American exorcist god.

Chapter 293 System Bug

Chapter 293 System Bug

In the Eight Demons House.

Xu Yi looked at the scene in front of him with an extremely ugly face and his brows furrowed into the character "Chuan".

Lisa fell to the ground, her body twitching continuously; Maria was bleeding from all her orifices and her breath was weak; Carlisle's condition was even worse, with skin all over his body chapped, like a clay doll that had been exposed to the sun.

After they were injected with the Poseidon potion, it only took half a minute for them to look like this.

Three anatomical diagrams appeared in front of Xu Yi's eyes.

The anatomy diagram came from the Evil God's Nest. He had three people take the Evil God's Nest early in the morning to observe the changes in their bodies.

Lisa's body shone with golden light, which was the power derived from the holy blood.

Inside the bodies of Maria and Alan, black and white mist intertwined, which was the power of two souls.

The red and black liquid in Carlisle's body formed a balanced ring, which was the "Lane Power" formed by the fusion of werewolves and vampires.

Poseidon's potion is unlocking the "shackles" in their bodies.

Everything went smoothly at first, but for some reason, when the Poseidon potion penetrated deep into the genes and prepared for genetic modification, the situation suddenly took a turn for the worse.

Is Poseidon Potion fake?

This thought flashed through Xu Yi's mind.

But that's not right. The people of Atlantis spent so much effort to preserve the Poseidon potion. Is it just to deceive people?

This makes no sense at all.

Xu Yi saw the three people whose breathing was gradually weakening, and had no idea of ​​​​stepping forward to treat them.

He glanced down at his watch and saw that the time was almost up.

Platinum flames surged out of his eyes, and the organs in his body were burned away. He decisively chose to self-immolate.

Time goes back to five minutes ago.

Xu Yi stood in the courtyard, holding the Philosopher's Stone in his hand, about to pour it into the test tube of the Poseidon Potion.

This was what he had thought about early on. The resurrection coin was not just an extra life, it was actually an opportunity for trial and error.

That's why he dared to stud the Philosopher's Stone and inject the medicine into the Lisas' bodies without hesitation.

"Should we keep trying?"

This is the problem Xu Yi will face next.

Logically speaking, he has five resurrection opportunities a day. For fault tolerance, he needs to keep at least two resurrection opportunities.

That is, he can try twice more.

But is it worth it? You must know that every resurrection coin is very precious.

Xu Yi poured the Philosopher's Stone into the test tube of Poseidon Potion.

He had already thought of the answer to this question when he was in the resurrection space just now.

Poseidon's potion is too precious. According to records in ancient books, Atlanteans who are injected with Poseidon's potion will have their physical fitness greatly enhanced and possess "Poseidon's Armor."

"Poseidon's Armor" is not a real armor, but refers to the strengthened physical strength, invulnerability and immunity to all evil, just like wearing the mythical armor.

Moreover, the Poseidon Armor can also give people the ability to breathe in the deep sea.

"If the record is not deceptive, the effect of a Poseidon potion is at least comparable to that of a red ordinary-level entry!"

Red entries, even if they are only ordinary level, are extremely precious.

Even for Xu Yi now, it is difficult to obtain red level entries.

Not because of strength, but because it is difficult to meet someone who can swallow the "red entry".

The red-level entries on his body are either from evil gods or extremely weird things like divine evil, which are extremely rare.

The Poseidon potion has a very weak effect on him who has a demigod body, but for Lisa and the others, it is different.

If it is a combat-type "red epic" entry, its strength should be similar to that of the title exorcist.

If they can be strengthened by the Poseidon Potion, plus the bonus of the Seven Deadly Sins of alchemical weapons, as well as their own abilities and characteristics

After a series of combinations, his strength can be regarded as half-stepping into the level of the title exorcist.

And how many titled exorcists are there in the world?

If the plan succeeds, a powerful force will quickly gather around Xu Yi.

Xu Yi once again used the Philosopher's Stone to copy the Poseidon potion, but instead of injecting the three of them immediately, he began to prepare the potion.

The Evil God's Nest can not only observe the changes in the human body, but also analyze the ingredients of the Poseidon potion. When he was reviewing the situation in the resurrection space just now, he had noticed some "signs".

Maybe it’s not the Poseidon Potion that has a problem, but the “people” problem!

The Poseidon Potion is a potion that acts on the genetic level. It was developed, of course, for the Atlanteans.

Could it be that the genes of the Atlanteans are different from those of today’s humans?

The more Xu Yi thought about it, the more it seemed possible.

[You have burned the "Blood Wings" and gained occult inspiration! 】

Blood Wings, a green epic-level entry, comes from Dracula, the ancestor of vampires.

This entry has never found the right time to use it, and now is the time.

Time was too urgent. If he followed the normal method, he would not be able to prepare the "gene reconciliation potion", so he could only choose to cheat.

Inspiration comes in waves, as if it were a small stream when the white entries were burned before.

So the inspiration at this moment is the broad river.

With endless inspiration, Xu Yi quickly prepared the potion.

Since experiencing the "poison smearing incident" of the Sun Gold Sutra, he always keeps a large number of semi-finished medicines on hand, just in case.

In just one minute, he prepared the "Gene Reconciliation Potion".

"Come! Inject the Poseidon potion first, and then this blending potion."

Xu Yi asked the three women to inject medicine and race against time.

Two potions were injected one after another, and Xu Yi's face became ugly again.

Because it failed again!

"Sure enough, it's still too hasty! To prepare a suitable potion in such a short period of time, unless a miracle happens."

Xu Yi sighed, and then decisively used the second resurrection coin of the day.

In the resurrection space, he reviewed the entire process, and he had determined that it was indeed a matter of genetic differences.

Poseidon's potion was developed for the people of Atlantis. Modern people have a "rejection reaction" due to slight genetic differences.

"It seems we have to give up."

Xu Yi gradually calmed down. Although the success rate would increase a lot if he tried it again, it would only be from 1% to 10%.

The possibility is too small and not worth wasting the resurrection coins.

But he is not without gain. From the analysis of the Evil God's Nest, he got a lot of inspiration, and maybe he can try to make the "Little Poseidon Potion".

Golden light enveloped Xu Yi's eyes, and he appeared in the patio room again.

This time, due to the preparation of the potion, time moved forward a little. Seeing that the Philosopher's Stone in his hand was about to be poured into the test tube, he suddenly stopped his hand.

"Huh! The time control this time is too extreme. If it is delayed by two seconds, I'm afraid it will happen again."

Xu Yi praised himself as a "time management master".

He was about to put away the Philosopher's Stone, glanced at the system panel out of habit, and then froze, his eyes fixed on the system entry database.

The Bloody Wings entry is lying quietly inside the entry!

Wasn't this entry sacrificed and turned into occult inspiration? Why does it still appear in the dictionary?

He always thought that after the entries were burned, they would disappear. After all, time had gone back, but the mystical inspiration he had obtained would always remain in his brain.

Is it a system bug?

Xu Yi stared at the system panel, a little worried about the gain and loss, as if he had picked up a grand prize lottery ticket on the roadside, but thought it was a fake.

The system did not respond, and no bug correction information appeared.

Xu Yi's eyes were as bright as two high-wattage light bulbs!

He suddenly understood that this was not a bug, but a unique functional system of the system.

His body was trembling slightly with excitement. Although it seemed like just a small bug, the benefits it might bring were unimaginable.

Xu Yi resolutely poured the Philosopher's Stone into the Poseidon Potion.

He has a bold idea!

(End of this chapter)

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