American exorcist god.

Chapter 310 Wounds That Cannot Heal

Chapter 310 Wounds That Cannot Heal

The blue garden car slowly drove into Kaili Middle School. A group of teachers and students stood on the playground, whispering, and began to discuss what the so-called "mysterious gift" was.

The campus radio rang early in the morning, saying that the teachers and students who attended the banquet last night gathered at the school playground and there were mysterious gifts given to them.

The garden truck stopped next to the playground, but no one paid attention. Garden trucks often enter the campus to water trees.

But soon their eyes were caught. A man who was a little too handsome jumped out of the driver's seat, climbed neatly onto the rear frame, unhooked the high-pressure water cannon, and pointed the gun at them.


Xu Yi smiled at everyone, and then decisively turned on the high-pressure water cannon.

Liquid gushes out from the barrel. The liquid is red and has a strong fishy smell. It is sheep blood.

Blood spurted out, spraying everyone on the playground with bloody heads, and everyone ran away screaming.

Xu Yi laughed wildly and waved the high-pressure water gun in his hand. Whoever escaped first would be attacked first. Many people were knocked to the ground by bloody water.

The water tank of the garden vehicle was gradually empty. Looking at the group of "bloody people" below, Xu Yi nodded with satisfaction, hung the high-pressure water gun back on the buckle, and quickly returned to the main driver's seat.

"Wouldn't this be...not good?" Carrie sat in the passenger seat, thinking about her words.

"It's okay. It's just a little joke with them. They will definitely understand."

Xu Yi chuckled and started the garden car and drove away. He glanced at Carrie who was about to speak and said loudly: "As my student, you can do what you want to do with confidence and boldness. If there is any problem, , just let me solve it!"

Xu Yi does have this confidence. In this world, he can be regarded as one of the few people standing at the top of the pyramid.

Carrie felt her heart warm. She knew that Xu Yi was standing up for her. She had never had this experience in her life.

Xu Yi glanced at the bond panel, with a smile on his lips. Carrie's favorability level had turned to "92" unknowingly.

"By the way, a belated birthday gift!" Xu Yi took out a card similar to an invitation from his arms and handed it to Carrie.

"What is this?" Carrie took it curiously. After opening it, she subconsciously recited, "Application form for admission to Isolt College?"

As an honorary professor of Isolt, Xu Yi has an admission quota every year and can recommend one person to enter Isolt College.

Xu Yi could understand why there was only one quota. After all, it was a college funded by major governments, and it must give priority to cultivating its own people.

"It's time for you to change schools and change your living environment."

Xu Yi turned to look at Carrie and said softly, "I heard about your mother. Just treat your previous life as a nightmare! Now that you wake up from the dream, you will be greeted by bright sunshine."

Carrie's eyes instantly turned red.

"Next stop, destination: Boston!"

Xu Yi turned the steering wheel and turned around. His brows suddenly wrinkled because of the pain, and he subconsciously covered his right upper arm with his hand.

After the arm was bitten by the Sugar Plum Fairy, the surrounding wounds have healed, but for some reason, the small area in the center is still a piece of rotten flesh.

He tried everything, injecting drugs, digging out the flesh, and even tearing the arm off.

But after the arm recovers, the rotten flesh will soon reappear, and it will sting from time to time.

"This wound doesn't seem to be affecting the body, but it seems to be affecting the soul!"

Xu Yi frowned, "'s not as simple as a wound."


Isolt Academy.

After Xu Yi inspected his "territory", he nodded frequently with satisfaction.

As expected of a college jointly built by governments of various countries, the offices equipped for honorary professors like them can be described as "luxurious" and inhumane. The floors are made of precious alchemical materials.

After he returned to Boston, he accompanied Carrie to register at Isolt College early in the morning, and is now in his office.

He stood by the window and looked out. Between the shadows of the trees on the eaves, students in school uniforms came in and out, showing a lively atmosphere.

