American exorcist god.

Chapter 305: With a sharp blade in mind, he overcomes obstacles by himself

Chapter 305: With a sharp blade in mind, he overcomes obstacles by himself

"Mom, I know I was wrong, I never dare again!" Carrie kept crying, her eyes full of pleading.

"No! Only if you die can the filth be completely removed." Carrie's mother walked towards Carrie step by step with a sharp boning knife.

Carrie cried until her voice became hoarse, and she couldn't even cry anymore, just shedding silent tears.

Although their mother has always said that they should not have been born, they are unclean things, and if they violate the rules, they will be punished corporally and put into a small dark room.

But she never thought that her mother would actually want to kill her.

"Kill her! Kill her and you can control your own destiny!" That crazy voice sounded in her ears again.

Carrie just cried. Even though she knew her mother wanted to kill her, she still couldn't do it.

"You are just like Sister You, so disgusting."

Carrie's mother looked at Carrie's face and seemed to see the familiar and hated person again. Carrie looked more like her father.

She raised the boning knife in her hand, originally intending to stab Carrie through the heart, but the floor was a little slippery because the sharpening knife was stained with water, and her foot slipped.

Instead of piercing the heart, the boning knife cut Carrie's arm.

But Carrie didn't even care about the pain in her arm and stared at her mother blankly.

She was keenly aware of something wrong in the other person's words, and subconsciously asked, "Sister, sister, is this true?"

"Your sister is even more annoying. She wanted to learn ballet at a young age to seduce men!"

Carrie's mother looked crazy, "She came home from school in her ballet outfit, and when she came down the stairs, I gave her a shove from behind. It was so good that her head hit the raised corner of the wall below. , actually died all of a sudden!”

Carrie's mother waved the boning knife, sometimes pretending to cry, sometimes laughing, "You all deserve to die, just like your father!"

She is no longer mentally ill, she is simply a madman.

"My mother killed...killed my sister!" Carrie trembled uncontrollably.

Even in her worst nightmares, she couldn't imagine such a thing, but now it was a living reality.

Carrie's mother raised the boning knife again, this time aiming for the heart, so close that she would never miss.

"Kill her! Kill her to avenge my sister!" The extremely crazy voice echoed in my ears.

Black spots appeared in Carrie's eyes, like ink falling into clear water, and the black color smeared towards the pupils. After a moment, her eyes had turned into an abyss-like black, without any light.

The turbulent fluctuations erupted like a volcano, and the boning knife that was about to fall stopped in front of the chest, unable to move even an inch.

The knives and forks on the table kept shaking, the fruit knife on the shelf rose into the air, the whole room was shaking, and orange-red demonic fire was swaying around Carrie.

Those orange-red flames had no temperature, but the moment they swept across Carrie's mother, her eyes became dull and she stood there blankly.

Carrie roared like a beast, and the hemp rope that bound her broke instantly, and the sharp instruments floating around shot out, instantly piercing Carrie's mother, riddled with holes.

Carrie's dark pupils glanced at her mother on the ground, her face expressionless.

Her soul is falling into darkness and she is about to become a demon.

The Gate of Black Void is also called the Gate of Depravity, and it is its instinct to lure souls to perdition.

At this moment, the doorbell rang loudly, Carrie stretched out her hand toward the void, and the boning knife flew into her hand.

She walked towards the door step by step, glanced at the door lock, and the door lock automatically opened.

A transparent box stretched out. Inside the box was a pale pink cream cake. There was a small label inserted on the cake that read: Happy Birthday to Carrie.

Mieko Harada stood outside the door holding a birthday cake. She also held a bouquet of flowers in her hand. The flowers blocked her view, so she did not see the blood on Carrie's body for the first time.

"Xu Yi can't come, so he asked me to send you a cake first. He also left a message for you." Mieko Harada said softly.

When Xu Yi got Carrie's information from school, he remembered her birthday by the way.

Carrie let go of her hand and let the heavy boning knife fall to the ground. She took the cake and flowers from Mieko Harada's hand and smelled the aroma of cream and flowers.

"Yes! Today is my birthday." Carrie murmured.

There are really only a few people who can remember her birthday, and even fewer people care about her birthday.

