American exorcist god.

Chapter 298 Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy

Chapter 298 Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy

Thick curtains blocked the sunlight, and only a small lamp was turned on in the dark room, illuminating the corners with dim light.

Robert stood respectfully in the light.

After his undercover identity was revealed, he naturally could not return to Boston. Fortunately, he had contributed a lot of skills to the organization and had made considerable contributions.

In addition, the Ring of Destruction has recently been closely watched by the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization, and there is a real shortage of manpower... Of course, if the Ring of Destruction is a formal member, there are not many "living people".

So it was logical that he was entrusted with the important task.

Xu Yi now shared the vision with the Nest of Evil Gods in Robert's body.

Some time ago, Xu Yi would pay attention to Robert from time to time. After Robert left Egypt, he actually returned to the United States.

After going around in circles, Robert arrived in Maine, USA, and "settled down" here.

Xu Yi immediately noticed an unusual aura.

He did not believe that Robert was tired of the life of intrigues and wanted to wash his hands in a golden basin. He would check Robert's situation when he had time, and today he finally caught the other person's "chicken feet."

A rustling sound came from the darkness, and something crawled on the ceiling, finally appearing in the light.

The Western dragon-like head, the lizard-like body, the pitch-black scales reflecting the faint light, and the snake-like vertical pupils staring at Robert below.

Of course, the most important thing is the door mark carved on the forehead of "Lizard Dragon".

A new alchemy machine appears in Ring of Destruction!

Xu Yi instantly became energetic, whether it was a crow man, a red copper clock bird, or an eight-headed sea snake.

Wherever these alchemical machines appear, "big events" usually occur.

What important things are going on in Ring of Destruction recently? Xu Yi suddenly thought of the origin of original sin.

"Have you found the spokesperson?" The lizard dragon made a metallic collision sound unique to alchemy machinery.

Robert did not dare to neglect and responded quickly, "We are already in contact with the target. The results should be available in two days."

Spokesperson? Xu Yi was stunned for a moment, maybe he guessed wrong.

If you encounter the origin of original sin, the usual three axes of the Ring of Destruction should be "One coax, two business, and three bow!"

Try to coax a little first, and if that doesn't work, discuss it carefully and try to lure them to your advantage. If it really doesn't work, just use strong tactics and force the overlord to take the bow.

This is how Owuwa was taken away.

He had never heard of it and needed to find a spokesperson.

Xu Yi wanted to find out more information, but unfortunately Lizard Dragon didn't give him this chance at all. After asking, he left, as if he was just here to go through the motions.


Maine, located in the New England region in the northeastern corner of the United States, borders the Atlantic Ocean to the south and Canada to the north. It is the hometown of a certain electric eel.

"Is this a lack of morality or a loss of human nature?" Xu Yi walked to a restaurant and ordered a few Western dishes.

He was originally planning to return to Boston, but the changes in the Ring of Destruction made him change his goal and come to a slightly remote small town in Maine.

Night has just fallen, and the streets are full of people and filled with a quiet and peaceful atmosphere.

Xu Yi didn't come here alone, Ba Yao Wu carried them and arrived here from the Bermuda Triangle.

Originally, he didn't plan to come out because his father was going to open fire in Yaoyao's house, but he took a look at tonight's "menu" and his face instantly turned green.

Stir-fried water ghost waist! Braised evil meat! Teppanyaki Okumuwa squid!

What a dark dish!

Although he knew that after Xu Changrong cooked those things, even ordinary people could eat them, and they tasted pretty good.

But can anyone really use chopsticks in front of a large plate of colorful and weird food that glows with blood?

The answer is: Yes!

He saw with his own eyes that Mieko Harada picked up a bloody piece of kidney meat, put it into her mouth, ate it with relish, and praised her father's cooking skills.

Whether it's the cat spirit Butters or even little Alice who likes those "dark dishes", he can understand that they are all soul-like creatures after all, but Mieko Harada is a human!

The most exaggerated thing is that Xu Yi can see that Harada Mieko is not just pretending to please her father, she really likes those dishes. No wonder her father admired her so much and wanted to accept her as his direct disciple. He even asked him to specifically enable Mieko Harada to control the ghost warrior.

Not only Dad, the cat spirit Butters, but also little Alice all like Mieko Harada very much.

This is a proper "social gangster"!

And not to mention other people, Xu Yi also has a good impression of Mieko Harada.

During the days he stayed in Yaoyao's house, water with a suitable temperature had been put in the bathtub before taking a bath; when he woke up in the morning, breakfast had been served to the bedside...

In fact, these are nothing. The most amazing thing about Mieko Harada is that she seems to have the ability to guess people's hearts.

This ability is not acquired, but is innate.

She can always guess Xu Yi's thoughts, and then make the most comfortable reaction, and her words are like a breath of fresh air.

"If Mieko Harada develops into green tea..." Xu Yi shook his head, "I don't dare to think about it, I really don't dare to think about it!"

Xu Yi was eating dinner while switching the view of the Evil God's Nest.

The three Lisas still haven't woken up, but their momentum is increasing day by day. The Poseidon potion is stimulating the potential in their bodies and transforming their bodies.

He checked the information of the three people through the entry bond, and there was an extra piece of information in their panels.

[Descendants of Poseidon (red and ordinary), entries are being generated...]

It is indeed a red level entry! Xu Yi is very much looking forward to seeing how strong the three of them will be when they combine their powers!

Xu Yi's hand holding the fork suddenly paused, and then he speeded up his eating.

Of course, he couldn't go out just to eat.

After leaving the restaurant, Xu Yi blended into the crowd and walked forward quietly.

Robert in front suddenly turned his head and scanned the crowd. Finding nothing, he frowned and looked away.

Is it too sensitive? Robert thought to himself.

In the shadows, Xu Yi looked at Robert's back in confusion. He thought Robert would make some big move, but he didn't expect that the other person was just following a little girl.

He would understand if that little girl's appearance would bring disaster to the country and people, but he really couldn't see anything special about her.

She has average looks and average figure. She is not an exorcist. She is just an ordinary little girl from the eastern United States.

Following all the way, they came to a "bonfire party".

Men and women gathered together, swaying hormones wantonly. This group of people also brought a large speaker, and rustling music was played on a loop.

Xu Yi suddenly stopped and looked around.

Something's wrong! Something is very wrong!

These people are at an age when their hormones are bursting, and the music they like should be passionate rock music, but what is playing on the speakers is Tchaikovsky's famous piece "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy".

He doesn't think that young people's musical aesthetics have reached this level now!

Moreover, these people's bodies danced passionately to the music, and the rhythm did not match the dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy at all.

"These people don't hear the same music as he does!"

Xu Yi came to this conclusion instantly.

At this moment, a high-pitched scream suddenly pierced the night sky. The little girl Robert was following suddenly twitched and fell to the ground, and her soul breath disappeared.

she is dead!

Xu Yi's muscles were all tense, and the opponent was dying under his eyes, but he didn't notice anything unusual, except for that piece of music.

(End of this chapter)

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