American exorcist god.

Chapter 303 Start taking action

Chapter 303 Start taking action

A magic circle is drawn on the floor, with twisted lines and mysterious runes forming a perfect circle.

Carrie sat cross-legged in the center of the circle, the red light illuminated her face, her body trembled slightly, but other than that, there was no change.

Xu Yi frowned. The solution for drawing the magic circle was made from the flower liquid of the Jacaranda flower, mixed with red crystal powder, and his demigod blood bar.

The "Awakening Formation" drawn with these top-quality materials should have remarkable effects.

Why didn't it have any effect on Carrie?

Xu Yi suddenly realized that channeling the power from Carrie's body was more complicated than he imagined.

He took out the Evil God's Nest and asked Carrie to swallow it.

The Nest of Evil Gods spread out inside Carrie's body, and a diagram of the body's internal structure appeared in front of Xu Yi's eyes.

He was stunned for a moment.

He even rubbed his eyes, suspecting that he had seen it wrong.

You may not be able to find any problems with ordinary medical equipment, but the Evil God's Nest goes even deeper.

Carrie's body seems to be similar to that of ordinary people, but in fact it has long been mutated.

The junctions of cells are covered with transparent "buckles"; the centers of bones are covered with black films...

"Is it because of the Black Void Gate?" Xu Yi frowned and thought.

The so-called awakening is to open the "box of power" in the body.

Due to Carrie's physical mutation, the "Power Box" is extremely strong and is hundreds of times more difficult to open than others.

The difficulties increased dramatically. Xu Yi did not feel troubled, but his eyes lit up.

The harder the "Box of Power" is to open, the stronger the power you will gain after opening it!

"It's getting late today. School is over tomorrow. You can continue to come here."

Xu Yi needs to think carefully about Carrie's method of awakening.

In the next few days, Xu Yi was extremely busy.

Lisa and the three of them still haven't woken up, but judging from the feedback from the Evil God's Nest, their bodies are constantly getting stronger.

Xu Yi prepared a special nutrient solution and injected it into them.

Ceres bullets are entering the manufacturing stage. The bones of the true god will corrode the metal, so there are very high requirements for the material of the bullet casing.

Xu Yi searched around and finally the scales of the eight-headed sea snake solved the problem.

Thanks again to the veterans of Ring of Destruction!

Carrie would come over after school.

After Xu Yi tried a lot of methods, he finally got an idea. He was going to tailor-make an "awakening potion" for Carrie.

During this time, Robert was uncharacteristically no longer tracking down the Sugar Plum Fairy as before.

Instead, I hide in the house, drink tea and read the newspaper every day.

Not only did Xu Yi not feel happy, but his mood became heavier. He knew very well that this was just the calm before the storm.

The Sugar Plum Fairy not only possesses the origin of "jealousy", but more importantly, it is related to the Black Void Gate.

Compared to the Black Void Gate, it seems that the origin of "jealousy" is not that important.

If the Sugar Plum Fairy had not entered the Black Void Gate, she might just be an ordinary evil spirit.

But after entering the Black Void Gate, the abilities he mastered gave both Xu Yi and the Ring of Destruction a headache.

Carrie's body mutated just after touching the Black Void Gate. Even the ability to "control objects with thoughts" may have been given by the Black Void Gate.

Xu Yi originally wanted to seek support from the church, but after thinking about it carefully, he gave up.

The Church's true attitude towards the Ring of Destruction is still unclear, and he has a hunch that if the Church learns about the Black Void Gate, it may have other thoughts.

Amid the surging undercurrent, five days passed quietly.

On the fifth day, late at night, the time was close to midnight.

Xu Yi stared at the bullet in his hand.

Compared with the "golden bullet" of the red copper clock bird, the bullet in front of you looks simple and unpretentious.

The warhead was dusty and there was nothing strange about it.

In Xu Yi's view, the purpose of bullets is to kill people, and the bells and whistles are useless. The golden bullets are more likely to arouse the opponent's vigilance.