I remember once, when she told her mother that she wanted to eat birthday cake, her mother slapped her hard and asked her to reflect in a small dark room. It turns out that there are still people in this world who remember her birthday and are willing to buy her flowers and cakes.

It turns out that she is not alone!

The darkness in Carrie's eyes quietly receded. She put the cake on the table and found a greeting card among the flowers. On the greeting card was Xu Yi's message.

"Happy birthday to my lovely student Carrie. I'm sorry that due to unexpected events, I can't celebrate your birthday in person. If you want a birthday gift, it will be kept secret for the time being.

A message from the teacher: With a sharp knife in your heart, you can overcome obstacles by yourself! "

Carrie's tears fell silently. When the tears dripped on the greeting card, she suddenly reacted and put the card away solemnly.

This is something she will treasure for the rest of her life.

Carrie suddenly raised her head and felt her sister's breath. After awakening her ability, her perception was strengthened countless times.

At the same time, he also noticed Xu Yi's aura.

"No! The teacher is in danger!" Carrie put down the things in her hands, jumped lightly, and flew out like an arrow.

Of course, her physical fitness is not that strong. This is the ability of mind control.


Xu Yi rolled to avoid the crow man's attack, kicked his feet, his speed exploded, crashed into the crow man's chest, and punched out.

The crow man shook his right hand and pulled back the death sickle in his hand, slashing at Xu Yi's head.

Compared with the crow man he saw last time, the metal arm behind the opponent has disappeared, but this does not mean that the opponent has become weaker.

On the contrary, the opponent becomes more difficult to deal with.

The breathtaking edge of the new weapon Death's Scythe made Xu Yi feel a little numb.

Xu Yi had no choice but to change his moves midway. While lowering his head, he used an iron mountain to knock the opponent away.

The rich blood light suddenly came out from the window. Robert felt the threat and activated the magic circle in advance.

Although this will weaken the effect of the magic circle, it is the safest approach.

A red shadow suddenly fell from the roof. The ghost warrior held the magic sword Red Lotus, and the flaming sword fell like a splash of ink. Since the target was not Robert, nor was it Chris, who was protected by the lizard dragon.

But the magic circle carved on the floor!

The ghost warrior had been hiding nearby for a long time. When Xu Yi drew everyone's attention away, he took action boldly.

Xu Changrong was indeed a "famous disciple", and his timing was very tricky. When Robert and Lizard Dragon reacted, the flame sword energy had already cut through the magic circle with one strike.

A smile appeared on Xu Yi's lips. Although destroying the magic circle could only temporarily delay the Ring of Destruction's plan, what he lacked most now was time.

With enough time, he had the opportunity to get in front of the Ring of Destruction and devour the source of Sugar Plum Fairy's "jealousy".

The old-fashioned record player in the hall suddenly started running automatically, the vinyl record slowly rotated, and the classical music "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy" played leisurely.

Xu Yi looked like he had seen a ghost.

He has obviously destroyed the magic circle, and not only are the three major alchemy machines gathered here, but he and the ghost warriors are also here.

For the Sugar Plum Fairy, this place is no less than a dragon's pond and a tiger's den. Why does the other party appear again?

Chrissy suddenly opened her mouth and spat out the internal organs of an unknown creature. The scarlet internal organs slowly squirmed on the ground.

Although Xu Yi didn't know what it was, it was definitely related to the Sugar Plum Fairy's anomaly.

The light in the crow man's pupils flashed for a moment, and Xu Yi soon noticed something strange. The opponent's attack suddenly became "mechanical", strict and not as agile as before.

The ghost warrior also fought with the lizard dragon. The lizard dragon showed its previous invisibility ability, but it was not as "ghostly" as imagined.

The red copper clock bird is suspended in the air, constantly harassing the ghost warriors.

The three major alchemy machines of the Ring of Destruction have become weaker, but Xu Yi's face looks very ugly.

The reason why they became weaker is because the alchemy machinery switched from "active control" to "AI mode", which is why they are so dull.

Where is the soul that controls the alchemical machinery?

Xu Yi looked at Chris. The answer was self-evident. The Ring of Destruction had somehow entered the Sugar Plum Fairy's different space!

This feeling was very bad. Xu Yi felt like he had become blind and could only stare.

(End of this chapter)

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