American exorcist god.

Chapter 284 True God Ceres

Chapter 284 True God Ceres

When Xu Yi returned to the villa, his frown relaxed slightly.

The things he asked Arent to find someone to make were actually a forging table and some sword molds.

Since you want to build weapons, these things are naturally necessary.

He just went to see it, and the situation can be summed up in one sentence: a blind man lights a lamp - in vain.

The forging bench uses only the best materials. If it is used to forge ordinary things, there will definitely be no problem. However, if it is used to forge the "Seven Deadly Sins" that are close to mythical sacred objects, it will fall far short of the standard.

"Looks like we have to find another way!"

Xu Yi scratched his head irritably. He still underestimated the difficulty of forging the "Seven Deadly Sins".

However, the more difficult the forging is, the more he will be improved upon success.

By then, he will not only be a master of forging, but also a master of magic circles and a master of alchemy...

"It's time to do something fun!"

Xu Yi came to the laboratory in the basement, took out the Snake of Ending, and tapped the head of the snake that represented "greed" with his finger.

The snake's mouth opened, and the red crystal-colored Philosopher's Stone liquid flowed out and fell into the test tube.

"A lot!" Xu Yi looked at the red liquid in the test tube. He was stunned for a moment, and then his next thought was: "Don't stop! Don't stop!"

The Philosopher's Stone was finally settled on a little over 30ml.

Compared with the "one mung bean amount" last time, I don't know how much more.

"There are so many Philosopher's Stones for just a part of the origin. What if the entire origin is swallowed up?" Xu Yi was already looking forward to the next "encounter" with the soul of original sin.

Xu Yi put away the fresh Philosopher's Stone and took out the remaining half of the Philosopher's Stone from last time.

He had taken out the fragments from the "golden bullet" in advance and placed them in another test tube. He threw half of the philosopher's stone in, then added the catalyst and waited for the miracle to happen.

Tens of seconds later, a golden bone appeared in the test tube, and Xu Yi felt a strong sense of divinity.

His expression changed slightly. He had come into contact with divinity a lot, but this was the first time he had come into contact with this kind of divinity.

In a daze, he even had the illusion that the golden bones in front of him were alive and watching him quietly.

Xu Yi took a deep breath to expel the strange feeling from his mind.

He started looking up information.

The advantage of having a library in his mind came to light at this time. After half an hour of searching, he finally found the relevant information.

"The Bones of the True God?!"

Xu Yi was surprised, but not so surprised.

He was surprised because it was his first time to directly come into contact with something at the "true god" level.

The reason why he is not surprised is that only things at the level of true gods can ignore the super-accelerated regeneration that threatens his life.

Xu Yi put the bones of the true god under a magnifying glass, carefully observed the lines on it, and finally found the corresponding record in the "Records of the Bones of the Gods".

"The divine remains of Ceres. Ceres is also known as the God of Rot, the God of Destruction, and the God of Corpses..."

He remembered the scene of the arm rotting, which happened to correspond to the description in the information.

How did the Ring of Destruction preserve the divine remains of Ceres? Xu Yi was very confused.

The skeletons of gods usually referred to are the skeletons of "false gods" by default.

According to records, after Ragnarok, the gray fog of the God Meteor blew for three days and three nights. The flesh, flesh, bones, and everything related to the True God were wiped away by the Gray Meteor fog.

Xu Yi stared at the Bone of the True God the size of his little finger in his hand, and had a more intuitive feeling for its rarity. “This bone of the true god can barely make a warhead.”

Xu Yi is very excited. If he can recreate the "Cerris Bullet", he will have an extra trump card in his hand!

He took out the bullet casings left behind by the Ring of Destruction and began to study the magic circle above.

The warhead is available, but in order to exert its true power, it must have a matching cartridge case, and even the gun that fires the bullet is also particular.

The difficulty with the shells lies in the magic circle.

After studying the Golden Sutra of the Sun, his understanding of the magic circle was no longer that of Wu Xia Amon. After studying it for a while, he almost cursed.

"Damn Ring of Destruction! It's enough to set a soul ban on people, but they actually have to use a magic circle to mislead the bullet casings!"

Studying the magic circle on the cartridge case is not only useless, but also harmful.

The magic circle above is real and fake, and it is easy to lead people into a ditch, and then never come out.

After Xu Yi pondered for a moment, he took out the bad blood silver bullets presented by the church and the demon-breaking fire bullets that had been gathering dust for a long time.

As his knowledge of the magic circle increases, he can see many clues when he looks at these two bullets.

The seal-engraved magic circles on these two bullets were obviously from the same origin. Xu Yi even suspected that they came from the same magic circle.

It is possible that the "original array" was too complex and the designers split it up.

"The person who made the Alchemy Revolver Messiah and the three types of exorcism bullets is definitely a master of the magic circle." Xu Yi couldn't help but sigh, splitting the magic circle is quite a skill.

"It's a pity that the death piercing bomb was not found!" Xu Yi sighed again.

Due to the lack of the Death Piercing Bullet, it was impossible to assemble a complete magic circle and it was basically impossible to restore it.

Do you want to redesign a magic circle yourself?

As soon as this idea appeared, Xu Yi shook his head.

It's not that he can't do it, after all, he has studied the Golden Book of the Sun and also has the Black Book of the Dead.

But you must know that there were no such things as bullets in ancient Egypt. It would take a lot of time to improve a magic circle suitable for bullets. What he lacks most now is time.

First the forging table, then the Ceres bullets, the plans were thwarted one after another, and Xu Yi felt a little dizzy.

"Forget it, let's go see where we will work in the future first!" Xu Yi was about to go out.


Xu Yi drove alone according to the map provided by Martin, and finally arrived at Isolt College before sunset.

He stood in front of the gate of the academy and couldn't help but praise, "It is indeed an exorcism academy built by a multinational joint venture!"

Isolt College mainly highlights its "inhumanity". Even the stone slabs paving the door are made of expensive marble. The last time Xu Yi saw this kind of marble was in the lobby of a five-star hotel.

There were many cars parked in front of the school, all luxury cars, with many shadowy people inside.

When the security guard at the door saw Xu Yi, he obviously recognized his identity. He stood up straight and saluted Xu Yi.

Walking into the college, Xu Yi nodded repeatedly, expressing satisfaction with the place where he would work in the future.

If nothing else, at least the design of the college is thoughtful, and any place can become a "tourist check-in point."

"Brother Xu Yi!"

Xu Yi was walking on the boulevard of the college when a cute female voice suddenly came from behind him. He was stunned for a moment. He hadn't heard this kind of call for a long time.

He turned around and saw two familiar figures.

Judy, and her daughter's slave father, Mr. Ed Warren, one of the famous Warrens.

(End of this chapter)

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