American exorcist god.

Chapter 286 Owuwa

Chapter 286 Owuwa

Late at night, the Eight Demonic Houses transformed into "Xu's Restaurant" were flying in the void. Xu Yi was swinging a hammer fiercely in the forging room, and the sound of forging could not be heard.

"Forty! Forty!"

What he holds in his hand is only a "small hammer", while the "big hammer" is in the hands of the ghost warrior.

The Snake Hammer needs to be driven by divinity. He is currently just gaining experience for blacksmithing entries and is not forging the Seven Deadly Sins, so using a "small hammer" is enough.

The Eight Demonic Houses are now driven by Xu Changrong, and their destination is the Bermuda Triangle.

Since the source of original sin may appear in the Bermuda Triangle, he naturally has to make a trip.

For such a long distance, flying would have been a more cost-effective option. After all, Yaoyaoya's "Void Stealth" consumes a ray of divinity for every 100 kilometers.

He now lacks divinity, so he should be able to save time and space, but considering the special characteristics of the Bermuda Triangle and the possibility of going deep into the sea, he decided to use Yaoyaoya.

The "Forging Room" was set up in the Yaoyao House, right next to the ancient well.

As the Maoling Sacred Tree penetrated into the ancient well, spring water actually emerged from the dry ancient well. This was something Xu Yi did not expect at first.

It is speculated that some characteristics of the Sacred Cat Spirit Tree may have stimulated the ancient well, causing it to revive.

The spring water was bone-chilling, and even a demigod's body was not immune to the cold. Xu Yi was instantly overjoyed, because the spring water was undoubtedly a good liquid for quenching swords.

After a long journey, Yaoyaoya finally reached the waters of the Bermuda Triangle.

"Contact Lisa and the others first!" Xu Yi took out a transparent crystal ball.

This transparent crystal ball is an alchemical creation. Its main function is communication. It is very expensive. Xu Yi spent a lot of money to customize ten of them.

In a place like this, satellite phones often fail, so this supernatural method of contact is still reliable.

The crystal ball lit up with a faint red light, and the outline of a human figure was running in the red light.

Xu Yi feels that this alchemy crystal ball is much better than the brick mobile phones of this era. It is not only smaller in size, but also has a "video function."

"Xu Yi?" Lisa's completely distorted voice came, accompanied by a shrill scream.

Xu Yi was stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized that there was probably a battle on Lisa's side.

"Where are you?" Xu Yi said quickly.

"On a ship! The latitude is approximately 32°1883′ north latitude and 64° west longitude. No, that thing is here again!"

With a loud bang, the "connection" of the crystal ball was disconnected.

Xu Yi's expression changed slightly, and he immediately took out the navigation dimensional meter to find the other party's position.

The Eight Demonic Houses moved forward at full speed. Twelve minutes later, Xu Yi finally arrived at the "site of the incident."

The huge ship had overturned, and there were wreckage of the wheel cabin floating on the sea, as well as a large number of lifeboats. But strangely, there was no one on the lifeboats, not even a body.

"Where are Lisa and the others?" Xu Yi's heart also became anxious.

At this moment, the black shadow broke through the blue sea and flew into the sky. Xu Yi breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the black shadow.

The black shadow fanned the huge black wings, which was Carlisle entering the vampire form.

Carlisle was holding two people in his hands, Lisa and Maria.

Because Maria and Carlisle's training place happened to be near the Bermuda Triangle, Lisa also rushed over after learning that Xu Yi was going to investigate the Bermuda Triangle.

This is the first time the "three sisters" have come together.

The shadow chased from the sea and rolled towards the three Carlyles.

It was an octopus-like tentacle. The end of the tentacle alone was five meters thick. It was hard to imagine how huge the tentacle itself was.

No wonder the ship met such a miserable end. No matter how big the ship was, it was nothing more than a small toy in the opponent's hands.

Xu Yi looked at the tentacle, his eyes flashing with surprise.

