American exorcist god.

Chapter 295 The prey with residual blood comes to the door

Chapter 295 The prey with residual blood comes to the door

Xu's restaurant.

Xu Changrong was lying on the sofa in the lobby, bored.

He actually didn't want to stay here. He just caught an evil spirit a few days ago, and before he had time to cook it, he wanted to make it into a bowl of braised pork.

But there is no other way. He still has to be careful with the things his son entrusts him with.

Little Alice and the cat spirit Buster were chasing each other and playing in the lobby; Harada Mieko was practicing her sword in the corner, thinking that it could be used at critical moments.

Harada Mieko opened the "tourist privileges" of the Ghost Warrior. This was what Xu Changrong asked Xu Yi to do. The purpose was very simple, that is... to be lazy.

Sometimes Xu Changrong really didn't want to go out to look for "ingredients", so he asked Harada Mieko to do it. Over and over again, Harada Mieko controlled the ghost warrior for even longer than Xu Changrong.

Xu Changrong would occasionally teach Harada Mieko swordsmanship, but it was not the RB sword, but Xia Guo's swordsmanship.

Over the years, he seemed to be a cook, but in the process of chopping and cooking vegetables, he had already perfected the family knife skills.

"How long will this last?" Xu Changrong sighed.

He looked up and saw not the decoration in the lobby of Xu's restaurant, but a huge tentacled monster.

About ten minutes ago, Xu Yi hurried back to Xu's restaurant and said that he had something important to ask his father.

So Xu Changrong controlled the ghost warrior to enter the ruins of Atlantis, arrived at the destination quietly, hid in the dark, and monitored the surrounding movements.

He was a little surprised at first, but after seeing it for a long time, it was like that. After all, he could only monitor now, but he couldn't go forward to cut off a few strings of tentacles and go back to the teppanyaki.

At this moment, purple light and shadow suddenly appeared over the tentacle monster, and Xu Changrong instantly became energetic.


Xu Yi saw that the situation of Lisa and the others had stabilized, and just as his heart dropped, a cat spirit suddenly broke into the room and let out a low meow.

These cat spirits are all affiliated spirits of Butters and possess considerable wisdom. They all know that Xu Yi is doing important things and will never barge in and disturb him for no reason.

"Could it be..."

Xu Yi was stunned for a moment, and immediately began to switch his vision, connecting his thoughts with the Evil God's Nest thrown next to the Owuwa.

In order to race against time to prepare the potion, he had to concentrate.

Dual-tasking is only for daily situations. He didn't have the energy to pay attention to other things just now, so he asked his father to do it.

The cat spirit was obviously sent by his father to inform him.

"I'm actually back!" Xu Yi looked a little excited as he looked at the eight-headed sea snake high in the sky.

He suddenly thought before that, with the character of Ring of Destruction, he shouldn't give up so easily, so he chose to "wait and wait".

At the same time, he secretly rejoiced. Fortunately, he had given up on dismemberment for the time being. Otherwise, based on this time, he would have only been halfway through the dismemberment.

At that time, not only will he miss the Poseidon potion, but he will also face a sneak attack from the eight-headed sea snake.

Xu Yi checked again and after confirming that Lisa and the others were in stable condition, he quickly left the Xu family restaurant and touched the eight-headed sea snake.

Fortunately, he was prepared and had Xu's restaurant parked not far away, so he could quickly reach the battlefield.

Xu Yi did not choose to join the ghost warrior, but lurked opposite the ghost warrior, forming a pincer attack.

He lurked in the darkness, staring at the eight-headed sea snake above, his eyes shining.

The eight-headed sea snake was in a very miserable condition at the moment. Its metal body was broken in many places, and purple steam spewed out from time to time.

But that's not the most serious thing. Black centipede-like lines are all over the opponent's body. The eight-headed sea snake trembles from time to time, obviously suffering from very serious injuries.

Xu Yi's eyes became brighter and brighter.

Remaining health, squatting in the grass, all the elements!

The eight-headed sea snake suddenly opened its mouth, and eight "buds" spit out from its mouth and scattered around Owuwa.

He spat out purple mist again, and the mist was absorbed by the flower buds. The flower buds were activated, and the petals unfolded to form a metal flower.

There is a purple gemstone inlaid in the center of the metal flower. The bright light pours out from the gemstone and reflects the purple light curtain. Eight light curtains are spliced ​​into a huge cage, suspended above Owuwa.

Xu Yi frowned and stared at the light curtain. The light curtain gave him a familiar feeling, as if he had seen it somewhere before, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

The eight-headed sea snake spit out purple mist continuously, and its metal body shook more and more violently.

"it's time!"

Xu Yi took a deep breath and sent a signal to his father Xu Changrong through the ghost warrior.


"It looks like it's going to be overhauled!" Karen sighed after checking the condition of the reincarnation device.

The Dusk Arrow is not so easy to hold down, not to mention the even more terrifying "Death Heart". Fortunately, he is controlling an S-class reincarnation weapon, otherwise it would have been destroyed long ago.

But it also paid a very heavy price.

"But as long as we can complete the organization's plan, the rest doesn't matter." Karen's heart was pounding as she thought about the benefits of completing the plan.

At this moment, two frightening auras suddenly burst out, one after the other, rushing towards him.

Karen was suddenly startled. His eyes swept across two lights and shadows, one was white gold, and the other was the red of flames.

In the turbulent white-gold air, Xu Yi's forehead was floating, and he had activated "Blood as Holy" with all his strength.

The opportunity was rare, so of course he had to use all his strength to kill with one strike!

He stretched out his fingers, and white-gold balls of light gathered at his fingertips.


The blazing holy flame is like a sword of judgment, covering the eight-headed sea serpent.

And shrouded in flames, the ghost warrior holds the magic sword Red Lotus.

At the moment, Xu Changrong is controlling the ghost warrior. After a period of exploration, he has become very familiar with the various abilities of the ghost warrior.

The Demon Knife Guren is a RB knife, which is not the same type as the kitchen knife he usually uses.

But when his sword skills reached his level, he had long been able to apply them to all kinds of swordsmanship. After a little practice and learning from Mieko Harada's sword skills, he even managed to innovate.

"Slash with fierce flames!"

The crescent-shaped flaming sword energy surged out. The sword energy was only two meters long, which was far different from the dozens of meters of flaming sword energy that Xu Yi frequently wielded.

But it doesn't mean that the bigger the sword energy, the more powerful it is.

Sometimes it's just the opposite. The flame is highly concentrated and its power increases exponentially.

The flaming sword energy passed through the air and slashed at the eight-headed sea snake.

Karen controlled the eight-headed sea snake to dodge. Not to mention that the eight-headed sea snake was now "seriously injured". Even at its peak, it could not resist the "light saber" and "fire knife".

But the sneak attack came too suddenly. One second he was concentrating on activating the magic circle, and the next second the "light saber" and "fire knife" were right in front of him.

The eight-headed sea snake was engulfed in flames, and the bright light radiated in all directions, as bright as a supernova explosion. Xu Yi subconsciously narrowed his eyes.

After a moment, the light dissipated, and Xu Yi looked down intently.

A huge pit appeared in Atlantis, and half of Atlantis was completely turned into ruins.

Owuwa was also affected, and a large area of ​​his body was evaporated, but there was no blood flowing out of the wound, only traces of scorch, and the flesh was carbonized by the high temperature.

Owuwa woke up from the pain and let out a loud whimper, but because the poison of the Dusk Arrow was still there, it could only wave its tentacles feebly.

Xu Yi ignored Owuwa at all and stared at the center of the explosion.

(End of this chapter)

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