American exorcist god.

Chapter 301 "Witch" Carrie

Chapter 301 "Witch" Carrie

"The Gate of Black Void?" Xu Yi chanted softly.

He had never heard of this thing, but judging from the reactions of Robert and the Lizard Dragon, this Black Void Gate must be extremely important to the Ring of Destruction.

He began to look through the information in the memory palace.

As long as he has the opportunity, he will replenish the memory palace's collection of books. At this moment, the collection of books in it is no less than that of the church.

The darkness passed quietly, and white fish belly floated on the horizon. Xu Yi read through the whole night and finally found some clues.

"The Gate of Black Void is one of the three origins. He is the original and the ultimate!"

Xu Yi chanted softly, his eyes twinkling.


At Kaili Middle School, Xu Yi strode towards the school gate.

The security guard at the door wanted to come forward and ask, but after smelling a faint fragrance of flowers, he stood there for an instant and saluted Xu Yi.

The sleeping flower fragrance of the Cat Spirit Sacred Tree, coupled with the hypnotic power, is a killer weapon for ordinary people.

Xu Yi used the aura left before to find the girl that day, who was in class.

He did not disturb the other party, but went straight to the principal's office. When he came out, he already had a stack of information in his hand.

"It turns out that the other party is Carrie!" Xu Yi suddenly realized after looking at the information on the file.

Carrie White, 17 years old, lives with her mother Margaret in a small town.

Judging from the information, the other party is an ordinary high school student. Why does the other party know the Sugar Plum Fairy? What does it have to do with the Sugar Plum Fairy?

Xu Yi was very curious.

The bell rang and students filed out. Carrie was among the crowd, carrying a backpack and walking with her head lowered.

But several girls suddenly stopped her and took her to a remote corner on the edge of the school. Carrie didn't even dare to say no, and held on to her clothes tightly.

Xu Yi secretly shook his head when he saw this scene.

The United States is a beacon of "freedom", with zero-dollar shopping in supermarkets, American-style living, and school violence, which are simply commonplace.

"Chris, what did you ask me to do here?" Carrie lowered her head, not daring to look at the leading girl.

"Are you really stupid, or are you pretending to be stupid?" Chris patted Carrie's face, "You little slut, how dare you seduce Mark!"

"I didn't, it was Mark who came here, and I didn't even say a few words to him." Carrie quickly shook her head in denial.

Chris pushed Carrie to the ground suddenly, "You think you can get away by pretending to be stupid?"

A group of girls surrounded Carrie. Xu Yi frowned slightly as he watched them slap Carrie.

Just as he was about to step forward, Carrie suddenly screamed. One of the girls grabbed her hair and pulled it hard, causing her to cry out in pain.

An invisible wave erupted from Carrie's body, sweeping around uncontrollably.

The volleyball in Chris's backpack exploded, and the loud noise startled everyone present, who all stopped what they were doing.

As the initiator of all this, Carrie was actually the one who was frightened the most, huddled in the corner, trembling uncontrollably.

Xu Yi was secretly surprised. The wave that erupted just now was similar to the ability of "controlling objects with thoughts".

Among exorcists, both "channeling" and "ghost eyes" are considered common. This is the first time he has seen humans having the ability to "control objects with their thoughts."

You must know that the ceiling of this ability is very high!

How could a girl from an ordinary family awaken this ability?

In terms of talent alone, the girl is much better than Lisa and Maria.

"What a pity!" Xu Yi looked at Carrie huddled in the corner and sighed.

To become a powerful exorcist, you don't just have talent, you also need a mentality. After all, you have to deal with weird things. Carrie was really frightened. She took out a white-washed snowman doll from her backpack, held it tightly in her hand, and kept reciting the Bible.

"May our Father in heaven..."

Chrissy recovered from her panic, threw away the deflated volleyball, and gave Carrie a cold look. She had been frightened just now, which made her feel embarrassed.

He looked at the little snowman doll in Carrie's hand. He didn't know why, but he felt an inexplicable feeling of disgust, and he reached out to snatch it away.

Xu Yi's expression became serious, staring closely at the snowman doll in Carrie's hand.

There was a special resentment hanging over the doll, which he had felt before, in the Sugar Plum Fairy.

Carrie held the snowman doll tightly with both hands. The force was so strong that Chrissy couldn't pry her fingers away.

"Come here and help!" Chris yelled dissatisfied at the follower behind her.

Everyone who was standing there finally came to their senses and hurriedly stepped forward to help.

Carrie used her body to protect the snowman doll, but without stimulating the energy in her body, how could she alone defeat seven people.

The snowman doll was snatched away. Chrissy looked at the doll in her hand, the look of disgust in her eyes became even stronger.

She took out a lighter and tried to burn the doll.

Xu Yi did not stop him, but looked expectant.

He was very curious. If he burned this doll related to the Sugar Plum Fairy, would the Sugar Plum Fairy appear?

The doll turned into blackened ashes in the flames. Nothing abnormal happened. He neither heard the song nor the Sugar Plum Fairy took revenge on these people. Xu Yi sighed in disappointment.

Carrie stared blankly at the doll that was burned to ashes, seemingly unable to react.

"No! Don't burn sister!" She screamed in pain, as if she was going to faint.

Chrissy looked at Carrie's miserable appearance, feeling a surge of pleasure in her heart, but she suddenly froze because Carrie suddenly stopped screaming and got up from the ground, staring at Chrissy with scarlet pupils.

"You...what are you going to do?" Chrissy stepped back involuntarily, swallowing nervously. Facing Carrie's gaze, she felt as if she was being stared at by a wild beast.

Carrie ignored him at all, and suddenly pounced on Chris, biting her ear with her mouth, drawing blood.

"Crazy! She is crazy! Pull her away!" Chris screamed and shouted.

Carrie looks like a madman. As a master of psychology, Xu Yi still doesn't know that Carrie in front of him has some kind of mental illness.

"Mental illness... Okay!" Xu Yi's eyes suddenly lit up.

He was not afraid that Carrie was mentally ill, but that she was as timid as a mouse and would not dare to resist.

Xu Yi lowered his head and looked at the box at hand. In order to feel the Sugar Plum Fairy, he always carried the box containing the corpses.

At this moment, the “jealousy” sin corpse in the box trembled slightly.

Not because the Sugar Plum Fairy appeared, but because he saw the "Heart of Gold" again, in Carrie.

"It's really amazing that a person who looks so cowardly on the surface actually has a heart of gold." Xu Yi sighed slightly.

Sin Bones reacted proactively instead of being surrendered, which showed that the other party and Sin Bones had a very high degree of compatibility. A similar situation had happened to Case.

The super talent of "controlling objects with thoughts", the heart of gold, and the active reaction of the "jealous" sin skeleton... It can be said that the other party is the best proxy host for the "jealous" sin skeleton.

Xu Yi was a little moved, but for her, the most important thing in order to become the host of the sin skeleton was "loyalty".

If the favorability or loyalty value is not above 90, he will never consider it.

But he can consider giving the other party a chance.

(End of this chapter)

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