American exorcist god.

Chapter 306 Helping in times of need

Chapter 306 Helping in times of need

Xu Yi knocked back the crow man with one punch and rushed towards the house below.

At this point, he can only try to make a fuss about Chris to see if he can stop the ring of destruction.

He broke through the wall of the house and his face became increasingly ugly.

Chrissy's face was bitten to pieces and she fell to the ground, breathless.

Although she is dead, the sound of music from the old player has not disappeared, and the Sugar Plum Fairy is still here.

The Sugar Plum Fairy has killed her target, so why is she still here?

Obviously it's not that it doesn't want to, but that it can't. The Ring of Destruction doesn't know what method it used to trap it here.

Xu Yi felt aggrieved. Even though he was no match for the three major alchemy machines of the Ring of Destruction, he could still fight a vigorous battle.

Unlike now, even if he can defeat the crow man in front of him, he can't decide the direction of things.

The key point is still the Sugar Plum Fairy!

At this moment, the whistling figure came closer and closer. Xu Yi subconsciously looked up and said in surprise, "Carrie!"

An excited look quickly appeared on his face. Carrie flew over, which meant that the other party had awakened his ability!

His attention was all here just now, and he didn't notice Carrie's condition, and he didn't know why Carrie suddenly woke up.

But in any case, this is tantamount to providing help in times of need.

"Teacher!" Carrie breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that Xu Yi was safe and sound.

With her mother's betrayal, Xu Yi is now her only spiritual sustenance.

Xu Yi shouted loudly in vain, and activated "Blood is Holy" at full range. The crow man was unable to adapt to Xu Yi's surge in power, and was blown away by Xu Yi, slamming into the ground.

Xu Yi didn't expect to be able to achieve success with one blow, so he suddenly switched forms just to buy some time.

"These people want to take away the Sugar Plum Fairy. Now it's up to you to stop them!" Xu Yi rushed to Carrie and quickly explained.

He knew that it was unrealistic for Carrie to kill the Sugar Plum Fairy. Carrie obviously still had deep feelings for her sister, otherwise she would not have taken the snowman doll that her sister gave her with her.

So he just leaves Carrie to stop the Ring of Destruction.

He can avoid swallowing the source of "jealousy", but the Ring of Destruction can't even think of taking away the Sugar Plum Fairy!

Xu Yi quickly took out the Alchemy Revolver and "Jealousy" Sin Bones and handed them to Carrie, not forgetting to say, "Save your bullets!"

Even if Carrie has awakened her abilities, it is still too difficult to deal with the three deacons of the Ring of Destruction.

If you don't have enough strength, you can only rely on equipment.

Carrie nodded solemnly and rushed towards Chris.

Although Chris is dead, she is still a node. Carrie can rely on the location of the node to enter a different space.

The lizard dragon noticed that the stranger had entered the room, and the "AI" automatic enemy-killing mode was activated. It opened its mouth, and black energy gathered in its mouth.

Energy spurted out, and the black beam of light swept across like a long sword, threatening to cut Carrie in half.

The ghost warrior suddenly jumped out, the back of the sword pressed against his left arm, and both arms worked together to block the devastating black light beam with the red lotus sword.

Carrie took advantage of this opportunity, quickly rushed to Chris's side, stepped into the different space, and slowly disappeared.

Xu Yi quickly switched the perspective to the Evil God's Nest.

In order to prepare the "Awakening Potion", the Evil God's Nest had been left in Carrie's body and had not been taken out.

The good news is that the different space did not cut off his connection with the Evil God's Nest, and he could clearly see the scene inside.

He was suddenly startled. In the Sugar Plum Fairy's alien space, what he saw was not the alchemy machine, but three men.

The three of them are all different in height, short, fat and thin, but one thing is the same. They all have old faces, gray hair, and the mark of the door is engraved on their eyebrows.

These people are all in soul state, and they are obviously the ones controlling the alchemy machinery behind the scenes.

And for some reason, Xu Yi always felt that these three people looked familiar, as if he had seen them before somewhere.

The three of them chanted an unknown language in unison, and powerful waves swept through the entire place as they chanted.

One of them just glanced at Carrie lightly, and she was frozen in place, unable to move.

