American exorcist god.

Chapter 289 My mission is completed!

Chapter 289 My mission is completed!

Xu Yi burned his blood, burst out with great speed, and ran wildly in the direction of Carlisle.

At this moment, he was extremely anxious, because the ice mist rising into the sky just now attracted Omuwa's attention, and he temporarily stopped fighting and cast a scrutinizing gaze.

The eight-headed sea snake also stopped, because his goal from the beginning was not to kill Omuwa, but to "persuade him to surrender."

The strength of the two monsters cannot be underestimated, Xu Yi must find Carlisle before them.

At this moment, a vortex suddenly appeared in the sky above Atlantis, accompanied by blue lightning. Xu Yi looked at it intently, and he suddenly had an ominous premonition.

The next second, the prediction came true, and the two chrysalis fell from the whirlpool.

"He's not dead!" Xu Yi was so surprised that he couldn't speak.

Those blue lightnings are actually "space blades" formed by the folding of space. Even if he had the body of a demigod, he would not be able to survive being cut repeatedly by those "space blades".

But the chrysalis man didn't seem to be hurt at all, but the surface of the "silkworm chrysalis" was covered with various scratches. What's even more terrifying is that those scratches were slowly disappearing.

So what is it made of? !

Xu Yi suddenly understood why the two of them were able to jump into the whirlpool without hesitation. It was not because they were stupid, but because they were confident.

No wonder the eight-headed sea snake could only choose to avoid the sharp edge temporarily. The defensive power of the "Silkworm Chrysalis Armor" was simply astonishing.

To make matters worse, the two Silkworm Chrysalis were also attracted by the ice mist and rushed towards the rising direction of the Ice Mist. With the help of the "Silkworm Chrysalis Armor", they could escape dozens of meters with each step.

The only good news is that Xu Yi is the closest and the first to arrive.

"Carlisle!" Xu Yi called softly.

In the cold fog, he saw Carlisle's figure.

"Come on! I seem to have found something interesting!" Carlisle's voice jumped.

Have you found the forging room? After Xu Yi was stunned for a moment, he quickly walked into the cold mist.

The mist came from a hidden metal room, and a steady stream of ice mist poured out from it. Xu Yi didn't dare to go in for a while. His eyes swept over the wall, secretly frightened.

The material used to make this room is absolutely extraordinary. The complex patterns engraved on the walls are actually some kind of magic circle.

Occasionally, you can see hollowed-out gears in the corners, which means that this room is the creation of some kind of alchemical machinery.

"How did you find this place?" Xu Yi said in surprise.

The security level of this room is definitely "Max" level. If violence is used, Xu Yi is not confident that he can open it.

Moreover, the room is obviously well disguised. If the door is not opened, looking from the outside, it is just an ordinary Atlantean-style house.

"I saw a small unicorn pattern on the door of this room. Out of curiosity, I pressed it with my hand, and then a nine-square grid popped up."

Carlisle pointed to the upper right corner of the door, where there was a small unicorn pattern.

The corner of Xu Yi's mouth twitched slightly. The pattern was very small and hidden under the eaves of the door. Even if you just walked by in a hurry, it would not be easy to find it even if you looked for it.

He looked at the "nine-square puzzle" pointed by Carlisle, becoming more and more curious.

The nine-square grid puzzle is obviously the "key" to this room, a pattern of a crown.

The strange thing is that the puzzle has been restored, so the treasure house in front of you can be opened.

This is like someone who worked hard to forge an extremely strong treasure house, but after forging it, they left the key in the keyhole and did not take it away.

Could it be that the incident happened suddenly and there was no time to disrupt the Nine Palaces Grid?

Xu Yi was puzzled.

"This nine-square grid puzzle is too simple. I just fiddled with it and restored the pattern." Carlisle muttered softly.

Xu Yi's eyes widened and he stared at Carlisle in disbelief.

You are the reincarnation of the goddess of luck!

The nine-square grid puzzle is just a simple restoration of the pattern. It is not difficult and there are thousands of solutions.

But the difficulty is that among these thousands of solutions, only one solution is "correct". If you use other solutions, it is impossible to open this door. To put it simply, Carlisle must follow a strict order. That puzzle piece moves to the left, then the second, then the third. If any step in the middle is wrong, the door will be locked directly.

But Carlisle tried it casually and found the correct password.

What kind of luck is this?

The cold fog in the room finally dissipated, and Xu Yi could see clearly that the metal room was empty. Only a metal vine tree stood in the center.

Between the entangled metal vines, there is a palm-sized "crystal box" that is blowing out cold mist.

An injection was sealed in a crystal box, with sapphire-like liquid flowing inside. The liquid seemed to be alive, constantly changing into various shapes.

Thinking with your toes, you all know that the medicine in the crystal box is extremely precious.

Xu Yi walked into the room cautiously and grabbed the crystal box among the metal vines. There were no accidents in the process.

The crystal box was bitingly cold. Xu Yi wanted to put the crystal box into the toy space, but found that he couldn't do it.

For the first time, Annabelle's "Toy Heart" rule breaks down.

But now was obviously not the time to dwell on this, as he and Carlisle strode out.

The moment he walked out of the door, Xu Yi suddenly stopped because the sky suddenly became cloudy. There were no white clouds floating in this place. There was only one reason why the sky was cloudy.

Xu Yi slowly raised his head. The huge Owuwa passed through the air curtain and floated over Atlantis. Its scarlet pupils looked down at him coldly.

Not only Omuwa, but also the eight-headed sea snake of the Ring of Destruction, and two chrysalids from an unknown organization.

They are surrounded!

"Hand over the Poseidon potion! We will spare your life."

The "Mauser Gun" in the Chrysalis Man's hand was pointed at Xu Yi, but his eyes were fixed on the blue potion in the crystal box.

It’s actually Poseidon Potion! Xu Yi was shocked.

Of course he had heard of the name of Poseidon Potion. When he was refining the Blood of Fusion God, he had learned about various alchemical potions.

Poseidon's Potion is known as the "God-Enhancing Medicine". Compared with other alchemical potions that have harsh usage conditions and difficult-to-control sequelae, Poseidon's Potion is simply a breath of fresh air.

It enables injections for ordinary people.

What is even more surprising is its effect. Although it can only be guessed from a few words in ancient books, those who successfully inject Poseidon Potion can at least reach the level of "Great Exorcist".

In other words, if an ordinary person can directly become a great exorcist after being injected with Poseidon potion, this is tantamount to reaching the sky in one step.

Xu Yi suddenly understood that the two chrysalis men were here for the "Poseidon Potion".

No wonder the Chrysalis would attack without saying a word when they were in the deep sea. They were eliminating potential opponents in advance.

The situation is very unfavorable for Xu Yi. If he wants to keep the Poseidon Potion, he must face a "three-party siege."

Even with the addition of ghost warriors, they are no match.

Xu Yi took out a "small toy" from the toy space, which was a ball of white clay.

This was made using the Heavenly Punishment Crystal when he had free time.

He used his arms to cover up the small movements of his hands, and quietly stuck the clay into the corner of the crystal box. The white clay quickly became transparent and could not be found at all if you did not observe carefully.

The chrysalis man's finger was already on the trigger, and he was about to attack.

Xu Yi suddenly threw the crystal box towards the eight-headed sea snake and shouted loudly, "Boss, my mission is completed!"

(End of this chapter)

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