Isolt College is about to start its term, and the college is no longer deserted as before and has become lively. At this time, the door of the office was pushed open violently. This push was somewhat angry. The door hit the wall with a loud bang, and a figure strode in.

Xu Yi frowned, and with a straight face, he showed his majesty as an honorary professor and was bound to teach the "crazy" who broke in.

He turned around, hurriedly walked towards the other party, picked up the coffee cup on the table, raised it high... and then handed it over, "Do you want to try the coffee I just made?"

Youkeni glanced at Xu Yi coldly, "Are you willing to come back now?"

"Something happened on the way, so we were delayed." Xu Yi looked at the box in Yukeni's hand, and his eyes suddenly lit up, "Is this it?"

Yukni sat on the leather chair, minding her own business, looking around, "Why does your office feel a little bigger than mine?"

"Illusions are all illusions!"

Of course Xu Yi would not say that as a "own member" of this city, Boston's top management deliberately left the office with the best view and the largest to him.

Yukeni, the second girl in Iceberg, an exorcist with the title of "Evil Dragon Queen", also joined this academy and became colleagues with Xu Yi.

Xu Yi was not surprised at all when Yukni joined Isolt College.

For Eukni, who "didn't forget to make a profit during her escape", how could she give up Iseult's high welfare and refuse the temptation of a mythical holy weapon?

Three weeks ago, Youkeni had a phone call with Xu Yi and asked him to help her with something, but Xu Yi gave up on Youkeni because of a series of things.

Youkeni picked up the coffee on the table and drank it. Xu Yi took this opportunity to take the box from the other party.

The box was unlocked, which was very Eukni style.

"Do you want my treasure? If you want it, I can give it all to you. Come and grab it! I have put all the treasures in the box!"

There is no doubt that this is the true thoughts of middle school girl Yukni.

The box was opened, and a dark golden gun tip lay quietly inside, with an excited look on Xu Yi's face.

Together with the wreckage in front of him, he gathered together the "Gear of Longinus"!

A few days ago, Youkeni heard that Xu Yi was looking for the remains of the Gun of Longinus, saying that she had clues, and asked Xu Yi to wait for good news. Unexpectedly, she actually found it.

"We are old friends. It's really weird to come to your door and bring any gifts?"

Xu Yi closed the box very smoothly, held the handle, and carried the box away skillfully.

Unfortunately, he had only taken two steps when the box was grabbed by Youkeni, who stared at Xu Yi coldly.

"What do you want? See if I can get it and let's exchange it." Xu Yi returned the box without changing his expression.

"Have you ever understood the matter of 'choosing a mentor'?" Youkeni asked another question instead.

Xu Yi nodded, of course he understood.

The five major titles of exorcists are equivalent to the Five Mountains Sword Sect. If students want to learn the real skills, of course they need to worship the mountain first.

"Don't you want the remains of the Spear of Longinus? As long as you help me defeat the old witch Hyrcaces during the 'Choose a Mentor' time, I will give you the remains!" Yukeni said with a hint of emotion in her voice. anger.

"Do you know Hekasese?" Xu Yi was slightly stunned.

In addition to Xu Yi and Eukni, the five titled exorcists invited by Isolt Academy are the poisonous witch Hekasese and the divine priest Arturo.

As for the last one, the candidate has been decided, but there are still some small issues that have not been resolved.

The opponent, who is known as the most powerful exorcist in history, will not only become an honorary professor, but also take over the position of principal.

In fact, there are only four choices for "mentor", and the principal is not among them.

Eukni nodded reluctantly.

Xu Yi saw that not only did Eukone and Hekases know each other, but they also had a relationship. When talking about Hekases, Eukni's eyes were full of anger.

"You'd better hire someone else!"

Xu Yi thought for a long time and reluctantly looked away from the wreckage. It wasn't that he didn't want to collect the Longinus Spear, but that this matter was really difficult to handle.

(End of this chapter)

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