Not to mention Carrie, not even the Sugar Plum Fairy could break free from those chants.

The power that imprisons them does not come from the three people in front of them, but from something more terrifying. The three people in front of them are just acting as media. Xu Yi originally placed his hope on Carrie, but now Carrie was "knocked down" before she even took action.

"We can only take risks!" He took a deep breath.

He was preparing to join forces with the ghost warriors to launch a surprise attack. Their target was neither the crow man nor the lizard dragon, but the red copper clock bird.

The red copper clock bird is really hateful. The opponent is not very strong, but he is good at assisting. There are various magic formations emerging one after another.

Many times he and the ghost warriors were just about to get going, but were interrupted by the red copper clock bird's magic circle.

Kill the support first when the team starts! It is indeed a wise saying.

Moreover, the opponent keeps holding the "golden bullet" and does not use it, but only stretches out the barrel of the gun from time to time to scare them. This is like the Sword of Damocles hanging above their heads, which is really torturous.

Xu Yi and Xu Changrong communicated through their thoughts and approached the red copper clock bird without any trace. They did not need to make eye contact, and they suddenly launched an attack.

The ghost warrior turned around and swung his sword in one go. The power he had accumulated for a long time spurted out, and the flaming sword energy went straight towards the red copper clock bird.

Letting his father control the ghost warrior was truly the right choice, and Xu Yi was extremely happy.

Dad is top notch in terms of swordsmanship and combat awareness. Only such a person can unleash the true power of the Ghost Warrior.

And his father is one of the people who can make him hand over his back without hesitation.

At the same moment, Xu Yi turned on "Blood is Holy" with all his strength, the white-gold air flow gathered at his fingertips, and the sword of judgment with blazing flames slashed down.

There was no way to avoid the red copper clock bird, but in the next second, the figure of the clock bird dissipated like bubbles, and the lizard dragon changed into the position of the clock bird, taking the attack instead of the clock bird.

The flames and holy flames fell suddenly, and the powerful energy raged on the lizard dragon. The surface of the opponent's body began to crack, and countless small cracks appeared.

Although the lizard dragon was seriously injured, there was no smile on Xu Yi's face.

If this "combined attack" falls on the weaker red copper clock bird, it may directly destroy the red copper clock bird.

And Xu Yi also exposed a huge flaw behind him because of his surprise attack on the red copper clock bird. Of course, the crow man would not let go of such a good opportunity.

A rich blood-colored light surged from the Death Scythe, and the scythe fell. Xu Yi was unable to dodge in his haste, and his back was cut open with one breath, along with his spine.

Xu Yi had a look of pain on his face. To make matters worse, he found that his ability to super-accelerate regeneration was suppressed and his recovery speed was very slow.

He had already anticipated this before launching the surprise attack.

I just paid enough price but did not achieve the desired results.

He is now seriously injured, and the battle ahead will only get harder and harder.

He subconsciously checked the situation in the Yayoi House. Lisa and the other three were still not awake, and Mieko Harada, even with the Cat Spirit Sacred Tree, was not strong enough to join this level of battle.

At this moment, Xu Yi was suddenly stunned.

The red copper clock bird, which was suspended smoothly in the air, suddenly became trembling.

In the alien space of the Sugar Plum Fairy.

The chanting became more and more urgent, and a strong pressure was exerted on the Sugar Plum Fairy. It could not bear the pressure, and its legs slowly bent, and it was about to kneel down in front of the three people of the Ring of Destruction.

"Sister!" Carrie yelled anxiously.

The energy in her body was aroused, and orange-red demonic fire surged out of her body, unexpectedly dispelling the suppression of the chanting.

Just as she was about to move, the suppression immediately came over her. She could only tremblingly raise the alchemy revolver in her hand and aim at one of the people in the Ring of Destruction.

The Ring of Destruction man glanced at Carrie with disdain.

They recognized the gun in Carrie's hand as the Alchemical Revolver Messiah, but so what, even the exorcism bullets were just an itch for them.

Carrie had undergone special shooting training in the Yaoyao House. Although her marksmanship was average, she was still able to guarantee a hit at such a close distance with a target that was still immobile.

The orange flame surged again, and she decisively pulled the trigger while the suppression was dispelled.

(End of this chapter)

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