American exorcist god.

Chapter 288 Entering the Village Quietly

Chapter 288 Entering the Village Quietly

Xu Yi never expected that the opportunity for revenge would come so quickly!

After Yaoyaoya dived for more than half an hour, they finally reached the bottom of the sea. The long and narrow canyon spread out for dozens of kilometers like a scar on the bottom of the sea.

The Grand Canyon is extremely deep and bottomless, but a bloody light emerges from below, as if an ancient beast has opened its bloody mouth.

The crack in the Grand Canyon in front of us is still "fresh" and should have been formed recently. Other submarine canyons have long been extremely smooth due to being washed by water for a long time and cannot be so rough.

Xu Yi remembered the submarine earthquake Ed mentioned. This canyon should have been formed at that time.

The two chrysalis people were spinning around in the Grand Canyon, trying to find some kind of passage.

Xu Yi glanced out and did not see the eight-headed sea snake.

This was actually what he expected. The Ring of Destruction gave him the feeling that "everyone" is a master.

If he is not a master of the magic circle, he is a master of alchemy. Even Robert, a peripheral member, is also a master of scientific research. This shows how terrifying the background of the Ring of Destruction is.

After studying the Sun Golden Sutra, he became very sensitive to the magic circle. After observing it for a while, he noticed that there was a magic circle hidden in the submarine canyon.

Although the two chrysalis men have mastered terrifying weapons, they don't seem to be familiar with the magic circle. They are like headless flies, wandering around below.

"Since you can't find the magic circle, let me help you. Who calls me handsome and kind-hearted?"

Xu Yi left the Eight Demons House, activated the dark stealth, and sneaked over alone.


"Colin, you still haven't found it yet?" One of the chrysalis men looked at his companion.

Although the "Silkworm Chrysalis" covers their eyes, their sight will not be blocked, but their senses will be greatly enhanced.

After all, this is a full-body weapon made from the "shell" of the supreme being.

"Daniel, I don't understand these things. Why don't you ask Tony? He is an expert in this field." The other chrysalis man shook his head helplessly.

"Absolutely not! We secretly came out wearing black abyss clothes without telling the organization. If we were discovered, it would be terrible." The silkworm named Daniel quickly shook his head.

"Then what should we do now?" Colin stood there blankly.

At this time, blue light suddenly caught his eyes. He followed the light and saw something flashing deep in the canyon.

"Look! Could that be the entrance to Atlantis?" Colin exclaimed.

"Whatever it is, just go and see and you will find out." Daniel took the lead and swam towards the place where the blue light flashed.

In the center of the blue light is a small whirlpool of water, spinning slowly and looking beautiful.

Daniel swam towards the water whirlpool without even saying hello. Colin also followed without hesitation, and the two figures quickly disappeared into the water whirlpool.

Xu Yi came out of the dark place where he was hiding and was dumbfounded.

Are you going in now?

He triggered the magic circle here, causing the water vortex to appear.

Of course, the blue-light water vortex can also lead to the ruins of Atlantis, but it is a "trap passage" specially prepared for infiltrators.

He had prepared a series of back-up tactics to coax the two of them into entering, but before he could use them, the two of them took the initiative to get in.

"Are the two of you not smart enough?"

Xu Yi thought that the two of them talked trash as soon as they got together and acted extremely arrogant. It seemed that they did have something seriously wrong.

After thinking for a moment, he quickly put the matter behind him.

He found the node of the magic circle and inspired the real entrance. The water vortex appeared again, but the light that diffused was red.

Xu Yi returned to the Eight Demon Houses. Under the control of the ghost warriors, the Eight Demon Houses sank into the water whirlpool.

After a period of spinning, a sense of weightlessness suddenly came, and Yaoyaoya fell straight down. This was because they left the deep sea.

The tentacles below Yaoyao House danced, the "deep sea mode" switched to "flying mode", and the speed of falling dropped sharply.

In the process of falling, Xu Yi looked out and was shocked by the scene in front of him.

The blue air curtain expanded to form an inverted bowl shape, the sea water was pushed away by the air curtain, and pure white light fell from above. Under the light is a huge circular city, which looks like a complex metal maze with criss-crossing roads and a huge Poseidon sculpture standing in the center of the city.

Atlantis, the water capital of the past, must have been an extremely prosperous capital, but now everything is a thing of the past.

The statue of Poseidon was broken in the middle, the palace in the center collapsed, ruins were everywhere in the city, and the entire city was covered with a thick layer of dust.

This is obviously a different space. The air curtain that repels the sea water does not come from the magic circle or some alchemical creation, but the characteristics of the different space itself.

Atlantis has "fallen" for who knows how many years. Even if there is any powerful magic circle, its energy should have been exhausted long ago.

However, the channel array outside can still be maintained, because if the channel array is not activated, it will automatically enter a silent state and basically consume no energy.

Through the air curtain, Xu Yi finally saw the true form of the legendary Owuwa.

He had tried his best to imagine it in an exaggerated way, but he still underestimated the size of Omuwa.

The opponent floated above the air curtain, covering half of Atlantis. This was only a small part of the opponent's body.

According to legend, when Omuwa swam directly above Atlantis, the light of the entire city was blocked and darkness came.

When Omuwa opens the body, the light will come again.

Owuwa rules the night and day of Atlantis.

This is only the main body of Owuwa, not counting its huge tentacles that spread hundreds of kilometers.

When Xu Yi stared at Aowu Wa, a sense of fear involuntarily arose in his heart.

It's not because the opponent is too powerful, it's actually the "phobia of giants" rooted in human genes.

He took a deep breath and adjusted his mentality.

Above Owuwa, he discovered the eight-headed sea snake that had been missing for a long time. The other party was apparently having "friendly negotiations" with Owuwa, but it didn't seem to be going well.

Owuwa kept attacking the eight-headed sea snake with his tentacles, but the eight-headed sea snake deftly dodged them.

Yaoyaoya landed in the ruins of Atlantis, causing almost no movement, and the camouflage function was turned on the whole time.

Their plan is simple.

"Enter the village quietly and don't want to shoot anyone."

They need to find the "Royal Forging Room" in Atlantis first. If the forging equipment inside is still usable, then they can evacuate it directly.

Xu Yi plans to find a way to extract the origin of "Taotie" after handling this matter.

"Let's act separately, remember to be careful!"

Xu Yi glanced at the "three sisters". After thinking for a moment, he decided to let Lisa, Maria and Carlisle help search.

As for their fathers, Xu Changrong and Harada Mieko, they are staying at Yaoyaoya, ready to provide support at any time.

The four of them went in different directions, which they had agreed upon early in the morning. Xu Yi's goal is the center of Atlantis, where the statue of Poseidon stands, where the possibility of a "royal forging room" is greatest.

Xu Yi hurriedly walked among the ruins. He saw many novel things along the way, but he did not stop at all.

This city has completely turned into a dead city. There is no trace of any living thing. What is even weirder is that there is not even a corpse.

But he didn't come here to find out the truth about the loss of Atlantis, so there was no extraneous matter.

Xu Yi arrived at the center of the city. He searched for half an hour, but found nothing.

Isn't the forging room here? The idea came to mind involuntarily.

Just as he was considering whether to change the search area, blue ice fog suddenly rose into the sky from the southeast, forming a huge "mushroom cloud."

Which direction?

After Xu Yi was stunned for a moment, his expression suddenly changed, because that was the area Carlisle was exploring.

(End of this chapter)

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