American exorcist god.

Chapter 296 Shield of Creation x Tears of Heaven

Chapter 296 Shield of Creation x Tears of Heaven

The limbs of the eight-headed sea snake are scattered in the deep pit. Only three of the eight heads are now attached to the snake's body. The snake's body is broken, the complex structure is exposed, and a large amount of steam gushes out.

Xu Yi finally breathed a sigh of relief. The "Squatting in the Grass" plan was very successful. Under the baptism of his and the Ghost Warrior's ultimate moves, even the alchemy machinery of the Ring of Destruction could not withstand it.

But the next second, his heart suddenly jumped.

The body of the eight-headed sea snake suddenly split open, the metal components below separated, the gears meshed with each other, and the things in the center of the body were pushed out.

Xu Yi had seen a similar situation before, on the crow man. The black drop of water in the center of the crow man's chest left a very "wonderful" memory to him.

"Be careful to avoid it!" Xu Yi reminded loudly.

The situation this time is much better than last time. He and the ghost warriors are at their peak combat power, and they are prepared. If the "Black Sun" reappears, they should be able to escape in time.

There were no black water droplets. Instead, there were two familiar items, nested in metal devices and shrouded in dense metal tentacles.

One of the items seemed to be a shield, palm-sized and earthy in color. It looked like it was randomly made from yellow mud on the roadside, with very simple lines carved on it.

The other piece is a drop-shaped gemstone, the size of a fist, completely blue, with a shadow floating in it, which is beautiful.

"That's..." Xu Yi suddenly widened his eyes in surprise.

No wonder it felt familiar at first, because he had seen it in the "Genealogy of Mythical Weapons". They were two mythical exorcism artifacts.

Shield of Creation: Nikunti!

Tears of Heaven: Elnis!

Xu Yi needs mythical artifacts to create the Seven Deadly Sins, so he will naturally know the relevant information.

He stared at the two mythical sacred weapons and suddenly had a sense of enlightenment.

The three most important parts of alchemy machinery are materials, alchemy array, and energy.

Xu Yi could guess a little bit about the solid materials and the extraordinary alchemy formation, but he couldn't figure out the energy aspect.

But now he understands that it is a mythical exorcism artifact!

"No wonder the crow people were so keen on seizing the mythical artifact last time!" Xu Yi suddenly realized.

The mythical holy weapon is also called the "Saint's Weapon". The reason why it has this title is because the mythical saint is very picky and cannot be driven by just any person.

For example, the Three Sacred Artifacts of RB in Xu Yi's hands can only be driven by those with the blood of the RB Emperor.

But looking at the eight-headed sea snake in front of him, it is obvious that he does not belong to the "saints".

"It's really unimaginable that the Ring of Destruction can ignore the restrictions of the mythical artifact and channel its energy!" Xu Yi was secretly shocked.

"Shield of Creation" and "Tears of Heaven" suddenly glowed brightly. The magic circle inside the snake's body was activated, and the energy gathered toward the center, concentrating into a deep purple ball of light.

Xu Yi felt a little frightened as he felt the surging energy in the light ball. He was fully alert and ready to dodge at any time.

The fist-sized purple light ball was fully charged and drew an arc in the air, flying towards Xu Yi and the ghost warrior.

At this moment, Xu Yi had become a frightened bird. He immediately burned the holy blood and fled to the side.

The ghost warrior's movements were even more agile than Xu Yi's. When the ball of light had just risen, he had already turned into a blur and fled downwards.

Xu Yi avoided the purple ball of light and breathed a sigh of relief, but the next second, his heart was shocked in vain.

"Wrong!" He immediately realized something was wrong. If it was the opponent's "ultimate move", how could it be so easily avoided by them?

Since the ball of light did not turn around or explode, it continued to move towards the purple light curtain above.

The light ball fell into one of the metal flowers. The octagonal light curtain was blazing in vain, and dense mantras traveled on the light curtain.

