American exorcist god.

Chapter 302 Resurrection from the Dead and the Door

Chapter 302 Resurrection from the Dead and the Door

After Carrie entered a state of madness, she became so powerful that six people could not pull her away from Chris.

But the screams alerted the school's security guards. They were shocked when they saw Chris lying on the ground and screaming.

Chrissy's father is a well-known local wealthy businessman. If something goes wrong, the school may be held accountable.

Looking at the other one, they also recognized that Carrie was also a celebrity in the town.

Not because of Carrie, but because of her mother.

Carrie's mother was chattering all day long, preaching her twisted teachings everywhere, and was disgusted by the people in the town. Carrie was also ostracized because of her mother.

Seeing that Carrie was going crazy, the security guards took the steel forks used to capture large bulldogs and the iron cages used to hold mad dogs, and prepared to capture Carrie.

Xu Yi finally couldn't help it anymore. If Carrie was really captured by a steel fork and locked in an iron cage like a wild dog, she might really go crazy.

After all, in the final analysis, she is just a young girl, how can she endure this?

Mental illness is just a mental problem, not really crazy.

Xu Yi walked out of the shadowed corner, the fragrance of sleeping flowers filled the air from his body, and the ticking of the clock permeated the entire scene.

He walked past the security guards, who stood motionless as if possessed.

The female students who bullied Carrie also stopped.

Carrie smelled the fragrance of sleeping flowers, and her manic color subsided slightly. She noticed the movement, raised her head, and stared at Xu Yi blankly.

"Relax! As long as I'm here, no one here can hurt you." Xu Yi's voice was as soft as running water.

A lake-like light flashed in Carrie's scarlet eyes.


Fiat Hotel, the carousel restaurant on the third floor.

Carrie was wearing a white dress and sitting by the window, while the soft sound of piano floated in the restaurant.

After returning to normal, she became the timid little girl again, lowering her head and not daring to look at Xu Yi across from her.

Her fingers kept twirling the white skirt on her body, which Xu Yi bought for her.

She washed off the blood and dirt on her body in the hotel bathroom, put on new clothes, and finally felt less embarrassed.

Xu Yi did not ask in a hurry and let Carrie eat first. Instead, Carrie couldn't help it and took the initiative to speak. She knew why Xu Yi came to her.

"The Sugar Plum Fairy is my sister."

At the first sentence, Xu Yi was suddenly startled. This was completely beyond his expectation!

Carrie wanted to say more, but Xu Yi quickly pushed the desserts on the table to Carrie, "The mousse chocolate cake here is very good, you can try it!"

Walls have ears, and this is not the right place to talk about that.

Xu Yi realized that the information from Carrie was very important. If the Ring of Destruction knew about it, it would probably cause a lot of trouble.

While I can't talk about the Sugar Plum Fairy, I can say something else.

Xu Yi suddenly picked up the iron spoon on the table and knocked on the table bowl. The "dang-dang" sound attracted Carrie. She raised her head and looked at Xu Yi curiously.

Xu Yi put the iron spoon into his palm, slowly tightened it, and then released it.

The iron spoon has turned into an iron wire.

Carrie's eyes widened.

"Want to learn? Do you want to truly change your destiny?" Xu Yi's voice was like a devil's whisper.

Carrie nodded subconsciously. No one doesn't want to control their own destiny, let alone someone like her who has been bullied.

"Then what should you call me?" Xu Yi was persuasive.

"Teacher." Carrie replied respectfully.

Xu Yi nodded with satisfaction. He accepted Carrie as his student not out of curiosity, but after careful consideration.

The other party has amazing talent, has a heart of gold, and is a good heir to the sin of "jealousy".

Of course, the most important thing is that the other party's favorability has reached an astonishing 82.

This is actually not difficult to understand. For a girl like Carrie who lacks love, if she meets a man who is mature, strong, and handsome.

It happened that the man rescued her and was kind to her, buying her new clothes and treating her to dinner.

Then there is a high probability that she will fall easily.

After seeing it in Xu Yi, this kind of girl has the legendary "body easily spoiled".

But Xu Yi had no such thoughts about Carrie, so he set the tone from the beginning and said it was a "teacher-student relationship", which could dispel many of Carrie's ideas.

"It's still early, so I can still make it in time for my first class after becoming a disciple!" Xu Yi stood up and picked up the coat on the stool.    ………

Chris came home from the hospital and threw her clothes on the sofa angrily.

Her left ear was wrapped in a bandage, and even though she was anesthetized, it still hurt slightly at the moment.

