American exorcist god.

Chapter 300 Divine power?

Chapter 300 Divine power?

Xu Yi was secretly on guard and looked around. He waited for a full minute, but nothing happened.

Could it be that he was too suspicious?

Maybe dad is just tired of hearing about the Chinese quintessence and wants to try some foreign stuff to cultivate his sentiments and create a balance between yin and yang?

At this moment, Harada Mieko passed by the corridor with a cup of coffee.

"I'll just take it over!" Xu Yi said softly.

Whenever he stays up late these days, Harada Mieko will bring him coffee.

Mieko Harada ignored Xu Yi and forbade him from walking past him.

Xu Yi scratched his head and nose, feeling a little embarrassed. Maybe he was being sentimental. This coffee was not his at all.

But his brows suddenly wrinkled. No, the cup holding the coffee was clearly his, and the macho fan's ceramic cup was very conspicuous.

And with Harada Mieko's high emotional intelligence, it is impossible to ignore him. Even if it is not his coffee, she will hand it to him with a smile.

Xu Yi stretched out his hand to stop Harada Mieko, and his hand passed through Harada Mieko's body.


He suddenly understood that it was a different space.

In Mieko Harada's vision, he did not exist at all.

No wonder the girl died quietly, as the other party was pulled into a different space.

The reason why Xu Yi could still see each other was because he heard the music, but Mieko Harada did not.

"To be able to enter the Eight Demons House quietly and pull him into a different space without any warning, that thing must have a lot of background!" He took a deep breath.

Xu Yi's eyes suddenly blurred for a moment, and the next second, a little girl suddenly appeared in front of him, with her back to him.

The little girl looks to be only eleven or twelve years old. She is wearing an exquisite tutu. The lower body is made of white gauze and the upper body is decorated with light golden lace. The little girl is standing on tiptoes, looking light and elegant.

Xu Yi subconsciously touched his waist and took out the box containing the seven deadly sins.

The “jealousy” sin skeleton inside the box trembled slightly.

The origin of "jealousy" has been found!

Xu Yi never expected that finding the origin of original sin would go so smoothly. Of course, this is thanks to our old friend, the Ring of Destruction.

The little girl kept her back to him. Judging from her back, she should be a cute and beautiful girl.

The little ballet girl began to turn slowly...

Xu Yi was actually very curious about the little girl's appearance, but since the other party could quietly pull him into a different space, he couldn't be too cautious.

After hesitating for a moment, he decided to follow the "strategy" first.

"I'm Carrie's best friend," he said softly.

The little ballerina girl was obviously the legendary Sugar Plum Fairy. After hearing Xu Yi's words, the Sugar Plum Fairy paused slightly.

It actually works!

Xu Yi was stunned for a moment. He just had the idea of ​​​​"fighting if there are dates or no dates". Anyway, it doesn't take much effort to say a word.

But the next second, the Sugar Plum Fairy slowly turned around.

Xu Yi saw the other person's face clearly, and his pupils suddenly shrank. There were no eyes, nose or other organs on the other person's face, only a mouth.

The mouth is round, and there are more than one, one on top of another, with sharp teeth, looking like a lamprey eel.

Low murmurs came from his ears, and the darkness behind him suddenly turned into countless hands, grabbing him tightly and making him unable to move.

The Sugar Plum Fairy stepped closer to Xu Yi, her fangs dancing on her face.

Xu Yi thought of that girl and thought that the organs on her face had been chewed away by these fangs.

The strong smell of blood hit his face, and the Sugar Plum Fairy got closer and closer, only half a meter away from Xu Yi.

The height of the Sugar Plum Fairy was only as high as Xu Yi's chest. It jumped up and bit Xu Yi's face.

"Kid! Didn't your mother tell you that you should develop a good habit of brushing your teeth frequently? Otherwise, you will have bad breath."

Platinum-gold air surged out of Xu Yi's body, and "Blood is Holy" was fully activated.

