American exorcist god.

Chapter 287 The mysterious "Silkworm Chrysalis Man"

Chapter 287 The mysterious "Silkworm Chrysalis Man"

Yaoyao House has the function of "anti-peep film". People outside cannot see inside, but people inside can see outside.

Xu Yi stared at the eight-headed sea snake through the "window" of the Eight Demon Houses. His body tensed and he was ready to fight at any time.

Yaoyaoya definitely can't hide it from the other party, saying it is "stealth in the void", but in essence it is just dynamic disguise, coupled with the silent field.

Even if it is well disguised, it will still cause fluctuations in the sea water when swimming in the sea.

Ordinary creatures can't detect it, but in front of the "alchemy machinery" of the Ring of Destruction, it's just a fool's errand.

Among the "alchemy machines" that appeared in the Ring of Destruction, the eight-headed sea snake in front of Xu Yi gave Xu Yi the most unfathomable feeling, far stronger than the red copper clock bird.

But even the red copper clock bird, which is "harmless to humans and animals," has mastered the terrifying "True God Bullet."

The red light in the eight-headed sea snake's pupils became more intense, and the snake's mouth opened slightly, which was a prelude to the attack.

At this moment, two black shadows approached quickly, and Xu Yi turned to look.

He originally thought he was from the church. After all, he had the strength to sneak into the deep sea. The church was probably the only one in this area.

But the moment he saw the other person clearly, he knew that he was definitely not from the church.

He subconsciously clenched the corpse in his hand. The feeling those two people gave him could only be described in two words: weird.

The two wore pure black full-body armor, which looked neither like diving suits nor traditional armor. At first glance, they looked more like two silkworm chrysalis, except that the lines on the surface were in the shape of spiral vortexes.

The "Silkworm Chrysalis Armor" wrapped them tightly, even covering their eyes, and it was unclear how they could see.

From these two "silkworm chrysalis people", Xu Yi could not feel the breath of an exorcist at all, more like ordinary people.

But for some reason, he trembled slightly, as if he had encountered a terrifying natural enemy.

The moment the silkworm chrysalis appeared, the eight-headed sea snake stared at each other, with its back to "Xu's Restaurant".

Obviously, in the eyes of the eight-headed sea snake, "Xu's Restaurant" is not worth mentioning compared to the silkworm chrysalis in front of him.

What surprised Xu Yi even more was that the first reaction of the eight-headed sea snake from the "Madman Organization" was not to attack, but to leave.

It turned around suddenly and dived towards the bottom of the deep sea with lightning speed.

"Where did this garbage come from? Get away!"

One of the silkworm chrysalis men suddenly turned his head and glanced at Yaoyaoya lightly.

Xu Yi's face was gloomy. In this deep sea, the reason why he could hear the other party's words clearly was because the words were transformed into the voice of the soul by the "Silkworm Chrysalis Armor".

The other chrysalis man said nothing, but raised his weapon. It was a weapon similar to a Mauser, but with a shorter barrel.

The opponent pulled the trigger, but what was shot was not a bullet, but a spear and arrow about a finger long.

Logically speaking, in this deep sea environment, even the bullets fired by the sniper rifle will be affected by the strong pressure of the sea water, thus losing their accuracy.

But the spear and arrow moved forward indomitably, and the weight of the deep sea could not affect it at all.

Xu Yi didn't need to remind him, Xu Changrong knew that the spears and arrows were not easy to mess with, so he controlled the Eight Demons House to dodge.

But halfway through the flight, the spear and arrow started to accelerate, which was completely contrary to common sense. The spear and arrow became faster and faster, and finally the shadow of the spear and arrow was completely unclear, and only the separated water channel could be seen.

Yaoyaoya struggled to dodge, and it seemed that he had successfully dodged, but the spear and arrow suddenly turned and plunged into the "wall" of Yaoyaoya.

There was no earth-shattering sound, as if what was shot into Yaoyao's house was just an ordinary spear and arrow.

