American exorcist god.

Chapter 312 The Gate of Black Void Reappears

Chapter 312 The Gate of Black Void Reappears

Little Judy was chatting with Carrie. Her temperament was much more lively than Carrie's, but she suddenly stopped talking and looked at Xu Yi cautiously.

Xu Yi's face was gloomy, and his demigod body was unconsciously liberating. The waiter was about to serve the food, but felt the terrifying aura, and his body trembled slightly, so he didn't dare to come close.

The lively restaurant gradually became quiet, and the atmosphere was particularly solemn.

"Xu Yi..." Ed reminded in a low voice.

Xu Yi woke up from the dream and realized that he had lost his temper just now, so he quickly sealed the demigod's body again.

"Sorry, I was too absorbed in my thoughts just now." Xu Yi explained.

In order to ease the tense atmosphere, he looked at little Judy and took the initiative to ask, "Judy, you should support your brother, right?"

Of course little Judy understood what Xu Yi was talking about.

Three days after the semester starts, the honorary professors will hold open classes, and all students will be present.

After listening to the open class, students can choose a tutor based on their own situation.

Judy glanced at Ed cautiously, "Dad said, although brother Xu Yi, you are very strong, but you are too young. I won't learn anything from you."

Xu Yi sneered and turned around, staring at Ed. The demigod's blockade was opened again, but only for Ed.

Ed felt Xu Yi's "death gaze" and suddenly started sweating.

It doesn't matter that her daughter is a black-hearted woman, but she actually cheated on her father. Xu Yi looks in a bad mood today. He won't be beaten later, right?

"Ed, I treat you as my best friend, just wait for me!"

Xu Yi's teeth were itching with hatred. He waved, "Waiter, bring me three bottles of the most expensive wine here. Mr. Ed will pay for it!"

Ed subconsciously covered his wallet, as if he had seen a scene of private money growing little wings and flying away.

"There will be an open class in three days. Little Judy, you must listen carefully. I will give you a surprise then."

"What's the surprise?" Little Judy asked happily, ignoring her sad father.

She didn't want to choose the poisonous witch at all, so she specifically raised it in front of Xu Yi.

"Since it's a surprise, of course it must be kept secret!"

Xu Yi looked through the information of the new students. It was indeed the "Exorcist Training Base" jointly established by major governments. As soon as he flipped through it, he could feel the overflowing talent.

He had already considered it clearly. Regardless of whether Hekaseth was from the Ring of Destruction or not, he needed to be on guard.

"Wouldn't it be a pity if there are so many talented young people led astray?"

Whether it was for the remains of the Gun of Longinus in Yukeni's hands, or to complete the mission of the "Ten Great Exorcists" in the academy and obtain the reward of the mythical exorcism artifact as soon as possible, he should work hard.

"Perhaps among this group of people, we can still find a suitable acting host for the sinful corpse!"

Among the "Seven Deadly Sins of Alchemy Weapons", the remaining ones are "Wrath" and "Gluttony", and no suitable candidates have been found.


The executive extended version of the Mercedes-Benz sedan was speeding towards Notting Hill. Carrie looked at the brightly lit streets and was in a daze.

Compared to bustling Boston, her hometown can only be regarded as a remote rural village.

Xu Yi was playing with the Alchemy Revolver Messiah, frowning slightly.

Today, he discovered that there was a small crack on the barrel of the alchemy revolver.

"The power of the Ceres bullet is too strong. This old alchemy revolver cannot bear it."

He now has two options. One is to "fix it and keep using it." The disadvantage is that it may explode while using it.

Another option is to "rebuild" and forge a new one. But this method takes a lot of time. Xu Yi has so many things to do now that it is difficult to find time.

The car stopped in front of Notting Hill, and Carrie looked around in confusion. There was only a high wall in the wilderness here, and it didn't look like there was a house.

Could it be that they are also staying in the Yaoyao House tonight?

The high wall in front of her suddenly "opened", and then she discovered that there was a huge hidden door on the high wall. Behind the door was a huge forest, and a wide road snaked through the forest.

As the car drove into the forest, Xu Yi introduced her, "Welcome to your new home. The scenery in this back garden is quite good. You can come here often in the future."

"Back garden?" Carrie asked in confusion.

"That's right, the area enclosed by the high wall belongs to our family." Xu Yi explained casually.

At this time, the car was driving halfway up the mountain. Carrie looked out and could only vaguely see the shadow of the high wall.

Her mouth opened wide and she was speechless.

Whose back garden is based on the entire mountain?

When the car reached the top of the mountain, a group of exquisite villas were scattered among the trees and connected together. Some people believed that they were the emperor's palace.

"Teacher, are you...are you a king?" Carrie asked blankly.

For a little girl from the countryside, all this is too subversive of imagination.

"Then you are the princess!" Xu Yi looked at Carrie's dull look, which was quite interesting, and teased.

"You can live in this villa here from now on! I'm right next door. If you have any questions, you can ask the housekeeper or come to me." Xu Yi got out of the car and pointed to a villa.

"Notting Hill Villa" was actually only completed in these two days, but considering the time and scale of construction, it is already progressing at a rapid pace.

This is also thanks to the full support of the governments of Boston and New York.

Xu Yi walked into the villa, and after a series of tests, he came to the underground laboratory.

Looking at the familiar layout and instruments, Xu Yi felt like he was in another world.

Daniel died, Robert disappeared, and there was no one to take over the "Blood Group Five".

After discussing with Boston's top management, he decided to move the Blood Group Five into his villa, and thus the scene before him happened.

The main research project of the fifth blood group is "Olivido Dragon Blood Potion".

Because he has been unable to overcome his "dragon transformation" and "mental loss of control", this project can only be temporarily shelved.

"Let this project be completed in my hands!" Xu Yi took a deep breath.

He was still confident. He had already researched the dragon blood of Olivedo, and had accumulated a lot of experience when refining the blood of the Fusion God.

In addition, I got a lot of inspiration when analyzing the ingredients of Poseidon Potion.

Of course, the most important thing is that he can cheat!

Olivedo's Dragon Blood Potion is the "killer weapon" he prepared for the open class!

Xu Yi began to prepare the potion in a familiar way, but he was just halfway through the preparation when he suddenly fell to the ground in pain, covered in cold sweat.

He tore the clothes off his shoulders, and a large amount of black smoke suddenly poured out from the wound that had never healed where he had been bitten by the Sugar Plum Fairy.

The cold, slippery feeling appeared again, and it was stronger than before, and his body trembled slightly.

He heard crazy laughter, not just one person, but thousands of people laughing wildly. Xu Yi held his head and rolled on the ground in pain, his head was about to explode.

A strong feeling of weightlessness suddenly came, and Xu Yi felt like he was falling rapidly, with darkness in all directions.

A red light suddenly lit up below, and he saw clearly what was in the light. It was a door, the Gate of Black Void!

(End of this chapter)

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