American exorcist god.

Chapter 294 From today on, please call me a scientific research genius!

Chapter 294 From today on, please call me a scientific research genius!

Xu Yi stared at the system panel closely, as if there were flames burning in his eyes.

Since there is no miracle coming, then take the initiative to create a miracle!

【You burn "Psychic Painter" and get occult inspiration! 】

This is just the beginning, far from the end.

[You burned the "Eye of Darkness", "Soul Jade", "Blood Wings"...]

After the green entries, there are blue entries.

[You burned the "Shadow Gun God",...]

Then there are the red level entries.

[You burned "Super Accelerated Regeneration", "Original Sin Equipment"...]

At the end is the only pale gold entry.

【You burned the "Blood Throne" and gained occult inspiration! 】

Vigorously miracle!

He sacrificed all the words that could be burned.

After losing these entries, Xu Yi returned to an ordinary person. He felt an unprecedented sense of weakness, replaced by surging inspiration.

Burning green epic level entries, inspiration is like a river, but now it falls directly into the ocean. He is surrounded by inspiration, inexhaustible and inexhaustible.

In order to quickly select the best inspiration, he also launched "super brain computing".

At this moment, Xu Yi's pupils suddenly dilated.

Discovering the bug in the occult talent was already a huge surprise, but I didn’t expect that it even came with a “gift package”.

[The hidden effect of the occult apocalypse is activated! When excessive inspiration is obtained, the occult apocalypse will be forcibly activated. 】

"This is the correct way to open the Resurrection Coin and the Mysterious Apocalypse!" Xu Yi was excited.

There is no doubt about the power of "Occult Apocalypse". He relied on this entry ability to refine the "Blood of Fusion God".

The biggest drawback of this ability is that it is uncontrollable.

Well now, as long as you spend one resurrection coin, you can get the opportunity to open it, and you will also have a steady stream of inspiration.

It’s simply a win!

Various projects flashed through Xu Yi's mind: "True God's Bone Bullet Project", "Mythical Sacred Artifact Array Migration Project"...

Projects that have been progressing slowly or only existed in ideas can now be put on the agenda.

[Occult Apocalypse: Is there any way to make two enemies live in harmony? The way is to make them not enemies! 】

At first glance, this sentence seems like an example of nonsense literature.

But Xu Yi's eyes lit up. What he had been thinking about before was to try his best to reconcile human genes and Poseidon potion. Maybe he could change his mind.

He began to mix the potion. Under the influence of the mystical revelation and a lot of inspiration, he had never felt that his ideas were so clear.

Just like when solving a problem, the next step will automatically appear in front of you without any thinking in the brain.

Xu Yi quickly mixed the potion and came to Lisa and the others.

He first asked the three women to inject the prepared medicine, and then injected the Poseidon medicine.

His eyes were shining, and he used the Evil God's Nest to observe the changes in the three people's bodies, full of expectation.

The Poseidon medicine entered the human body and spread rapidly, and they began to detect it.

If the genetic aura of the Atlanteans is detected, they will take effect. On the contrary, a "rejection reaction" will occur.

It is not known whether the refiner deliberately did this characteristic or whether it was an inadvertent effect.

This happens to form a "technical blockade" and is also the main reason why injections of medicine frequently fail.

The Poseidon Potion detected the genetic aura of the "Atlanteans", the potion's effectiveness penetrated into the genes, and the transformation began.

"Sure enough, it's feasible!" Xu Yi showed an excited look on his face.

The reason why the genetic aura of the Atlanteans appeared in the bodies of the three of them was entirely due to the "genetic aura disguise potion" he had just prepared.

Whether it is changing a person's genes or changing the properties of Poseidon's potion, it is too difficult.

Instead of doing this, it is better to find a way to "deceive" the Poseidon potion into thinking that the target it wants to transform is the Atlanteans, so that the "technical blockade" can be bypassed.

How can two enemies live in harmony?