Carrie almost bit her ear off and asked her father to call the police. However, her father, who had always loved her, not only did not avenge her, but instead scolded her and told her not to mention it again.

Looking at her father's secretive expression, she knew that she had hit a steel plate, but she really couldn't figure it out. Carrie had always been his "toy" in school, so where did she get the backstage?

Chris was feeling depressed and was going to watch TV to relieve her depression.

The music of "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy" came from the TV, and Chrissy stiffened. Of course she had heard of the legend of the Sugar Plum Fairy.

Maybe it's just a coincidence! Maybe it's just a coincidence!

Chris continued to comfort herself, but she slowly approached the door, ready to run away.

A little girl in ballet clothes suddenly appeared in front of her, and Chris could not stop trembling.

The Sugar Plum Fairy slowly turned around, which was the forward movement of "Hand of Darkness".

But at this moment, a majestic roar came, and the Sugar Plum Fairy's body paused, and then dissipated like bubbles.

Chris gasped for breath, and when she was still in shock, she met a pair of indifferent golden vertical eyes. The dark lizard dragon was attached to the ceiling, watching her silently.

She was about to scream, but the next second, her body trembled suddenly and she passed out.

The Lizard Dragon glanced in the direction where the Sugar Plum Fairy disappeared, and then his eyes returned to Chrissy.

He came after the Sugar Plum Fairy's scent, trying to catch her by surprise, but she still escaped, like a slippery loach.

He thought for a moment, picked up Chris with his paws, and quickly disappeared into the room.


Xu's restaurant.

"To be precise, the Sugar Plum Fairy was once my sister." Carrie took the milk tea handed over by Mieko Harada and thanked her.

"How did it become like this?" Xu Yi asked curiously.

They had returned to Yaoyaoya and could talk safely.

In other words, the Sugar Plum Fairy can sneak in here quietly, and even the Ring of Destruction does not have this ability.

"When I was thirteen years old, my sister fell down the stairs and died." Carrie looked sad, with memories flashing in her eyes.

Xu Yi did not disturb her and listened carefully.

"That night, I had a dream and heard my sister calling me. I woke up from the dream. I missed my sister so much, so I sneaked to the church. My sister's coffin was still there. The funeral was held the next day. .”

Carrie said to herself, "What I didn't expect was that the lid of my sister's coffin was actually opened. What surprised me even more was that my sister sat up from the coffin."

Carrie took a deep breath before continuing, "At that time, I was so happy that I thought my sister was not dead. I called her sister happily, but my sister ignored me at all. She jumped out of the coffin and walked towards a heavy door. black iron gate."

There was a flash of fear in her eyes, "I've been to the church during the day, and I'm pretty sure there's no door there at all."

"What does that door look like?" Xu Yi's heart moved and he asked quickly.

"Black, the door is covered with black and red rust, and there are twisted people engraved on it..." Carrie seemed to remember something, and her expression became particularly painful.

"Don't remember that door yet, go on." Xu Yi realized that that door might be the legendary Gate of Black Void.

There may have been some kind of mental contamination in that door, which interrupted Carrie's recollection.

"When my sister walked to the door, the door suddenly opened, and she walked straight into the door...I wanted to catch up anxiously, but as soon as I got to the door, the door was closed. I wanted to push it open, but my hand just stopped. When I touched that door, I blacked out.”

Carrie came back from the memory, "When I saw my sister again, she had turned into the Sugar Plum Fairy, but she seemed to still remember me and would never hurt me."

Xu Yi digested the information in his mind, came back from the dead, and entered the Black Void Gate... He vaguely realized that he might have come into contact with the "secrets" of this world.

"Then what are your plans now?" Xu Yi asked Carrie.

Carrie raised her head with firm eyes, "I want to stop my sister! I can't let her kill anyone again!"

"Then you have to concentrate on your studies!"

Another very important reason why Xu Yi accepted Carrie as a student was to deal with the Sugar Plum Fairy.

That snowman doll was a gift from Carrie's sister, and it smelled like the Sugar Plum Fairy.

But even though the doll was burned, the Sugar Plum Fairy never showed her face, which made Xu Yi realize that the other party might be deliberately avoiding him.

It's almost impossible to catch the Sugar Plum Fairy by waiting, but Carrie is the way to go.

Because according to Carrie, if the Sugar Plum Fairy appears near her, she can directly enter the Sugar Plum Fairy's other dimension.

Xu Yi guessed that this might be related to Carrie's exposure to the Black Void Gate.

(End of this chapter)

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