American exorcist god.

Chapter 297 Full of Harvests

Chapter 297 Full of Harvests

The Shield of Creation and Tears of Heaven flew away into the air, and Xu Yi stood motionless.

The mythical holy weapon is indeed a covetous thing, but more importantly, it swallows the Taotie's origin, which not only activates the Taotie's sinful corpse, but also obtains the Philosopher's Stone.

"Leave it to me!"

Father's voice rang in Xu Yi's mind, and their thoughts were connected to the ghost warrior. Through the medium of the ghost warrior, they were able to communicate with each other's souls.

The ghost warrior did not hesitate and chased towards the Shield of Creation.

Xu Yi sighed. If it were any other time, he would of course be "a child making choices. He wants them all."

But now I can only rely on my father to count on everything he can get.

The purple light curtain continued to shroud, Xu Yi's eyelids suddenly twitched, he clenched the Taotie Sin Skeleton in his hand, and threw it out like a wolf.

Owuwa is a soft-bodied creature. The outer layer of red flesh is loose and loose, but the flesh underneath suddenly turns black and is very tight and covered with muscle-like threads.

The mass of flesh and blood was round in shape and embedded in the center of Owuwa, beating like a heart.

The core of Ova House finally appears!

The Taotie Sin Skeleton in Xu Yi's hand shook, and he sensed the aura of Taotie's origin.

Densely packed tentacles came and blocked Xu Yi's front. Xu Yi was shrouded in holy flames and rushed into the "Meat Mountain" without hesitation.

The journey was smooth and the tentacles could not slow down his speed at all.

When the core layer arrived, Xu Yi thrust the Taotie Sin Skeleton in his hand into the black flesh.

Owuwa trembled all over and let out a painful whimper. Xu Yi ignored it, causing Taotie to sin.

A terrifying suction force erupted from the body of sin, sucking and swallowing the origin of the Taotie.

The black flesh quickly withered and cracked, turning into white powder and scattered. Xu Yi raised his head and glanced at the purple light above, with a smile on his lips.

"It's not that simple to save Taotie's origin!"

He cut his finger and dripped blood on the gluttonous sin skeleton. With the blessing of the host's blood, the sin skeleton exploded violently, and the devouring speed soared again.

The black flesh and blood turned into powder layer by layer, and the body of the Taotie sin penetrated deeper and deeper. But at this moment, the body of the Taotie sin suddenly collapsed.

Beneath the black flesh, a deep pit actually appeared!

Xu Yi suddenly realized something and raised his head suddenly.

Far away, a large mass of black flesh surged out, flying toward the high-altitude purple light curtain like a fountain.

Xu Yi stood there without stopping because it was too late.

"This Owuwa is not as stupid as it seems." Xu Yi sighed.

They have actually learned how to use Chen Cang secretly!

The core layer left behind was used to confuse him, and most of the rest were secretly transferred.

Do you want to use resurrection coins? After thinking for a moment, he shook his head.

Resurrection coins are inherently precious, and after the discovery of a bug inspired by occult science, their preciousness increased by several levels.

And even if it were to be done over again, it would only be to swallow a little more of the Taotie origin, and it would be impossible to swallow it all.

A fiery red figure came back. The ghost warrior threw the thing in his hand to Xu Yi. Xu Yi caught it and identified it carefully.

"Dad! Well done!"

Xu Yi stroked the small shield in his hand, smiled broadly, and couldn't help but praise it.

"Shield of Creation: Nikunti" is available!

Dad didn't reply, and the flames in the ghost warrior's pupils had dimmed, indicating that dad was almost "semi-disconnected."

I don’t know what I was doing when I “logged off” in such a hurry?

Xu Yi took back Taotie's sinful body and ignored Aowuwa's body.

He glanced around and searched around the pit, occasionally digging out the soil below or moving away broken boulders of metal.

After a while, he returned to the center of the pit and threw the remains in his hand next to the eight-headed sea serpent.

"Brother, I tried my best, but I can only find seven heads. The last one can't be found no matter what."

Of course, no one answered his ridicule. The eight-headed sea snake was lying in the deep pit, completely motionless, and the red light in the snake's pupils was extinguished.

