American exorcist god.

Chapter 309: 1 wish to die

Chapter 309 Desire to die

The projection of the Black Void Gate enveloped the Sugar Plum Fairy, and the old-fashioned record player in the hall returned to normal, and the music was no longer intermittent.

The Sugar Plum Fairy retreated slowly, breaking free from the Soul Gate's control.

In the end, it was the Black Void Gate that won the battle, as the Sugar Plum Fairy was more closely connected to it and could more easily influence it.

"Don't be reluctant. After this mission is over, I, together with others, will give you resource compensation." Lizard Dragon suddenly spoke softly.

The crow man no longer hesitated, he took out a ball of soul essence again and threw it towards the soul door.

The soul door absorbed the new soul essence, the blood light on the door flickered rapidly, the door crack expanded slightly, and an increasingly powerful suppression enveloped the entire place.

Xu Yi's face changed slightly. He thought that the suppression just now was the limit of the Soul Gate, but the scene before him made him realize that it was just the tip of the iceberg of the Soul Gate.

The more the door is open, the more powerful the Soul Gate becomes.

The Black Void Gate was collapsing, crumbling, and the Sugar Plum Fairy's body was shaking violently.

After all, the Black Void Gate in front of you is just a projection, and it is no match for the Soul Gate itself. This is normal.

The Sugar Plum Fairy is not that powerful yet, able to summon the body of the Black Void Gate.

The Sugar Plum Fairy slowly backed away and walked towards the Soul Gate. Xu Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that the Ring of Destruction is not willing to cause trouble and wants to settle down early.

Although it failed to swallow the source of "jealousy" and failed to stop the plan of the Ring of Destruction, at least the loss was not big.

When a "bug"-level thing like the Soul Gate appeared, Xu Yi was already prepared for the worst.

The footsteps suddenly disappeared, and Xu Yi looked at the Sugar Plum Fairy in shock.

The Sugar Plum Fairy suddenly left and came back again, rushing towards Carrie, this time instead of walking slowly, she ran like crazy.

Could it be that Ring of Destruction suddenly changed his mind and wanted to give him another hate before leaving?

But why not attack him instead of going after Carrie? Are you afraid of Carrie's talent?

Xu Yi couldn't understand, and there was no time for him to think.

Because of the Black Void Gate, the suppression of the Soul Gate became weaker. Xu Yi burned a lot of blood in an instant, finally broke through the suppression, and rushed towards Carrie.

As soon as he took two steps, the suppression came again, Xu Yi's speed was like a snail.

It was too late to stop him, Xu Yi was ready to use the resurrection coin, but the next second, his eyes widened.

Carrie holds the Alchemy Revolver Messiah in her right hand, and the "Jealousy" Sin Bone in her left hand, with the "blade" of the Sin Bone moving forward.

The reason why she holds it like this is so that she can draw the knife quickly when in danger.

This is the result of her special training at Yaoyaoya.

But because of the suppression of the Soul Gate, she has always maintained this posture.

The Sugar Plum Fairy rushed towards Carrie, but instead of biting Carrie's face, she crashed her body into the blade of the "Jealous" Sin Skeleton!

The sin skeleton pierced the Sugar Plum Fairy's chest, leaving thick black blood.

Under the suppression of the Soul Gate, Xu Yi struggled to even protect himself, let alone control the sinful body and complete the "Flying Knife" stunt.

But there is no problem in inducing sin to devour the source of "jealousy".

The black-gold sin skeleton vibrated, continuously devouring the source of "jealousy".

Xu Yi has never experienced such a smooth feeling. In the past, extracting the source was like squeezing toothpaste, because the host of the original sin source would desperately resist, but the Sugar Plum Fairy in front of him was actively cooperating.

The other party wants to die!

Xu Yi was finally sure of one thing. The Sugar Plum Fairy definitely still had some memories of her life, and had not completely degenerated into a monster acting on instinct.

The other party was unwilling to become a puppet of the Soul Gate and lose the last bit of his sanity, so he chose the most decisive method.


The onlookers' lizard dragon roared angrily, and panic flashed in the crow man's pupils.

Just now they saw the Sugar Plum Fairy suddenly turning around, and they realized something was wrong, but they couldn't directly control the Soul Gate, so they could only watch everything happen.

The cost of summoning the Soul Gate is even more exaggerated than imagined. The two masses of soul essence are only seen on the surface. In private, something more precious needs to be sacrificed.

They have paid such a high price, and if they lose the source of "jealousy" again, they may really lose money to the point of vomiting blood.

The worst thing is that they can't do anything now, they can only wait for the Soul Gate to work.