Xu Yi's expression changed drastically. He suddenly understood that the goal of the light ball was not to attack them at the beginning, but to activate the magic circle in front of him!

The strong fluctuations spread, and he finally remembered where that familiar feeling came from.

He had seen a similar magic circle before, in RB, when he snatched a little bit of sin bones from the Ring of Destruction. The sinful bones were embedded in the bird of prey. Finally, the magic circle in the bird of prey was activated, and the sinful bones "disappeared" and escaped into a different space and flew away.

The magic circle in front of me was exactly the same, except that it was larger in scale.

Considering that the Eight-Headed Sea Snake is also a member of the Ring of Destruction, it is not unusual to know the "Void Formation". Maybe the Void Formation is the Eight-Headed Sea Serpent's special skill.

"The opponent activates the virtualization circle because he wants to forcefully send away Owuwa!"

The situation is great, can we still watch the cooked duck fly away?

Xu Yi's face was ugly, he had not yet been able to swallow the origin of "Taotie".

He took a sudden step and punched the "metal flower" in the air, and his fist passed through the metal flower.

The magic circle has been formed, these metal flowers have escaped into a different space, and what is in front of them is just a projection.

"Do you want to use resurrection coins?"

Xu Yi hesitated and gave up. He only had two chances to resurrect today. If he used them, he would only have one chance left.

And the most critical question is, how can he stop that ball of light?

The terrifying energy contained in the light ball is not fake. Should we fight it by ourselves, or should we use ghost warriors?

The Ghost Warrior involves an important layout behind it. Once it is destroyed, there is no replacement at all.

So this is a conspiracy. Even if Xu Yiming knows that the goal of the light ball is to activate the virtualization circle, he can't do anything.

The purple light curtain spread downward inch by inch, and Owuwa's body became blurred up and down.

After Xu Yi was stunned for a moment, he rushed towards Owuwa. He rushed into Awuwa's body without any hindrance.

"Sure enough!" Xu Yi was overjoyed.

It is true that the virtual formation cannot be stopped, but because the Austrian tiles are too huge, they can only be blurred part by part.

In other words, the illusory magic circle played the role of "dismemberment".

"When it is 'dismembered' to the core level, he can get ahead of the light curtain and devour the origin of Taotie!"

Xu Yi was determined.

At this moment, the body of the eight-headed sea snake suddenly trembled, the tentacles connected to the mythical sacred artifact broke, and various buckles opened in sequence.

The Shield of Creation and Tears of Heaven were ejected, and after losing their energy source, the eight-headed sea snake collapsed to the ground like a puppet with its strings cut off.

The two holy weapons flew toward the purple light curtain. Xu Yi saw the "metal eyes" attached to the holy weapons and instantly understood what was going on.

The "Metal Eye" on the sacred instrument is definitely part of the magic circle.

To put it simply, if the holy weapon flies into the purple light curtain, you can also enjoy the effect of the virtual circle.

"Damn! Just let Owuwa escape, but the two holy weapons actually want to leave!" Xu Yi was too depressed and cursed secretly in his heart.

Xu Changrong understood the current situation and quickly controlled the ghost warrior to step forward and intercept the mythical artifact.

The two mythical sacred weapons suddenly separated and wanted to fly into the purple light curtain from completely opposite directions. It was obvious that someone was controlling these sacred weapons behind the scenes.

Xu Changrong had no skills and could only intercept a sacred weapon.

Xu Yi glanced at the Austrian tile at his feet. There should be a certain distance between the light curtain and the core. He gritted his teeth and rushed towards another sacred weapon.

The flying speed of the holy weapon is not very fast. If it continues to rush towards the light curtain, it will definitely be captured by Xu Yi and the other two.

But at this moment, the two sacred weapons suddenly stopped and retreated sharply. In the blink of an eye, they were about to fly out of their sight.

Tune the tiger away from the mountain! A word flashed in Xu Yi's mind.

(End of this chapter)

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