Boston. After all, the city of Boston has a strong academic atmosphere and America is the leader of the Exorcism College.

"When will the college start?" Xu Yi asked another question.

He has learned that if he joins the job, he will become the director of the "Martial Arts Department".

He has little interest in training newbies, mainly because he has been too busy recently, studying the Black Book of the Dead, the experience of brushing up Ando's blacksmithing technique entries, and preparing forging accessories...

"At the beginning of next month," Martin answered.

"How fast?" Xu Yi looked surprised. You must know that it is already the middle of the month, and there are only more than ten days until next month.

Can a college be organized in this little time?

Martin saw Xu Yi's doubts and took the initiative to explain, "Actually, various countries started preparations for Isolt College as early as five years ago, and they were ready to start school a year ago. However, due to some detailed issues, we have been unable to discuss it. That's why it was delayed until now." "Then why was it suddenly settled?" Xu Yi was a little confused.

In this case, some countries must have made compromises, which is not an easy thing.

"Because of Japan," Martin replied.

Xu Yi immediately understood that various countries were obviously frightened by the "Destruction of Japan". Compared with petty profits, survival was more important, so he promoted this matter with astonishing efficiency.

The topic ended and the atmosphere became awkward for a while.

Xu Yi was ready to refuse. Although the tip of the Longinus Spear was very tempting, he had been too busy recently and had no time to train a group of rookies.

Besides, he already knew the whereabouts of the remains of the Gun of Longinus, so he naturally had other ways to get it.

"Thank you so much……"

Just by hearing the beginning, Martin knew what was coming next. He knew that it was time to use his trump card.

"Mr. Xu Yi, please take a look at this document first."

Martin handed Xu Yi a document. Xu Yi just glanced at it and could no longer take his eyes away.

"The Sword of Grammo, the legendary dragon-slaying sword."

"The Treasure of Andevalier, the famous gold-attracting ring in Roman epics."

"Mysterdin, also known as the Evergreen Sword, is the sword of life born from the sacred tree."


There are five pieces in total, all of which are mythical exorcism artifacts!

Such a large-scale effort is obviously not something that one country can come up with. It is worthy of the exorcism academy built by gathering the efforts of all countries.

Xu Yi said nothing and looked at Martin, waiting for the other party's answer.

"If the honorary professor can train ten great exorcists, in order to express our gratitude, we will give you a mythical exorcism artifact, which is the ones on the list." Martin explained softly.

Xu Yi suddenly realized, no wonder he was willing to take out the mythical exorcism artifact!

You must know that no matter how powerful the sacred weapon is, if the person who controls it is a rookie, it will not be able to show much strength.

Ten great exorcists are ready for immediate combat, and are much more cost-effective than looking at high-end mythical sacred weapons.

"Mythical artifacts and stuff are actually not bad, mainly because I like to teach and educate people." Xu Yi stretched out his hand neatly and took the box from the other party's hand.

Time is like water in a sponge, it will always be squeezed.

Another advantage of being a professor at Isolt College is that you can choose as many "good fruits" as you like.

The students who can enter the academy, even if they are not the exorcist elites of various countries, are also the ones with extraordinary talents.

The chance of finding the agent host of the sin skeleton is much higher than wandering outside.

The most important thing is that the mythical artifact is so greedy.

In order to create the "Alchemical Weapons: Seven Deadly Sins", he needs to collect more mythical artifacts.

After receiving the answer, Martin left satisfied.

"Boss, do you want to take a look at the construction situation in Notting Hill?" Ellent had been standing not far away. He saw Xu Yi and Martin talking, and he wisely kept an eye on the situation.

Xu Yi looked back at Notting Hill. Today's Notting Hill can be said to be changing day by day. A high wall has been built outside. Under the supervision of Boston's senior officials, it is being built at a rapid pace.

"As for the details, I just need you to control them." Xu Yi became the hands-off shopkeeper. He came here today because he had more important things to do.

"Where is the thing I asked you to build?" Xu Yi asked aloud.

"It's been built. Boss, do you want to see it now?" Arent asked.

Xu Yi nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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