But Xu Yi would not be so naive as to think that this would solve a general of the Ring of Destruction. He knew very well that the alchemy machine in front of him was just a "stand-in" for the other party, and the soul attached to it had long since escaped.

"What an ingenious work!" Xu Yi squatted beside the remains of the eight-headed sea snake and couldn't help but admire it.

His eyes were mainly focused on the snake body at the rear. The structure of the "Holy Artifact Inducer" was more exquisite and complex than he imagined.

I don’t know if it interferes with the magic circle?

Xu Yi muttered and put away the remains of the eight-headed sea snake. He thought of the "golden bullet" and his face looked a little unhappy.

The soaring fire suddenly flashed across the horizon, and Xu Yi turned his head sharply. That was the direction of the Eight Demonic Houses.

Could it be? He suddenly thought of something, a light flashed in his eyes, and he ran quickly.

He looked around and saw that his father Xu Changrong had already controlled the ghost warrior to go back.

Xu Yi saw the Eight Demons House and the ghost warrior standing next to him from a distance. He slowed down and exhaled a breath, with an uncontrollable smile on his face.

At this moment, Harada Mieko was holding a long knife, suspended in mid-air.

Of course Mieko Harada has no ability to fly. The reason why she can float in the air is because she is wrapped in dense vines, as if she is wearing a simple "vine armor".

Black-gold flames spread around her.

Those vines naturally come from the Cat Spirit Sacred Tree Buster, and the flames are demon-suppressing flames.

"This Buster and Harada Mieko get along very well!"

Xu Yi felt sour. He wanted Buster to provide him with "vine armor" before, but Buster refused him on the grounds that "the body is so important! How can the body be risked?"

Now he is actually willing to come out of Yayouya and give it to Harada Mieko.

If Butters knew what Xu Yi was thinking, he would definitely type a "?" slowly.

Why aren't you allowed to use it? Doesn't Xu Yi himself have any points?

They tricked him into the toy space and kept him there for so long. It was so boring that he exploded.

Now that he has entered Yayooya, Harada Mieko not only plays with him every day, but also prepares delicious food for him. Can this be the same treatment?

Harada Mieko suddenly shouted angrily, using a sword skill similar to Xu Changrong's, and the flaming sword energy surged out.

Although the power is countless times smaller, it is completely enough.

The flaming sword energy shattered the "Metal Eye", which was the alchemy machine used by the Ring of Destruction to control the Tears of Heaven.

Tears of Heaven fell from the sky and was caught by Mieko Harada!

"How is my apprentice?" Xu Changrong slowly walked out of the restaurant, raised his eyebrows, and showed off to Xu Yi.

"Cow!" Xu Yi gave a thumbs up.

He suddenly understood what his father Xu Changrong meant when he said "leave it to me". He controlled the ghost warrior to pursue the Shield of Creation, and it was not a random choice.

Because the direction in which Tears of Heaven fled was just right for Yaoyaoya to intercept it.

With both sacred artifacts in hand, Xu Yi felt that he could finally sleep well tonight.

"What's next? Leave?" Xu Changrong asked.

Xu Yi shook his head, "Wait a minute, we still have a refrigerator to pick up."

They returned to the battlefield, and Xu Yi and others worked together to knock down the outer building, exposing the entire "alchemy treasure house".

The ice mist in the alchemy treasure house has dissipated and stopped running. It should be that the energy is completely exhausted.

In line with the fine traditional virtues of thieves not to... well, not to be extravagant and wasteful, they carried the alchemy treasure house into the Eight Demons' House.

"Even if there is no way to crack and repair it, it would be great to dismantle the material and make beads."

Xu Yi clapped his hands and made sure that nothing was missing, then entered the Eight Demons House and returned the way he came.

He switched to the view of the Evil God's Nest and wanted to check on Lisa and the others, but he was suddenly stunned.

There are a total of four Evil God's Nests he has used at this moment. In addition to Lisa and the other three, there is also one on the second and fifth son, Robert.

He had just subconsciously shared all the Evil God's Nests. Lisa and the three were in good condition, but Robert was the one with the abnormality.

(End of this chapter)

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