American exorcist god.

Chapter 304 Falling into darkness

Chapter 304 Falling into darkness

The three major alchemy machines gathered together, and Xu Yi felt that things were difficult to handle.

If there was only the Lizard Dragon, he and the Ghost Warrior could easily suppress it, but with the addition of the Crow Man and the Red Copper Clock Bird, the situation was instantly reversed.

He subconsciously checked the situation of Lisa and the three of them, but they still didn't wake up.

After being injected with the "Poseidon Potion", the strength of the three people will soar. Together, the three of them are at least as good as a ghost warrior.

Various alchemical potions were stored in bottles and jars on the table. Robert obviously knew the mission of this trip. As soon as he entered the door, he picked up the potions and drew a magic circle in the hall.

In the center of the magic circle, Xu Yi also met an acquaintance, Chrissy.

The other party burned the Sugar Plum Fairy's resentment-infused substance, and it is very likely that the Sugar Plum Fairy has put a "hunting mark" on it.

"So Ring of Destruction's plan is to use Chrissy as bait to lure out the Sugar Plum Fairy?"

Although it was just a guess, Xu Yi felt that it was almost the same.


When the get out of class bell rang, Carrie went to Xu's restaurant. Due to an emergency, today's special training was cancelled.

Carrie walked with her head lowered, kicking the pebbles on the road, with an undisguised look of disappointment on her face.

"Carrie, there is a dance at school tonight. Do you want to go to it?" Suddenly a female classmate sent an invitation.

Carrie remembered the other person. He was one of the rare people in the class who showed no obvious malice and was willing to have a few words with her occasionally.

"I..." Carrie's words of rejection reached her lips and she couldn't say them out. She was a person who was very bad at rejection.

"Go! You've been missing since get out of class recently. This is not conducive to class unity." The female classmate also works as a class committee member.

If there was training, Carrie would definitely refuse without hesitation. She suddenly didn't want to spend the day alone. After hesitating for a long time, she nodded and agreed.

The dance was very lively, and most importantly, she felt the kindness of her classmates for the first time. Even the classmates who had often bullied her before rarely smiled at her.

She didn't understand why, but she was still happy.

If a person has never tasted candy in his life, all he needs is a little sweetness to immerse him in it.

But when she became the lucky one and stood on the stage, ready to receive tonight's special gift, a bucket of sheep blood fell from the sky, bringing everything to an abrupt end.

Carrie felt the coldness and smell of the sheep's blood on her body, and the laughter of the people in the audience was like knives piercing her body.

Anger spread in his heart like a prairie fire, and the shackles in his mind seemed to loosen at this moment.

"Kill them! Kill them!" A crazy voice echoed in my ears.

Carrie felt that she held the power of life and death in her hands. As long as she had a thought, she could kill everyone in front of her.

Her hand slowly raised, but she suddenly stopped... because she had a hunch that if she followed her inner anger and killed all these people, she might fall into uncontrollable darkness.

"The Gate of Black Void has invaded your body, so your emotional feedback is a hundred times stronger than that of ordinary people. You need to control your emotions, whether it is cowardice, fear, or anger!"

Xu Yi's words suddenly rang in his ears.

Carrie took deep breaths to calm herself down.

She kept comforting herself: "Actually, it's nothing. It's just a loss of face. The teacher has said that as long as you control the power, these are just bubble phantoms."

In her mind, she has one and only one teacher, and that is Xu Yi.

She gradually calmed down and ignored the laughing people. When she left the ball, she no longer lowered her head, but held her head high, as if she was the "queen" of the ball.

The jeers subsided, and everyone stared blankly at Carrie's back, completely confused as to why Carrie had such courage.

Unknowingly, under Xu Yi's subtle influence, Carrie has changed.

When she returned home, she managed to regain her composure, but when she saw the white skirt spread on the dining table, her heart trembled suddenly.

Xu Yi bought the white skirt for her. When she got home that day, she took off the white skirt and hid it. Unexpectedly, her mother discovered it.

She was able to face the humiliation calmly at the ball, but when she thought of her mother and the small dark room with only mirrors in the attic, her body began to tremble subconsciously.

She could already predict that a violent storm was coming soon.

"Carrie, where did this dress come from?"

