American exorcist god.

Chapter 308 Two doors gather together

Chapter 308 Two doors gather together

The aroma of heather filled the air from the door. After the soul door swallowed up the soul essence, the door flashed with blood-colored light, and strange fluctuations swept in all directions.

Xu Yi's face suddenly turned pale, and he found that he couldn't move.

The soul is firmly locked in the body. This feeling is terrible, just like an ordinary person being sealed by cement.

"It's over now!" Xu Yi lamented in his heart.

In this case, he completely became a target. Shouldn't he just let the Ring of Destruction round him and flatten him?

He looked out and was suddenly stunned.

Neither the Crow Man nor the Lizard Dragon took advantage of the situation and stepped forward to attack.

Of course, it is impossible for the people in the Ring of Destruction to suddenly change their minds, change their minds, and want to get along well with each other. There is only one possibility for this to happen.

"The suppression of the Soul Gate is not aimed at individual people, but against everyone. Even the summoner of the Ring of Destruction is not immune."

Xu Yi breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, he could understand it if he thought about it.

The Soul Gate is one of the original ones. If the Ring of Destruction really fully masters the Soul Gate, there will be no need to hide around.

According to the information Xu Yi found, the dim appearance of the gods is inseparable from the three original gates.

Logically speaking, the original gate is not something that can be controlled by people at all.

Under the suppression of the Soul Gate, everyone present turned into puppets.

A "creaking" sound suddenly sounded, and the soul door slowly opened a gap. Xu Yi could not stop trembling, and he felt an irresistible chill.

In fact, his body was motionless, what was trembling was his soul, and the chill was aimed at it.

Crazy but gentle murmurings reached his ears. Xu Yi had never heard such a weird sound before. He felt very sleepy, but his brain was extremely active.

It's like a patient with severe insomnia, being pulled back and forth between extreme sleepiness and extreme excitement.

There is only one consequence if this continues, and that is going crazy.

Gradually, Xu Yi felt that his scalp was very itchy, as if there were a group of lice scurrying on his head, but his body could not move and he could not reach out to scratch it.

The itching feeling became more and more intense and spread to the whole body. Xu Yi felt like he was being tortured.

"Take a deep breath! Take a deep breath!" A gentle voice suddenly came from my ears.

Xu Yi obeyed subconsciously. His body could not move, but he actually took a deep breath.

He smelled the rich aroma of heather, and his body felt more relaxed than ever before. Whether he was sleepy, anxious, or itchy on his head, they all disappeared at the same moment.

He wanted to take another deep breath...

"That's not right!" Xu Yi suddenly woke up.

He could understand after being tortured. There was obviously something wrong with that kind of comfort. The people in the Ring of Destruction tried their best to summon the Soul Gate. It couldn't be just to give him a spa, right?

"Soul Gate wants to control him!"

He instantly thought of a possibility, and a cold sweat broke out on his back.

"Blood is Holy" is fully activated!

Xu Yi struggled to squeeze out a bit of strength and ignited the blood in his body. The white-gold air flow could not spread and could only flow slowly on the surface of the body.

Although he still couldn't move, the discomfort was finally dispelled, and he looked around.

The strange orange-red flames filled the surface of Carrie's body, and her condition seemed to be even better than that of Xu Yi.

The effect that can only be achieved by turning on "Blood is Holy" is actually achieved by Carrie just like this!

Of course, this doesn't mean that Carrie's strength is on par with his, but it just means that the energy level of "Demon Fire" is high, and it just restrains the ravings of the Soul Gate. "As expected of someone who has come into contact with the Black Void Gate and has not fallen into corruption!" Xu Yi secretly exclaimed.

The ghost warrior stood there blankly, the flames in his pupils had been extinguished, and Xu Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

Dad is still a "chicken thief". When he sensed something was wrong, he immediately logged off and avoided being controlled.

The sound of bones twisting suddenly sounded.

"What can move?" Xu Yi was startled and moved his eyes as hard as he could.

The Sugar Plum Fairy, who was lying on the ground, suddenly moved and slowly got up. Only the face with sharp teeth began to ooze blood, which continued to drip down, making it look even more terrifying.

It walked towards Carrie step by step, its steps staggering, its teeth dancing like tentacles on its face.

"The other party is controlled by the Soul Gate." Xu Yi understood instantly.

He couldn't think of any other reasons for being able to walk freely under the suppression of the Soul Gate, apart from becoming the "ghost" of the Soul Gate.

"!" Xu Yi exhausted all his strength and struggled to squeeze out a word from his throat.

It is true that the Ring of Destruction cannot control the Soul Gate, but as the summoner of the Gate, they can have "hunting immunity", and the Soul Gate will not attack them.

In addition, all "creatures" present will become the targets of its enslavement. If the enslavement fails, let the "ghost" kill them!

Xu Yi was ready to spend the resurrection coins. The only solution he could think of now was to take Carrie out of here before the Soul Gate came.

The Soul Gate is obviously the trump card of the Ring of Destruction. This kind of thing, which only exists in a few words in ancient books, is simply not something he can handle at the moment.

The Sugar Plum Fairy stood still in front of Carrie and was about to pounce on her.

Tears fell silently from the corners of Carrie's eyes. It might be the magic of the demon fire, or it might be other reasons. She actually broke through the suppression of the Soul Gate and said in a hoarse voice, "Sister...sister!"

The Sugar Plum Fairy's body suddenly froze. I don't know if it was Xu Yi's imagination, but he actually felt an emotion called "pain" from the Sugar Plum Fairy's body.

Do monsters like the Sugar Plum Fairy also have emotions? Xu Yi thought curiously.

Xu Yi suddenly shivered, not because of the cold, but because there was a strange touch on the surface of his skin, as if a snake was sliding on his skin, which was cold and slippery.

And there was more than one snake, densely packed snakes wrapped around his body, swimming on his limbs, swallowing and licking his body from time to time.

Xu Yi's scalp was numb, and the hairs on his body exploded one by one.

He soon understood why he felt this way. Behind the Sugar Plum Fairy, the shadow of a door suddenly appeared.

The door was completely dark and covered with a large number of reliefs, including various monsters and even humans. Xu Yi saw the carvings of the Sugar Plum Fairy on it.

The pupils of the crow man and the lizard dragon suddenly burst out with bright light. If they were human beings, they would definitely be two faces drooling.

"The Gate of Black Void!" A name flashed in Xu Yi's mind.

Unexpectedly, the Sugar Plum Fairy actually summoned the Black Void Gate. Although it was just a shadow, it was still one of the originals.

The Sugar Plum Fairy was shaking violently as if she was having an epileptic fit.

The energy of the Black Void Gate and the Soul Gate are raging in its body. The two are like enemies, using Sugar Plum Fairy's body as a battlefield to fight.

The Sugar Plum Fairy's pale skin was chapped, and thick black blood slowly flowed out.

The complexity of the situation has exceeded Xu Yi's imagination. He could not guess what would happen next and could only choose to wait and see.

(End of this chapter)

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