American exorcist god.

Chapter 299 Strange Death

Chapter 299 Strange Death

Xu Yi glanced back and forth several times, but still didn't find anything unusual.

The girl's face was bloody and bloody, her eyes were missing, and her nose and lips were turned into a pile of mud, as if she had been bitten by some wild beast.

If the girl's death wasn't so horrifying, it might have been a sudden illness such as a heart attack. There was clearly something strange and chaotic happening before her eyes.

Xu Yi has been exposed to a lot of weird things, but this is the first time that he can kill someone quietly under his nose.

People at the bonfire party also discovered the tragic condition of the girl. They screamed one after another and the scene was in chaos.

Xu Yi subconsciously used the Evil God's Nest to observe Robert. Robert's face was gloomy, and he seemed to be disturbed by this unexpected incident.

But he suddenly seemed to have thought of something, his face showed an excited look, and his body was trembling slightly with excitement.

Robert ignored the dead girl and left in a hurry.

Why did Robert react this way? Xu Yi became more and more curious, but he did not pursue him. With the Evil God's Nest, he could monitor the opponent's movements at any time.

The police sirens sounded quickly, and the police came quickly. The surrounding residents were also attracted by the excitement.

"Eating melon" does not distinguish between races.

The residents whispered, Xu Yi also walked out of the darkness and blended into the crowd.

"Such a death must have offended the Sugar Plum Fairy!" an old man sighed melodiously.

"Sugar Plum Fairy, what is that?" Xu Yi asked aloud.

The old man glanced at Xu Yi and saw that he was wearing famous brands and the prices were unimaginable. He was relieved instantly.

It is impossible for this "noble young master" to have any plans for him. He probably came here to join in the fun out of curiosity.

"I do not know either."

Xu Yi originally thought that he could find out some useful information from these residents, but to his surprise, the other party actually shook his head.

Without waiting for Xu Yi to ask, the other party took the initiative to explain:

"Everyone who has seen the Sugar Plum Fairy has died, so naturally no one knows what it is. People killed by the Sugar Plum Fairy all die in the same way, with their faces eaten out."

The old man sighed and said, "At the death scene, if you are unlucky, you may hear the song Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy, so we all call it the Sugar Plum Fairy."

"Bad luck?" Xu Yi was slightly stunned.

"Yes, anyone who hears that tune may become the Sugar Plum Fairy's next target." The old man explained softly.

After the police briefly inquired about the situation, they asked the forensic doctor to take the body away. It felt like it was just a formality.

There was no excitement to see, so the melon-eating crowd naturally dispersed.

Xu Yi was also about to leave, but a girl suddenly stopped him.

The girl has long wavy light golden hair and a few freckles on her face, which are minor flaws, but overall, she is still a young and beautiful girl.

"You heard that tune, right?"

The girl kept her head down, not daring to look at Xu Yi. She spoke in a very low voice, like the sound of a mosquito. If Xu Yi hadn't had strong hearing, she wouldn't have been able to hear what the other person was saying.

Although the girl acted very nervous and looked harmless, Xu Yi's expression suddenly froze.

When he was tracking just now, he was hiding in the darkness the whole time, and even Robert couldn't find him.

How did the girl in front of her know that he was at the murder scene? And how did he know he heard the song Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy?

You know, the girl in front of him is an ordinary person... Xu Yi's muscles suddenly tightened. He had just sensed wrongly. The girl was not an ordinary person.

There is a raging energy hidden in the girl's body, which is very obscure and appears and disappears.

If you don't feel it carefully, you won't notice it at all. The girl noticed Xu Yi's changes, and her body trembled uncontrollably. She still lowered her head, holding the corners of her clothes tightly with her hands. She even started to stutter when she spoke.

"If... if you see... a little girl, before she turns around, you... tell her that you are... Carrie's good friend!"

After the girl said this, she ran away as if running away.

Xu Yi's eyes chased the girl, but he did not catch up. He had already left a mark on the girl. As long as the distance was not too far, he could track her.


The name echoed in his mind, who was Carrie?

Xu Yi returned to the Eight Demon Houses with questions in his mind. He returned to his workshop and looked at the time. It was already close to zero.

He decisively started today's "superdimensional scientific research".

The burnable entries were sacrificed one by one, as if endless occult inspiration poured into his mind, and the occult apocalypse was launched at the same time.

He writes and draws on paper, and his pen moves like flying.

In these five minutes, he seemed to have become the existence of a high-dimensional civilization, "looking down" on the knowledge of low-dimensional civilization, and everything seemed to have no secrets in his eyes.

Five minutes later, he decided to set himself on fire.

After a while, Xu Yi opened his eyes again, with an uncontrollable smile on his face. He exhaled slowly, "Finally!"

Using resurrection coins when it is close to zero can avoid accidents to the greatest extent. After all, after zero, the number of uses of resurrection coins will be refreshed.

In his opinion, the most economical way to use it is to use one resurrection coin every three to five days.

Because the occult inspiration obtained by sacrificing a large number of entries takes three to five days to digest.

So far, he has used 2 resurrection coins and has 53 left.

"I don't know when I will find the place of fear again!"

After Xu Yi tasted the benefits of "Resurrection Coin Research", he felt like he couldn't stop at all.

In fact, he has mobilized the forces around him to find out about the Land of Fear. Unfortunately, the Land of Fear is not that easy to find.

There are three bullets on the table, the Demon-Breaking Flame Bullet, the Bad Blood Silver Bullet, and the Death Piercing Bullet.

If he were to fuse the three magic circles on the bullet at normal speed, even under the best circumstances, it would take three to five months.

But using the resurrection coins to cheat, it only took three days, which is simply crazy!

"Let's call it the Formation of Ceres!"

Xu Yi was too lazy to name it. Anyway, it was used on Ceres bullets.

"The next thing to do is to create a finished product first, then verify it through practice, and modify and improve it bit by bit."

Xu Yi stretched out and prepared to go out to get a cup of coffee. He would continue to "cultivate immortality" tonight.

With his physical condition, he won't feel sleepy even if he doesn't drink coffee, but without a cup of coffee on the table, he always feels that there is a lack of ritual, which is almost to the point of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

The famous operas of the Yang family were played in the lobby, which was one of Xu Changrong's few entertainment activities.

Although his father is only in his forties or fifties, he is obsessed with this kind of "senior project". Xu Yi often "gets angry with him". In comparison, square dancing is a youth activity.

The sound insulation effect of Yayoi House is very good. Even if you set off firecrackers inside the house, you will not hear anything outside.

When the song ended, the track automatically switched, and Xu Yi suddenly stopped.

One second it was an opera full of Chinese style, and the next second it was transformed into an elegant Tchaikovsky famous song, "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy" sounded in Xu Yi's ears again.

That thing is coming!

(End of this chapter)

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