But the tentacles below Yaoyao House stopped swinging in an instant, and even the camouflage could no longer be maintained. It appeared in the sea water and fell downwards.

The Silkworm Chrysalis glanced at "Xu's Restaurant" and then stopped paying attention. As if they just crushed an ant on the roadside casually, they chased the eight-headed sea snake.

In "Xu's Restaurant", Xu Yi's face looked a little ugly. If all the entrances had not been sealed in advance, the sea water would have poured in at this moment.

Xu Yi has half a body and is immune to the pressure of the deep sea, but it is not so easy for others, not to mention having to face an oxygen-free environment.

Yaoyaoya can absorb oxygen in sea water and complete internal and external replacement. Now that Yaoyaoya is paralyzed, this function is naturally gone.

He must "cure" Yaoyaoya before the oxygen in the house runs out.

The rest of the Eight Demonic Houses have been sealed off, and the ancient well is the only way out. Xu Yi jumped into the ancient well, and the water in the well was freezing cold.

The depth at the bottom of the well is actually a space tunnel. Through the space tunnel, Xu Yi can appear in any area of ​​the Eight Demons House.

After a period of dizziness, when Xu Yi opened his eyes again, he was already in the deep sea.

He found the place where Yaoyaoya was "hit by an arrow". The power of the spear and arrow was not very strong, and half of it was still outside the wall.

The spear and arrow were dusty and didn't look out of the ordinary, but Xu Yi didn't dare to touch it directly with his hands.

He put on thick metal gloves, held the tail end of the spear and arrow, and exerted force.

But the next second, his expression changed.

The metal gloves were actually "melting". It wasn't the kind of melting caused by metal being corroded by concentrated sulfuric acid, but more like decay, as if the metal had turned into dead wood and been chewed by termites for decades.

The gloves rotted away, and Xu Yi's hands inevitably came into contact with spears and arrows.

A strange energy poured into his palm, and he suddenly couldn't feel it anymore. He was completely unconscious, as if he was anesthetized.

Worst of all, the "anesthesia" was still spreading down the arm.

Xu Yi also became fierce and exerted force. Fortunately, although his palm was paralyzed, he still held the spear and arrow tightly, and the spear and arrow was pulled out forcefully.

Because his palms were numb, he could not shake off the spear and arrow, so he resorted to the simplest and crudest method. He suddenly tore off his arm and threw it away.

Xu Yi looked at the falling arm, his expression a bit ugly.

The right arm was also torn off this time. It had been torn off once before in Egypt and had just grown back.

He had already realized that the spears and arrows carried some kind of "narcotic toxin".

The toxin is obviously not smeared on, but incorporated into the material at the beginning of the spear and arrow's forging.

But to be honest, this has exceeded Xu Yi's understanding of "poison". The demigod's body is almost useless in front of that thing.

Xu Yi originally wanted to take the spear and arrow back to study, but after the spear and arrow left the Eight Demons House, it seemed that some mechanism had been touched, and it also began to decay, and disappeared after being washed away by the sea water.

"Don't let me take the chance!"

Xu Yi returned to the Eight Demons House and gritted his teeth.

It's not because he cut off his arm and became Yang Guo, but because of the loss of his divinity.

In order to get rid of the remaining narcotic toxins in the Eight Demons House, he must first isolate it, then knock down half of the "Xu Family Restaurant", and finally use his divinity to repair the wall.

Originally, his divinity was not enough to forge weapons, but now that he had consumed so much at once, he felt like his heart was bleeding.

However, Xu Yi was still a little lucky. Fortunately, the toxins in the spears and arrows were rare, and the Eight Demon Houses were large enough and did not affect the core. Otherwise, the Eight Demon Houses would probably "collapse" directly.

The Eight Demonic Houses continued to dive, and the word "coward" did not exist in Xu Yi's dictionary.

However, he liked to be strategic, so he asked Yaoyaoya to change its position to avoid directly hitting the two chrysalis people.

This is just strategic avoidance, how can it be considered a coward?

(End of this chapter)

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