American exorcist god.

Chapter 313 Weakness x Disciple

Chapter 313 Weakness x Disciple

Xu Yi fell from a high altitude and fell into the bloody swamp. However, he did not suffer any damage, but only splashed a large amount of mud.

He touched his body and quickly understood his situation. He was now a soul body.

"What the hell is going on?"

Xu Yi took a deep breath and looked up to the front, where stood the light source of the entire swamp, the Gate of Black Void.

He felt a strong call, but it didn't have that aggressive tone. He calmed down a little and walked towards the Black Void Gate.

Anyway, he has no way to leave here, he can only take it one step at a time.

The closer he got to the Black Void Gate, the stronger the light became, and the more things he could see clearly.

He suddenly turned his head and made a defensive movement.

A huge figure came out from behind, and Xu Yi had to raise his head to see the monster clearly. The opponent was a human body with extremely slender limbs, and a blooming Higan flower took the place of the head.

The Bianhua Giant ignored Xu Yi at all and walked straight towards the Black Void Gate.

Xu Yi watched the other party leave and breathed a sigh of relief. The opponent's momentum is too terrifying. Once a battle breaks out, he may not be an opponent.

There was no turning back now, so he kept going.

Xu Yi's face became more and more ugly. Since the giant flower of the other shore appeared, more and more behemoths have arrived.

Even the Flower Giant among them can only be regarded as a "medium-sized creature".

The red lanterns that look like mountains and the two-headed snake that stretches for several kilometers, Xu Yi is not even an ant in front of them.

"Where do so many terrifying monsters come from?"

Xu Yi was a little confused. After all, he was the title exorcist, the pinnacle that humans could reach. If there really were so many terrifying monsters in reality, humans would have finished playing them long ago.

It wasn't until he encountered several monsters smaller than him that he finally understood.

It's not that other monsters are too strong, but that he is too weak.

In this swampy place, winning or losing is determined by "soul strength".

The stronger the soul, the larger the volume will be, and the weaker the soul, the smaller the volume will be.

Xu Yi is indeed very powerful, but it is all based on the "demigod body". If he leaves the body, his soul will only be slightly stronger than ordinary people.

"This is probably my biggest weakness!" Xu Yi thought to himself.

In fact, he had noticed it before, but there were too few ways to make the soul stronger without any side effects.

Moreover, with the protection of the demigod body, ordinary weirdness cannot affect his soul at all, so this weakness has been covered up.

But when it comes to something like the Black Void Gate, the role that his proud demigod body can play is very limited.

In this swamp of souls, his weaknesses were infinitely magnified.

These behemoths might not be his enemies in reality, but here, he could only huddle in the corner and tremble.

Fortunately, there seems to be some kind of restriction in this space. All souls entering here cannot attack each other.

There were densely packed monsters in front of the Black Void Gate, and they were unable to move forward.

There are invisible taboos within ten meters of the Black Void Gate, and no soul can break through that taboo.

Xu Yi was suddenly stunned. He was watching a show outside, but he didn't expect the monster in front of him to suddenly make way for a passage.

When did monsters "respect the old and love the young" so much that they know how to make way for a weakling?

He suddenly saw clearly that it was not that the quality of the monsters had improved, but that there was an invisible force that pushed aside the monsters and forcibly created a passage.

The only one who can do this here is the Black Void Gate.

Xu Yi hesitated for a moment and walked towards the Heixu Gate. He was really curious, why did the Heixu Gate treat him differently?

As expected, the taboo ahead was lifted, and Xu Yi stood still in front of the Black Void Gate.

An unknown language suddenly sounded in his mind, but inexplicably, Xu Yi understood its meaning.


Xu Yi was stunned, exchange? Exchange for what?

His brain was running rapidly. Since it was an exchange, it meant that he had something the Black Void Sect wanted in him. What was it? Could it be his soul?

Purple light flashed through his mind, and there was a little person squirming in the light.

The Gate of Black Void does want a soul, but it is not his soul, but the soul of the Deceiver.

The Soul of the Deceiver, Fick, comes from the Ring of Destruction. Because he failed to find a way to purify it, he has been sitting in the entry library and gathering dust.