As long as you hide it from them and don't let them know that the other party is an enemy, isn't that enough?

The principle of the camouflage potion is the same. The effect of this potion can only last for a period of time, but after the transformation of the Poseidon potion is completed, what does it matter if the disguise is lost or not?

"Mysterious Apocalypse is indeed a bug!" Xu Yi couldn't help but sigh. Because the hints from the occult revelation are absolutely correct, this can avoid going down the wrong path.

Lisa fell into a deep sleep, her breath rising step by step.

But the situation of Maria and Carlisle was completely different. Their skin was broken and blood was flowing out uncontrollably.

The potion still failed, but there was no trace of disappointment on Xu Yi's face.

In fact, his idea is not wrong. He is only one step away from success. The short step is that he ignores the differences between everyone.

Everyone's physique is different, and the effect of genetic camouflage medicine on everyone is also different.

Even if people suffering from the same disease take the same medicine, the effects of the medicine may be very different.

Lisa's situation is the best, that's because the medicine just prepared is just right for Lisa's physique.

"Next, all we need to do is customize the disguise potion for each person!"

Xu Yi decisively set himself on fire. This was the third resurrection coin used today.

This resurrection coin is indispensable.

Even if the disguise potion is a great success, he must go back in time to save the sacrificed entries.

He originally had 58 coins left, but now he has consumed 3 coins, leaving 55 coins left.

Xu Yi looked at the remaining resurrection coins with fiery eyes.

Most of the time before, resurrection coins were used passively. Now that he learned about this bug, he was ready to take the initiative and not waste the opportunity to use resurrection coins every day.

"The talents of you scientific geniuses are indeed terrifying, but I'm sorry, from today on, the title of the strongest scientific genius belongs to me!"

Xu Yi stayed in the resurrection space, thinking about the details of mixing the potion, and time passed quickly.

Golden light enveloped him, and when Xu Yi opened his eyes again, there was no anxious look on his face.

Since the "Study" Philosopher's Stone has been determined, there is no need to waste time anymore.

He began to tailor-make the potion. This time, because he had relatively sufficient time, he was more precise when mixing the potion and the effect would be better.

After a moment, three disguise potions were placed in front of him. After Lisa and the other three injected the corresponding potions, they injected the Poseidon potion again.

The three of them soon fell into a deep sleep, their breathing was steady and strong, and their aura continued to rise.

The Poseidon Potion is unlocking the "gene lock" on them.

"Finally successful!" Xu Yi breathed out a sigh of relief, but was not too excited.

Because he had expected all this, after all, it was a matter of course.


A corner of the ruins of Atlantis.

"Headquarters! Call headquarters!"

Colin, the chrysalis man, fell to the ground and kept twitching, his skin was chapped, and his whole body was stained red with blood.

Daniel's condition next to him was even worse. His chest exploded. Through the bloody bones, you could see the rapidly beating heart underneath. People couldn't help but worry that the heart would explode in the next second.

After they were injected with the Poseidon potion, they became like this.

They suspected that the eight-headed sea snake was responsible, but now there was no way to seek revenge from the other party. All they had to do now was to save their own lives.

"The communication is connected. I am Aisha, the customer service staff at the headquarters. How can I help you?" The crystal on the collar of the silkworm chrysalis glowed red.

"Help! Help us!" Colin croaked.

"Your numbers have been detected. You have been fired from the organization for violating the ban. Black Abyssal Clothes will be recovered immediately."

Aisha's sweet voice came, but in Colin's ears, it was more terrifying than the devil's words.

"No! No! Please, don't fire us! My uncle is..."

Colin couldn't finish what he said, because the black abyss clothes on their bodies suddenly started to squirm and kept compressing inward.

In the extremely desperate eyes of the two people, their bodies were crushed into a ball of rotten flesh, and blood gushed out from the gaps like a high-pressure fountain.

Hei Yuanyi compressed into the size of a palm and transformed into two strange birds. After determining their position, they flew away in the air.

(End of this chapter)

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