American exorcist god.

Chapter 311 The truth about the Ring of Destruction

Chapter 311 The truth about the Ring of Destruction

"Are you not good enough?" Youkeni stared at Xu Yi coldly and said, "One of the most vicious curses of a man."

"Is this a question of whether it is possible? Hekaseth is 157 years old. She is a well-known master of poison refining. She is well versed in all kinds of exorcisms and has taught many powerful people."

Xu Yi tried hard to persuade her, trying to make Yukni change her request, "If you were a student, what would you choose?"


Although Yukni was reluctant, she still chose to tell the truth.

She suddenly changed her voice, "If things were easy, why should I come to you for help? Why should I give away the precious remains of the Gun of Longinus?"

This statement made so much sense that Xu Yi was speechless.

He stared at Eukni's head. Her thick golden hair was really enviable, "Why don't you change your hairstyle?"

"Why?" Youkeni was confused by Xu Yi's magical brain circuit.

"It's like when you go to the hospital and see a young doctor, you will definitely feel that he is not reliable."

Xu Yi's voice changed, "At this time, if your head suddenly becomes bald, the patient's trust value will automatically increase by 10,000, your work experience will instantly increase by ten years, and an intern will become a deputy chief physician in an instant!"

"Believe it or not, I will bald you first!"

Eukni pressed her fingers so hard that the handle of the coffee cup was crushed into powder.

Xu Yi was about to speak when there was a knock on the door.

"Please come in!" Xu Yi said softly.

He had long sensed a powerful aura approaching, and he could already roughly guess who it was.

"Excuse me, is Mr. Xu Yi here? I'm Hekaseth, and I've taken the liberty of coming to visit."

The white-haired old man stood at the door with a cane and a kind face. He looked like an old woman from an ordinary family.

Only those eyes, the left eye is scarlet and the right eye is green. If you look at each other for a long time, you will have the illusion that you are being stared at by evil spirits from hell.

It is said that these "heterochromatic pupils" were caused by Hekaseth's pupils being mutated due to exposure to too much poisonous alchemical dust when she was young.

"Ms. Hekaseth is really too kind. I should have paid you a visit."

Xu Yi rushed over, but the muscles all over his body suddenly tightened, not because of Hekaseth, but because of the person behind her.

Hekaseth did not come alone, she brought a young man with her.

But soon, Xu Yi's tense body relaxed and he asked softly, "Who is this?"

"This is my great-grandson, Novi." Hekaseth introduced with a smile.

Eukni glanced at Xu Yi strangely, wondering if it was her imagination. Compared to the old witch Hekases, Xu Yi seemed to care more about her great-grandson.

If the other party was a beautiful girl, she would still understand, but the other party was a man.

"Mr. Xu Yi, have you seen Novi?" Hekaseth was also a little confused.

"No, no! I just think it looks familiar and reminds me of an old friend."

Xu Yi took out a box of "Chicken Feet Pancakes" from the drawer, opened it and put it on the table, "This is a specialty I brought back. It tastes pretty good. You can try it."

Hekases indeed just came to visit, put down the gifts, and left with her great-grandson. When Eukone saw Hurkaseth arriving, she looked unhappy and left with the box.

Xu Yi sat on the sofa, frowning, thoughtfully.


Outside Iseult College, there is the same restaurant as last time.

After Xu Yi sat down, he stretched out his hand to Ed impatiently, "Where are the information I asked you to bring?"    "I can understand the information you asked me to bring about the students, but why do you want to bring the detailed information about Hekasese? "Ed doubtfully took out a stack of information from his briefcase.

"Little Judy and Carrie, you order first!"

Xu Yi casually told him, took the information, found the part about Hekasese, and started searching by himself.

Little Judy looked at Carrie curiously, and Xu Yi introduced that Carrie was his student, but she felt that the relationship between the two seemed much closer.

Although Carrie was no longer so timid, she was still a little embarrassed when facing Little Judy's inquiring eyes.

If it were normal, Xu Yi would definitely liven up the atmosphere and make Carrie familiar with everyone, but now he was not in the mood and browsed the information quickly.

Hekaseth's information was not provided by the college, but was obtained by Ed from the church, which was more comprehensive and detailed.

His hand turning the page suddenly stopped, and his eyes were fixed on a portrait on the file.

He had met the person above, not long ago. In order to avoid admitting his mistake, he compared them carefully and finally determined that the two were the same person.

"I caught you, Augustus!" Xu Yi said to himself in his heart.

Augustus is the Crow Man of the Ring of Destruction!

It should be said that the operator of the "Crow Man" alchemy machine is Augustus.

It is difficult to see the core members of the Ring of Destruction. They all move in the bodies of alchemical machines.

If it weren't for the special nature of the Sugar Plum Fairy's different space, Xu Yi would never have been able to see their true colors.

Xu Yi was shocked when he saw Hekaseth's great-grandson today and almost took action.

Novi and Augustus look so much alike, they are almost carved from the same mold, except that one is the "older version" and the other is the "younger version".

Although there are "half-twin brothers" in this world, the chance is too small. Xu Yi secretly became concerned about it, but he didn't expect that he would discover a shocking secret.

The reason why Novi looks so similar to Augustus is probably due to the phenomenon of "atavism". Augustus was Novi's ancestor, and he was a big shot.

Augustus, born in 1680, the year of his death is unknown, was a very famous alchemist at the time.

If alchemy had not broken down after 1710, this kind of figure would have been written into textbooks, with a status equivalent to Newton in the physics world.

"Who are the other two people?" A question suddenly popped up in his mind.

Although the identities of the other two people have not yet been found, they are on an equal footing with Augustus, and there is a high probability that they were both former grandmasters.

When I saw them before, the reason why they looked familiar was probably because I had seen their portraits in some ancient books.

This can explain why the Ring of Destruction can master those lost technologies and create such terrifying alchemy machinery?

But how did people from centuries ago survive to this day? New doubts came to his mind.

"Soul Gate!" Xu Yi thought of the answer instantly.

With the horror and weirdness of the Soul Gate, it is not impossible for them to keep their souls immortal.

This can also explain why their actions require the help of alchemical machinery. It is likely that their bodies have long been decayed.

In a daze, Xu Yi seemed to have glimpsed the truth of the Ring of Destruction.

The core members of the Ring of Destruction are all elites among the elites in history, figures who can lead the trend of the times.

What is the purpose of such a group of people gathering together?

Xu Yi smelled the atmosphere of conspiracy, as if there was an invisible big hand hanging over his head.

He suddenly thought of another question, could Hekaseth be a member of the Ring of Destruction?

After all, Augustus was Hecaise's ancestor, and he might even have joined Iseult Academy because of Augustus's instructions.

This is not impossible. Although Hekaseth is a titled exorcist, Robert was not the chief scientific researcher in Boston at the time?

And according to the nature of the Ring of Destruction, ordinary people can't see it.

Thinking of this, Xu Yi's face became more solemn than ever.

(End of this chapter)

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