American exorcist god.

Chapter 292 Stud

Chapter 292 Stud

Xu Yi quickly put away the Poseidon potion, took out the Greedy Sin Skeleton, and hurried towards Owuwa.

After knowing that the Poseidon potion was about to expire, he couldn't wait to return to Yaoyao's house to prepare the potion.

Xu Yi stood in front of Owuwa, feeling anxious but a little hesitant.

Owuwa's body is too huge. If you want to swallow the "Taotie" origin, you must first dismember the outer layer of flesh and blood and enter the core.

During this process, Owuwa will definitely wake up. Although his resistance is weakened due to the poison of the Dusk Arrow, it will still hinder his dismemberment process.

After going back and forth, maybe half an hour passed, and by then the Poseidon potion would have already expired.

"We can let the ghost warriors act as dismemberers!" Xu Yi quickly thought of a way.

Just when he was about to summon the ghost warrior, his eyes glanced at the direction where the eight-headed sea snake disappeared, and suddenly his heart moved, and an idea came to his mind.

"Maybe we can wait a little longer!"

He had personally experienced the toxin of the Dusk Arrow and knew that it would not be able to recover in a short time if it did not expire so quickly.

In other words, there is no rush to dismember Omuwa.

"Maybe there will be an unexpected surprise!" Xu Yi took out the Evil God's Nest and threw it into a hidden corner.

Before squatting in ambush, it is a good habit to do your eyes in advance!

Xu Yi felt the location of the Eight Demonic Houses, and then ran at full speed.


In the southwest corner of the Atlantis ruins, a huge oval-shaped building complex stood. Xu Yi found Lisa and others in one of the "domes".

"You guys are exaggerating!"

Xu Yi looked at the busy people, his eyes twitching slightly.

Everyone was walking in and out of the "Royal Forge Room", like a group of worker ants carrying food, extremely busy.

The "Royal Forge Room" was just a name Xu Yi gave casually, because the artifacts inside were all branded with the "Poseidon Mark".

Xu Yi learned from an ancient book that only the royal family of Atlantis was eligible to use artifacts engraved with the "Poseidon Mark".

This information may seem inconsequential, but at certain moments, it can be worth thousands of dollars.

There are many forging rooms in Atlantis. How can they find the best forging room in a short time?

What he relies on is the "Poseidon Mark".

Xu Yi had previously told Carlisle to vacate the forging room. It was just a joke, but he didn't expect it to be taken seriously.

"What is that in your hand?"

Xu Yi glanced at the porcelain white oval washer in Mieko Harada's hand, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly.

"I don't know either!" Harada Mieko replied hastily, and ran to search for "treasures" again.

Xu Yi hesitated because that thing looked too much like a toilet gasket!

"They won't treat it as a supermarket shopping, right? It will still be the zero-yuan kind."

Xu Yi suddenly thought of a possibility. He shook his head and decided to ignore this group of "shopping top" women.

In the patio room of the Eight Demonic Houses, Xu Yi stared at the remains of the Poseidon Potion in front of him and took a deep breath.

"If you want to play, play a big one!"

He held a fingernail-sized Poseidon potion in one hand and 30ml of Philosopher's Stone liquid in the other hand. The liquid has now solidified.

That's all the Philosopher's Stone he has.

Without hesitation, he poured all the Philosopher's Stone into the test tube of Poseidon Potion, and then added the catalyst.

He just studded!

A magical scene happened again. The Philosopher's Stone followed the law of conservation of energy and was transformed into Poseidon Potion.

From 30ml of Philosopher's Stone, I ended up with just over 60ml of Poseidon Potion, which was almost double the amount.

The potion in the crystal box is about 20ml. Obviously, if you want to achieve the best effect, it is best to inject 20ml. In other words, through the transformation of the Philosopher's Stone, he now has three complete versions of Poseidon Potions.

"Sure enough, it still doesn't work!" Xu Yi looked at the Poseidon Potion and sighed.

Although the Poseidon potion transformed from the Philosopher's Stone has returned to its peak efficacy, the "invalidation" process is irreversible, just like dominoes. Once started, it cannot go back.

"Hurry up!"

Xu Yi glanced at the watch in his hand. He put the medicine into three syringes and walked out of the patio room.

The "Three Sisters" have finished their "brick-moving" tour and were waiting outside early.

"This is the Poseidon potion. You should inject it now." Xu Yi handed over the Poseidon potion.

The three of them did not hesitate. After receiving the medicine, they immediately injected it into their bodies.

Xu Yi paid close attention to the situation of the three people, and at the same time frequently lowered his head to look at the time.


On the edge of Atlantis, the mushroom-like dwellings were reduced to ruins. Purple poisonous mist rose throughout the space, and an unpleasant stench filled the air.

"Damn it! Let him escape!" One of the chrysalis people said bitterly.

Although their initial goal was the Poseidon Potion, if they could kill a great deacon of the Ring of Destruction and collect a high-level reincarnation weapon.

When they return to the organization, they can legitimately turn "private work" into "official work", receive a large amount of credit, and then be promoted.

The reason why they pursue the eight-headed sea snake is because they are angered only on the surface. This is the essence.

"Forget it, Daniel, the other person was seriously injured and won't dare to come back for a while. We'd better hurry up!" Another Chrysalis man persuaded.

The chrysalis man named Daniel nodded and took out the metal bottle containing the Poseidon potion.

When he took out the two syringes, he hesitated and said:

"Colin, injecting Poseidon Potion actually has certain risks. I am in urgent need of Poseidon Potion because I have cancer. You don't actually need to take this risk."

"It's okay, Daniel, we are good friends! Let's face danger together!" Colin acted completely unconcerned.

He sneered at Daniel's words. What's the risk? In his opinion, the other party was obviously reluctant to part with it because he needed to inject 20ml of Poseidon to achieve the best effect.

Daniel didn't say anything else. Even if he was unhappy, he could only endure it.

After all, the Poseidon potion was about to expire, and there was no time for them to argue.

He divided the Poseidon potion in his hand into two parts.

In the process, he played a little trick. He first poured 10ml into his syringe, and then handed the rest to Colin.

You must know that some of the Poseidon potion was spilled, but the rest was not enough for 10ml.

Colin also noticed this and curled his lips, but didn't say anything more. For the same reason, it was already time for them to argue.

They tapped their fingers between their brows, and this time it was not their chest that was cracked, but their arms.

If Xu Yi saw the arms of the two people, he would definitely be very surprised.

The arms of the two people are different. One of them has a skinny arm, while the other has fat.

But one thing is the same, that is, they all have no muscles. They have obviously not received any strict training, and they are just ordinary humans.

Two ordinary people actually crushed and beat the eight-headed sea snake of the Ring of Destruction?

It's unbelievable.

The two of them couldn't wait to inject the Poseidon medicine into their bodies. After a moment, they suddenly let out a scream and fell to the ground twitching.

"No! There's something wrong with this potion!"

(End of this chapter)

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