"Is there anything special about the Soul of the Deceiver?"

Since it is what the Black Void Sect wants, it cannot be ordinary, and this thing is very scarce. He has only encountered it once in so long. "What can I get?" Xu Yixuan felt a little relieved.

The Black Void Gate is under the banner of "exchange". Maybe it can't rob it by force, or maybe it needs to follow certain rules.

But no matter what, he is still safe for now.

"Summon the body once, or give the soul a powerful method."

When Xu Yi received the reply from Heixu Gate, his heart was moved and at the same time a little tangled.

No matter which one you choose, it is an absolutely excellent reward.

Needless to say, summoning the Black Void Gate, if the time is right, it may have unexpected effects.

The method of making his soul strong can make up for the shortcomings of his weak soul, which has a huge effect.

After Xu Yi hesitated for a long time, he made no choice.

If he had to make a choice immediately, he would probably choose the second one. After all, he had resurrection coins, and if the situation was really bad, he could go back in time.

However, Black Void Gate did not urge him, which meant that he did not need to make a choice right away. He had plenty of time to think about it.

There is another important reason, that is, he does not believe in the Black Void Gate.

These words are just one-sided words from Heixu Gate. Who knows whether Heixu Gate will fulfill its promise after handing over the soul of the cheater.

Even if he fulfills his promise, if he is given a low-quality soul-strengthening method casually, wouldn't he lose money?

So he was in no hurry to make a choice.

The Black Void Gate seemed to sense Xu Yi's thoughts, and a strong wind suddenly surged out of the crack in the door. Xu Yi was blown away like a light goose feather in an instant.

After spinning around all day, Xu Yi slowly opened his eyes.

He returned to the familiar basement, and the bright lights made him feel at ease. He breathed a sigh of relief and subconsciously looked at his right arm.

The rotten flesh on the arm fell off and was replaced by a black mark, which was the pattern of a door.


A stream of information poured into his mind, and Xu Yi understood the function of this mark. Through this mark, he could initiate transactions with the Black Void Gate at any time.

He thought of the door marks of the Ring of Destruction. Both were door marks, but one was the Soul Gate and the other was the Black Void Gate.

"What the Door of Destruction wants to get from the Sugar Plum Fairy, wouldn't it be this mark?"

Xu Yi thought of many things in an instant.

At the same time, he also understood why the Sugar Plum Fairy gave him such a bite before being controlled.

The Sugar Plum Fairy didn't mean to hurt him, but it was a "reciprocal gift".

The other party gave him the mark of the Black Void Gate in order to thank him for taking care of Carrie, and at the same time he did not want the Ring of Destruction to get the mark.

The Sugar Plum Fairy has clearly entered the Black Void Gate, so why can she still retain her thoughts?

What is there in the Black Void Gate?

Xu Yi's mind was filled with questions.

Because of what happened at the Black Void Gate, he was completely sleepless and prepared to stay up late studying the dragon blood potion.

Perhaps because of the accumulation of experience, the process of researching the dragon blood potion was extremely smooth.

In just one night, the process of the potion has exceeded 50%. Although it becomes more difficult as you go to the back, the speed is already very fast.

Xu Yi came out of the laboratory after a busy night. After having breakfast, he went straight to the Eight Demons House.

Another advantage after moving to Notting Hill is that the Yaoyao House no longer needs to be placed in the wild. There is plenty of space in the "back garden".

There was no one in the Eight Demons House. Xu Changrong and his group went into the city to hang out. Xu Yi checked on Lisa and the others first as usual.

"It should be soon!" Xu Yi looked at the three people who were getting stronger and stronger, and his eyebrows were filled with joy.

After confirming that everything was okay, he turned back to the laboratory and continued to study the potion.

In the next few days, Xu Yi basically stayed in the laboratory.

During this period, he burned two more resurrection coins in exchange for the qualification to cheat. As a result, there were still 51 resurrection coins left.

Time passed quietly and it came to the day before the open class.

Xu Yi had unkempt hair and a fermented smell wafting from his body.

He hadn't taken a shower for several days, but his eyes were extremely bright, staring at the liquid in his hand that was as bright as gold.

(End of this chapter)

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