He was carrying a metal box, which was shaking slightly at the moment. The box was opened, and inside were seven sin corpses, among which the sin corpse representing "Taotie" was trembling rapidly.

He never expected that as soon as he arrived in the Bermuda Triangle, he would be in for a surprise.    That is the original host of "Taotie".

Xu Yi pulled out the "Taotie" sinful body and threw it towards the tentacle.

The "bait method" starts again!

The tentacles felt the aura of the Taotie Sin Corpse, and as expected, they gave up on Carlisle and the others, and wrapped up the "Gluttie" Sin Corpse.

Just when the tentacles were about to swallow the Taotie sinful body, the sinful bones suddenly "rebelled" and pierced deeply into the tentacles, traveling through the "flesh passage", going downwards like a broken bamboo.

The tentacles seemed to be aware of Taotie Sinku's "thoughts", and the tentacles trembled suddenly, just like a gecko cutting off its tail to survive, actively breaking the tentacles.

Dark green blood gushes out of the sea, and huge tentacles float on the surface.

Xu Yi waved his hand, and the body of the Taotie sin flew back into his hand.

His face looked a little bad, and the "bait method" that he had repeatedly achieved great successes had failed.

It's not that the other party noticed his thoughts, but that the other party's body was too huge. In the other party's eyes, this tentacle was similar to the hairs on the human body.

It is obviously impossible for the gluttonous sin skeleton to pierce into the "hair" and swallow the source of original sin.

"We must find the opponent's core and then insert the sinful body into it!" Xu Yi understood instantly.

The core must be in the center of the body, but the opponent's body is so huge that it is impossible to reach there just by relying on the strength of the sin skeleton itself.

There was no trick this time, Xu Yi had to do it himself.

"Come in quickly!" Xu Yi waved towards Carlisle.

Carlisle was stunned for a moment when he saw the "Xu's Restaurant" floating in the air, but out of his trust in Xu Yi, he took Lisa and Maria and flew into the Xu's Restaurant.

Xu Yi immediately gave the order to the ghost warrior, and the Eight Demon House fell into the water. When approaching the broken tentacle, Xu Yi easily dragged the tentacle into the Eight Demon House.

Yaoyaoya fell into the deep sea, and as if it was back home, it chased in the direction where the tentacles disappeared.

Xu Yi checked the conditions of Carlisle and the other three, and he breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that they were not seriously injured.

"What is that monster? Why did it attack you?" Xu Yi asked curiously.

"That should be Omuwa, the legendary patron saint of Atlantis."

Lisa took out a piece of debris from her body while explaining, "The reason why it attacked us is probably because of this thing."

"Is this the wreckage that was swept out by the whirlpool in the Atlantis ruins?" Xu Yi took the wreckage and looked at it curiously.

There was only half of the remains. It looked like some kind of knife, but it was not edged and had jagged teeth on it.

The more Xu Yi looked at it, the more familiar it became. He looked in the direction of the forging room and suddenly realized.

Isn't this just a file?

This tool is occasionally needed when forging weapons.

He suddenly remembered that according to records, Atlantis was an ancient country with extremely advanced alchemy, whether it was the synthesis of potions or the forging of weapons.

"Is it possible to find a forging platform and a series of forging tools in the ancient country of Atlantis?" A thought suddenly flashed in Xu Yi's mind.

The more he thought about it, the more likely it seemed.

If you want to create "Alchemy Items: The Seven Deadly Sins", it is impossible to do so with the equipment in the current forging room.

Yaoyaoya followed them all the way and found that they had entered the deep sea. The light completely disappeared and only darkness could be seen.

At this moment, lavender light illuminated Xu Yi's eyes.

In the light is a strange "sea snake", the whole body is purple, as if it is forged with amethyst, but it reflects the luster of metal.

The sea snake has a total of eight heads, and each head is engraved with a complex door symbol.

Ring of destruction! Xu Yi's heart suddenly lifted.

To make matters worse, the eight-headed sea snake's heads suddenly twisted together, and its sixteen scarlet eyes stared directly at Yaoyaoya.

(End of this chapter)

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