American exorcist god.

Chapter 290 A specially prepared "little surprise"

Chapter 290 A specially prepared "little surprise"

The eight-headed sea snake bit the thrown crystal box with one of its heads, and stared at Xu Yi's fleeing back, with light flashing in his eyes.

The opponent's strategy is not clever, but it is easy to use. He knows very well that the current Poseidon Potion is a hot potato.

Whoever holds it will be under siege.

Everyone understands the truth, but being able to give up Poseidon Potion without hesitation is not something ordinary people can do.

The eight-headed sea snake knew very well that it would be the best choice to hand over the Poseidon potion directly now.

But Poseidon Potion is too tempting.

In addition to giving people powerful strength, Poseidon Potion also has a very important effect, which is to rejuvenate people and cure their diseases.

He thought about the body lying in the organization's "eternal coffin", and his heart was about to move.

No matter how powerful the "reincarnation device" is, it can't compare to the compatibility with my own body.

Moreover, the reincarnated machine has a big drawback. If the soul is attached to the reincarnated machine for a long time, the soul will be contaminated and become crazy.

There are many such madmen in the base camp of the Ring of Destruction. Usually it is necessary to inject an overdose of sedatives and fall into a deep sleep.

The eight-headed sea snake hesitated for a long time, but was still reluctant to hand over the Poseidon potion.

"Hand over the Poseidon potion!"

The Chrysalis Man's eyes instantly fell on the eight-headed sea snake, turning a blind eye to Xu Yi and the two men who were escaping.

The Poseidon Potion is too important to them. Even if the opponent is one of the "Arch Deacons" of the Ring of Destruction, they cannot back down.

They saw the eight-headed sea snake silently pulling the trigger decisively, and the spear and arrow containing powerful poison flew into the air.

The battle is about to break out, not only the chrysalis people, but also the tentacle monster Owuwa also joins the battle.

Of course Xu Yi could see that Aowuwa's intelligence was actually very low, otherwise the eight-headed sea snake would not have suffered successive setbacks when communicating with it.

Atlantis doesn't know how many years it has been destroyed, but Owuwa is still guarding it.

For it, anyone who steals things from Atlantis is its enemy.

The eight-headed sea snake is attacked from both sides. Although he is powerful, he is still surrounded by dangers.

Xu Yi secretly rejoiced when he saw the eight-headed sea snake looking miserable.

If you continue to cut off, you will suffer the consequences.

Of course he also wanted the Poseidon Potion, but he knew very well that even if he could keep it, he would have to pay a very high price.

By then, there will definitely be no need to think about whether it is the casting platform or the origin of greed.

Xu Yi's pocket suddenly glowed with red light. He took out the contact crystal ball, and Lisa's voice came from the crystal ball.

"We found the forge!"

"Great! Where?"

Xu Yi felt that bringing the "three sisters" here was the right choice.

After Xu Yi obtained the exact address, he began to contact the ghost warrior and asked the ghost warrior to control the Eight Demons House to respond.

"Carlisle, go over and join them, and try your best to move everything in the forging room into the Yaoyao House!"

After Xu Yi gave the instructions, he went back alone and quietly.

Of course he will not forget that the primary goal of this visit is the origin of greed.

The aftermath of the battle swept through the ruins of Atlantis. Xu Yi hid in the dark and watched the battle, secretly shocked.

The eight-headed sea snake frequently opens its mouth and spits out terrifying venom.

The effects of each venom are different, some are highly corrosive, and some can form biting frost...

Owuwa's tentacles wrapped around the eight-headed sea snake. The tentacles slowly contracted, and the force was enough to crush steel into powder.

A red air curtain appeared around the eight-headed sea snake, and the air curtain forcefully supported the shrinking tentacles. The Chrysalis man decisively pulled the trigger, and the spear and arrow with automatic tracking function penetrated the air curtain and hit eight sea snakes.

A layer of purple crystal covered the surface of the eight-headed sea snake. The crystal broke under the power of the spear and arrow, and debris flew everywhere.

The eight-headed sea snake showed no signs of being "poisoned". It was obvious that he knew something about those spears and arrows, and that layer of purple crystal was the solution.

But according to the thickness of the purple crystal, it won't last long.

The Eight-headed Sea Snake knew very well that if it continued, let alone completing the organization's mission, this reincarnated weapon would probably perish here.

He glanced at Owuwa and made a choice.

"Anyway, as long as the organization's plan is successful, we can then use the Philosopher's Stone to refine a panacea."

The eight-headed sea snake broke free from Owuwa's tentacles, opened its mouth, and made a sound like metal collision, "I can give you the Poseidon potion, but only if you help me deal with Owuwa and use the Dusk Arrow to make it Fall into drowsiness.”

Since Okumuwa did not intend to cooperate, he could only use strong methods to bring Okumuwa back to the base. At that time, there would be many ways to control Okumuwa.

"Why should we believe you?" The two chrysalis people were a little moved.

"Don't you carry the contract with you? I am willing to sign my name on the contract." The eight-headed sea snake said solemnly.

The two chrysalis men looked at each other for a few moments and nodded.

Xu Yi saw clearly that the so-called contract was also a parchment scroll, but he knew very well that the "entry bond" contract he made was just a fake and relied on the system.

And the parchment roll in the hand of the Chrysalis Man definitely has some kind of magical effect.

The chrysalis man quickly wrote words on the parchment, and then threw it to the eight-headed sea snake. The eight-headed sea snake only had to deal with Owuwa, and the pressure dropped sharply.

He dodged while reading the words on the contract.

"If this article needs to be changed, I can only promise to hand over the Poseidon Potion. As for whether you can get it, that is your business. If someone robs it halfway, do you still need me to help you find it?"

After deliberation for a moment, the chrysalis man nodded in agreement.

They don't think that someone can snatch things away under their noses.

When Xu Yi heard the contents of the contract, his heart moved and his eyes flashed with light.

The contract was reached, and both the eight-headed sea snake and the silkworm chrysalis breathed a sigh of relief.

The situation reversed in an instant, and Okumuwa was retreating steadily under siege from both sides.

One after another "arrows of dusk" were shot into Owuwa's body. No matter how huge the Owuwa was, it could dilute the toxins in the spears and arrows, but there was always a limit.

Moreover, the eight-headed sea snake is also assisting, and its mouth is constantly spitting out poisonous mist that makes people sleep.

After a while, Omuwa finally "slumbered", and his huge body fell from the sea, crushing half of the Atlantis ruins and shaking violently.

Xu Yi looked at the sleeping Owuwa and resisted the urge to take action. Now was not the best time.

"Our work is done, hand over the Poseidon potion!" The chrysalis man stared at the eight-headed sea snake.

The Eight-Headed Sea Snake has no intention of going back on his word. The consequences of violating the contract are too serious and he is not willing to bear them.

He reluctantly glanced at the Poseidon Potion, and then threw the crystal box out at the urging of the Chrysalis Man.

Xu Yi looked at the crystal box in mid-air, his eyes shining.

The opportunity is coming!

But he didn't want to step forward to snatch it. After all, the two chrysalis men were too difficult to deal with. They had the abnormally strong "Silkworm Chrysalis Armor" and the terrifying "Twilight Arrow".

And he had a vague feeling that the Chrysalis Man had other means.

He took out a sapphire and quietly activated the magic circle on it. This was a "remote control switch" whose function was to activate the "transparent clay" stuck to the crystal box.

"I hope both parties will like the little surprise he specially prepared!"

(End of this chapter)

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