Therefore, he deliberately "dusted" the warhead and took the "lyb" route.

"The Ceres bullet, the first shooting test, starts now!" Xu Yi filled the Ceres bullet into the alchemy revolver. He has reassembled the "Messiah", and this old guy will shine again in his hands.

He aimed at the "target" ahead, the Oni Samurai armor.

Ordinary targets couldn't test the power of Ceres bullets, so he chose the ghost warrior.

He pulled the trigger, and the alchemical revolver vibrated.

Ceres bullets, the warhead is made of the bone of the true god, the shell is made of the scales of the eight-headed sea snake, and the seal is engraved with the Formation of Ceres.

Even the flames filled in the bullets were replaced with special alchemical dust, which increased the power by more than a tiny bit.

The bullet accurately hit the ghost warrior, piercing its head. With the bullet hole as the center, a large white area spread, and the white parts turned into powder and scattered.

Xu Yi had a surprised look on his face.

The Ceres Bullet “Killed” the Ghost Warrior!

He suddenly understood the principle of Ceres bullets, which was energy annihilation.

Everything that comes into contact with it will have its energy invaded.

If the energy is not enough to resist the Bones of the True God, the thing will be killed outright.

In other words, in theory, as long as you have enough Ceres bullets, it can kill anything, including ghost warriors.

"Another trump card!" Xu Yi happily put away the alchemy revolver.

Devouring the "Taotie" soul from Owuwa's body, the Philosopher's Stone obtained is a little more than the mummy last time, a full 33ml.

Each Bone of Keris requires approximately 3ml of Philosopher's Stone.

He planned to copy six more "warheads" to make a gun barrel.

Save the remaining 15ml of the Philosopher's Stone for emergencies.

These thoughts flashed through Xu Yi's mind, and reality only passed for a few seconds. He burned the entries non-stop and activated his occult inspiration.

The theme this time is: "Carrie's Energy Awakening Program."

A resurrection coin not only completes the "debut" of the Ceres Bullet, but also advances the process of testing. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

In order to perfect the Ceres Bullet before, he consumed another one, and now there were only 51 resurrection coins left.

Two more days passed like this.

At Xu's restaurant, Xu Yi held a tube of injection and stared at Carrie in front of him, "Are you ready?"

Carrie kept taking deep breaths, and after a long time, she nodded.

Xu Yi no longer hesitated and injected the special "awakening potion" into Carrie's body.

The potion was expensive, but Xu Yi didn't feel it was a pity. At this moment, Carrie's favorability level had reached 88.

Through these days of contact, Carrie has been recognized by Xu Yi.

Carrie trembled violently, her eyes were as red as blood for a moment, and then regained clarity for a moment. Repeatedly, the aura in her body continued to rise.

She suddenly roared in pain, like a beast, surging energy spurted out, the glassware in the room shattered, and debris flew everywhere.

"Did it succeed?" Xu Yi felt the powerful fluctuations coming towards his face and felt happy in his heart.

But the next second, Carrie passed out and fell limply to the ground.

"What a pity!" Xu Yi used the Evil God's Nest to explore the situation inside Carrie's body and sighed.

The potion was effective, and the "box of power" in Carrie's body was opened, but due to the physical mutation caused by the Black Void Gate, the box was closed again.

Xu Yi did not feel disappointed, but full of expectations.

Because as long as the box is opened once, it will be opened countless times. If it is opened subsequently, it will change from "Hell Mode" to "Easy Mode".

Time passed and another day passed.

At noon that day, Xu Yi routinely monitored Robert, and his expression suddenly became serious.

Robert, who had been quiet for many days, finally made some noise. He left his home where he had stayed for many days and came to a remote house in the suburbs.

Xu Yi saw the situation in the open hall clearly, and his heart tightened suddenly.

In addition to the Lizard Dragon, the Crow Man and the Bronze Clock Bird were also inside, and Xu Yi felt the pressure instantly.

The Ring of Destruction takes the Sugar Plum Fairy more seriously than they thought.

(End of this chapter)

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