But what Carrie didn't expect was that her mother's voice had never been gentler.

"Don't...give it as a gift." Carrie was stunned for a long time before she answered softly.

She felt like she was living in a dream, and she dreamed of having such a gentle mother every day. "Male or female?" The mother's voice was still so soft, and she even had an encouraging smile on her face.

"!" Carrie's voice trembled uncontrollably.

She remembered that once, she also accepted a gift from a boy, even just a pen given by him.

That day, not only was she forced to kneel for three hours and not allowed to eat dinner, she was also locked in a small dark room in the attic for a whole day.

Because her mother believed that women who accepted gifts from men were slutty bitches, and women should not get married and have children, as the offspring they gave birth to would be unclean.

She preaches these twisted teachings in the town all day long. Everyone regards her as a plague. If they see her from a distance, the door will be closed.

But Carrie remembered that her mother had not been like this before.

But everything has changed since his father cheated on her, gambled, and wanted to use her mother to pay off her debts.

"Drink this cup of coffee, warm yourself up, then take a bath and have a good sleep!"

Her mother was surprisingly not angry, and instead gave her a cup of coffee. Carrie looked at the warmth wafting out of the brown coffee, and her eyes gradually became moist.

She suddenly felt that the injustice she had suffered today was nothing.

She drank the coffee obediently, and the strong sleepiness came over her like a tide. She couldn't resist it and fell into a deep sleep.

She didn't know how long it took, but in a daze, she heard the harsh sound of sharpening a knife, and the sound kept echoing in her ears.

She wanted to open her eyes, but her eyelids seemed to weigh a thousand pounds. Her mother's voice came among the sound of sharpening the knife. She was startled and finally woke up.

"Mom..." Carrie saw the scene in front of her clearly, and her brain froze at this moment.

She was tied to the load-bearing pillar in the center of the restaurant with a thick hemp rope, and her mother squatted beside her, holding a sharp bone chopping knife in her hand and polishing it constantly.

"Mom, you...what are you going to do?" Carrie looked at her mother who was lowering her head to sharpen the knife, and her body couldn't help but tremble.

"What to do... of course is to completely clean up this dirty existence of yours!"

The mother raised her head suddenly, and the boning knife reflected her crimson eyes with a crazy expression.


Xu Yi loaded the slender bullet into the Barrett sniper rifle and aimed at the old wooden house below.

This kind of anti-material firearm can even penetrate the armor of a tank, so it is no problem facing a house made of wooden planks.

The reason why he uses an ordinary sniper rifle instead of an alchemy revolver is because the target he wants to deal with is not the alchemy machine, but ordinary people.

He is going to kill Chris directly!

Chrissy in the center of the formation looked dull and her pupils were gray. This is because most of her soul has been taken away by the magic circle and used to make bait to attract the Sugar Plum Fairy.

Even if he is rescued, he will not survive a day.

Xu Yi has no idea of ​​saving the other party, nor does he have the strength. Now that he kills the other party, the other party can still save a little bit of his soul.

And once Chrissy dies and the bait is no longer fresh, it will be difficult to attract the picky carp like the Sugar Plum Fairy.

The three major alchemy machines of the Ring of Destruction were hidden, and only Robert was busy in the hall.

Relying on the positioning of the Evil God's Nest in Robert's body, he could determine Chris's location even if his line of sight was blocked by houses.

Xu Yi decisively pulled the trigger, and the bullet left the chamber, passed through the silencer, penetrated the wall of the house, and shot towards Chris.

Seeing that the bullet from the sniper rifle was about to penetrate Chris's chest, the bullet seemed to hit something solid and was instantly bounced away.

The shadow of the black lizard dragon appeared in the air. He wrapped Chrissy with his long tail, which acted as an invisible shield.

Xu Yi's face changed slightly, because he didn't know the ability of the lizard dragon, which led to the failure of the plan.

But he had no idea of ​​using the resurrection coins to try again.

Killing Chris would treat the symptoms but not the root cause. As long as Ring of Destruction takes time, they can find a replacement.

It's not worth wasting a resurrection coin.

Before Xu Yi could make the next move, the crow man had already arrived at the attic where he was hiding, and slashed down with the death scythe in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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