The dense crowd of faces on the door suddenly moved, and they all roared silently.

The Soul Gate was enraged, and the cold breath swept across like a tsunami. The Black Void Gate was already in danger, and now it was like a candle left in the wind, about to shatter.

"There's not enough time!" Xu Yi sighed secretly.

Even if the Sugar Plum Fairy cooperates again, it will still take a certain amount of time to swallow the source of jealousy, and now it has only swallowed one-fifth. The Sugar Plum Fairy is also aware of this. Once the projection of the Black Void Gate disappears, it will no longer have the capital to compete with the Soul Gate.

It pushed Carrie away and rushed towards Xu Yi.

Xu Yi was startled. He finally got close to Carrie. After discovering that the Sugar Plum Fairy had no intention of harming Carrie, he stood still.

He was very close to the Sugar Plum Fairy.

Under the suppression of the Soul Gate, he had no way to dodge. He could only watch as the Sugar Plum Fairy pounced on him, with layers of fangs falling down and biting Xu Yi's shoulder.

Xu Yi didn't expect such an unreasonable disaster. He couldn't understand why the Sugar Plum Fairy had to give him a bite before she lost control.

They don't seem to have such a big hatred, right?

Thick black and purple smoke rose on his arm, as if it had been corroded by sulfuric acid, and Xu Yi's face was twisted in pain.

pain! It hurts so much!

Even when he was cut in half or beheaded, he didn't feel that much pain. After possessing the super-accelerated regeneration entry, these became commonplace and he gradually got used to it.

But now just one bite made him feel like he was going to faint from the pain.

The projection of the Black Void Gate completely dissipated, and the Sugar Plum Fairy pushed Xu Yi away before being completely controlled by the Soul Gate.

The next second, the Sugar Plum Fairy's body froze in place.

"Sister...sister!" Carrie had already realized what had happened, and her tears couldn't stop falling.

Xu Yi is already thinking about the next reincarnation.

The projection of the Black Void Gate disappeared, the Sugar Plum Fairy was controlled, and the blood in Xu Yi's body was about to burn out, and it was difficult to resist the invasion of the Soul Gate.

He no longer has any comeback points.

But at this moment, the flashing red light on the Soul Door disappeared, and the door slowly closed under an invisible force.

"Is this...the soul gate's energy exhausted?" Xu Yi's eyes flashed with joy.

He looked at the crow man. If the other party could produce another ball of soul essence, then he would have no choice but to admit defeat.

"What a pity!" Crow Man sighed secretly,

He really wanted to keep Xu Yi here forever, but he couldn't.

It's not as simple as soul essence. The main function of soul essence is to protect them from the attack of the soul door, and at the same time make the door more powerful.

There is something else that really summoned the Soul Gate. At this moment, the energy of that thing is about to be exhausted, and the Soul Gate is about to return to nothingness.

The Sugar Plum Fairy did not attack Xu Yi, but strode into the soul door, and the door slowly closed.

The thick gray mist surged toward the Soul Gate. After a moment, the gray mist disappeared together with the Soul Gate.

Everyone resumed their actions. The crow man and the lizard dragon turned to stare at Xu Yi, with a dangerous light dodging in their pupils.

Xu Yi quickly called his father, and the flames in the ghost warrior's pupils ignited again, and he stood in front of Xu Yi with a knife.

Carrie stretched out her hand to support the shaky Xu Yi. Xu Yi took the Alchemy Revolver Messiah and hid behind him quietly, pretending to be very weak and about to faint.

Although he was seriously injured now and the blood in his body was almost burned out, to be honest, they were the one with the upper hand.

The reason lies in the alchemy revolver in his hand.

At this moment, there are three Ceres bullets in the chamber of the alchemy revolver.

The gun in his hand and in Carrie's hand were two weapons.

With the entry "Shadow Gun God", he can maximize the power of this gun.

"The ghost warrior is definitely no match for the other two. When the other party has the upper hand and relaxes his vigilance, I will sneak in a shot... At that time, with the addition of the 'silent domain' and 'bullet trajectory', I will hit the opponent The opportunities at the core are very good.”

Xu Yi has already designed the script in his mind.

Unfortunately, the ghost warrior and the lizard dragon were not fooled at all. They glanced at Xu Yi's hand hiding the alchemy revolver and turned around silently to leave.

"What a pity, I have such a perfect script!" Xu Yi sighed and watched the other party leave.

A sneak attack is okay, but if the opponent is already prepared, the effect may not be very good. Xu Yi is reluctant to waste Ceres bullets.

(End of this chapter)

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