The power of these "dark hands" is astonishing. Even if it were a giant dragon, it would be restrained in place, but now Xu Yi was forced to break free. The box in his hand opened automatically, and the body of "Jealousy" fell silently into Xu Yi's hands.

Xu Yi stabbed out the sin bone in his hand and plunged it into the Sugar Plum Fairy's head.

But the next second, his expression changed slightly because the dagger felt wrong.

He stretched out his hand to grab the Sugar Plum Fairy's neck, but his hand passed through the other person's neck, as if grabbing a ball of air.

The Sugar Plum Fairy slowly dissipated, like a colorful bubble being popped, and the "jealousy" sin skeleton fell from the sky.

The musical sounds of Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy disappeared and returned to the melodious dramatic sounds.

At the end of the corridor, Mieko Harada noticed the movement behind her, turned her head, and looked at Xu Yi who suddenly appeared suspiciously.

Xu Yi stood there, frowning.

No wonder the Ring of Destruction needs to find an "agent". Although the host of the jealous origin is powerful, it is far from being impossible to deal with.

The opponent's ability is really too weird.

If you can't hear the song, the Sugar Plum Fairy doesn't come to you, and you can't even see her shadow.

But even if you see the other person, you may not be able to do anything.

Xu Yi's speed was already very fast, but the opponent still entered the "virtual" state before the sinful body fell.

"What is the weakness of the opponent's ability?" Xu Yi frowned and thought.

When the opponent launches an attack, it must be transformed into an "entity", so you need to seize that brief moment.

Xu Yi reviewed the battle just now, but unfortunately the opponent retreated with one blow, leaving him no chance to try.

He originally wanted to use the resurrection coins, but gave up after thinking about it.

He had already used one just now, and another one was too extravagant. The most important thing was that even if he tried it again, he had no confidence that he would be able to meet the opponent.

"When the other party heard the name Carrie, they obviously reacted. Who is Carrie?"

Xu Yi thought of the girl he met today, and he planned to investigate the situation early in the morning.

He returned to the workroom and suddenly felt something in his heart.

Since what happened during the day, he knew that Robert would make moves soon, so whenever he had a little free time, he would check on Robert's situation.

Now he finally waited.


Robert's residence, he stared at the "lizard dragon" in front of him with excitement on his face.

"Archdeacon! I have made an important discovery!"

"Oh, tell me, didn't you track down the Sugar Plum Fairy today? How is the situation with the agent? Have you conveyed our intentions to the Sugar Plum Fairy?" Lizard Dragon asked with interest.

"The agent is dead, and the message has been conveyed to the Sugar Plum Fairy, but the other party has not responded. It is most likely that she refused." Robert replied urgently.

"Is this what you call an important discovery?" Lizard Dragon's voice turned cold.

"Of course not. I heard the music of Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy today, and I briefly entered that alien space, but I didn't feel any breath, if I'm not wrong."

Robert took a deep breath to suppress the excitement in his heart, so that he could say those words, "The Sugar Plum Fairy may have come into contact with the Black Void Gate."

"What? Are you sure it's the Black Void Gate!"

The lizard dragon suddenly rushed to Robert, its golden vertical pupils staring intently at Robert, as if to determine whether the other party was lying.

"I'm actually not sure, I'm just saying it's a possibility." Robert suddenly changed his tone, "But even if there's only a slight possibility, it's worth trying, right?"

Light flashed in the eyes of the lizard dragon, obviously thinking. After a while, he slowly said, "You mean, you want me to apply for permission to use that thing?"

"That's right!" Robert nodded quickly, "If we want to capture the Sugar Plum Fairy quickly, we can only rely on that thing. And once my guess is correct, we can get the guide to the Black Void Gate."

"I understand, please wait for my news." The Lizard Dragon was obviously moved, but he did not agree immediately and crawled away quickly.

And this scene all fell into Xu Yi's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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