American exorcist god.

Chapter 314 Living Zombie No. 1

Chapter 314 Living Zombie No.

“What a beautiful city!”

The man stood in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling window, overlooking the bustling Boston at night, and admired leisurely, but his words suddenly changed, "It's a pity, such a beautiful city will soon be invisible."

The reflection of the floor-to-ceiling windows reflected the man's appearance, with black broken hair, black-rimmed glasses, and a slightly handsome face, giving people the feeling of a social elite.

But no ordinary person can have such a pair of deep eyes, which seem to be able to see through everything.

"Boss, what's so good about a broken city? Why don't you take a closer look at me?"

A beautiful figure opened the door and walked in. If Xu Yi were here, he would definitely recognize her.

Long straight black hair, the iconic tear mole under the corner of the eye, and stunning peach blossom eyes.

That was Tomie Kawakami who once tried to seduce Xu Yi, but was killed by Xu Yi.

"You should call me West! Boss sounds weird."

The man didn't look back, "Besides, Fu Jiang, didn't I tell you? I don't have that kind of worldly desire."

"I know, boss." Kawakami Tomie replied without sincerity. She cast a wink at West, "Boss, did you go to school in Boston?"

"No, I was studying medicine at the University of Zurich in Switzerland." West shook his head, memories flashing in his eyes.

"It would be great if I could go to the same school as my boss. Then we can have a sweet campus love!"

Tomie Kawakami stared at West's back with admiration in his eyes. Any normal man would find it difficult to resist him.

West also nodded and sighed leisurely, "Yes! If I could get to know you earlier... I could dissect you a few more times!"

It's such a scary thing, anyone who hears it will feel horrified.

But Tomie Kawakami not only did not feel fear, but instead looked at West with a peach blossom face, as if he was talking sweet words instead of anatomy.

"Boss, those iron monsters are here again! We should have less contact with those guys. Their motives may not be pure." Kawakami Tomie suddenly frowned.

"It doesn't matter, Fu Jiang, it's just about everyone getting what they need!" A smile appeared on West's lips, "It just depends on who loses more in the end!"

"Let him in!" West stopped smiling.

The door opened, and a strange scene happened. Another Kawakami Tomie stood outside the door, making an invitation gesture.

In fact, there are not just two Fujiangs in this hotel, but more than thirty Fujiangs stationed in every corner of the hotel.

This is the ability of Tomie Kawakami, unlimited division and reproduction.

A slender black shadow crossed the threshold and appeared in the room. It was a giant metal snake, with purple scales opening and closing, and fine steam gushing out from the gaps in the scales.

If Xu Yi were here, he should look familiar.

This is obviously the eight-headed sea snake seen in the Bermuda Triangle, but the eight heads of the snake have now become one, and its strength has been greatly reduced.

Losing a body is also a very painful loss for the core members of the Ring of Destruction.

"The 'Fog Cave' is about to open, and your plan should be implemented." The purple sea snake said in a deep voice.

"No problem at all!"

West smiled and nodded. He took out a thick syringe from his pocket, plunged it into his arm, and drew out a full tube of blood.

His blood was not red, but a strange fluorescent green, and a faint light illuminated West's pale face.

"Sir, is this the meal you ordered?"

The hotel staff walked in with the dining cart. Strangely, she didn't seem to notice the giant metal snake next to her, nor the two Kawakami Tomie in the room. Her eyes were covered with a black mist.

"Yes, please help bring it in!" West looked at the waitress with a smile.

The waitress walked up to West. Without hesitation, West raised the syringe in his hand and plunged it into the other person's neck.

The waiter struggled in pain, but was hugged tightly by West. West kept a smile on his lips as he watched all the medicine injected into the other person's body. "Okay! 'Super Living Zombie No. 1' is born, and now we just have to wait for the good news!"

West let go of the waiter, and the unconscious waiter fell to the ground, his body still twitching.


The morning light covered the sky like a golden gauze. Xu Yi stood in front of the tombstone holding a large bouquet of lilies in his hand, and the wind blew his black windbreaker.

On the tombstone is a wedding photo taken before Daniel and Mia got married, with happy smiles on their faces.

Xu Yi placed the flowers in front of the tombstone and took out a test tube, with golden liquid flowing inside.

The white-gold air flow poured into the test tube from the fingertips, and the golden liquid was instantly ignited. Xu Yi placed the burning test tube in front of the tombstone and let it burn out.

"Daniel, I have fulfilled your long-cherished wish for you!" Xu Yi sighed softly.

The sound of rapid footsteps suddenly came, and Eukni rushed over angrily, but after seeing the tombstone, her expression softened slightly.

"The time for the open class is coming soon, aren't you worried at all?" Youkeni glared at Xu Yi, a bit like she hated the iron.

"Who said you're not worried? You came to see me as a friend and ask for blessings without even looking at me?" Xu Yi's lie came straight out of his mouth.

"Is the joint enrollment you mentioned really useful?" Youkeni frowned.

"There is an old saying in the Xia Kingdom, those who know the current affairs...ahem...three cobblers are worth one Zhuge Liang."

Xu Yi switched back to English, "It means that there is strength in numbers. None of us alone can be a match for Hekaseth, but if we join forces, it will be different."

Yukni was doubtful, but she nodded anyway. After all, she had no better way now.

"How will the people recruited be divided?" Youkeni raised a new question.

"What's the point? If what's mine is yours, what's yours isn't mine!" Xu Yi waved his hand carelessly.

If Xu Yi's words were completely translated, it would be: "My classes are all yours, and the great exorcists you train belong to all of us."

Xu Yi had too many things to do and had no time to teach students, so he came up with such a "mutually beneficial" method.

"Will the academy agree?" Youkeni was still a little worried.

"Who can object to what we two honorary professors have decided? The principal?" Xu Yi smiled at Youkeni.

Yukni was stunned for a moment and suddenly reacted.

The selected principal has not yet taken office, and only the honorary professors have the power to object. Father Shen'en is more inclined to Xu Yi, and there is only one person in Hekases, so the objection is destined to be ineffective.

"You are such a thief!" Yukeni said.

"I'll take it as your compliment!" Xu Yi couldn't deny it.

Xu Yi and Youkeni chose to hold their open class outdoors. The staff had already set up a podium for them. On the wide lawn, when you look out, there are crowds of people.

Little Judy came to Xu Yi quietly, lowered her voice, and reported the military information she had just discovered.

"Professor Hekaseth's open class has just ended, and the response has been extremely enthusiastic. Many people have said that they are planning to choose Professor Hekaseth as their instructor."

Xu Yi gave little Judy a reassuring look.

Under the shade of a tree in the distance, Novi looked at the two people on the podium, frowning, "Will their actions have an impact on grandma?"

Hekaseth laughed dumbly, "Novi, you have to understand one thing. People who can enter the academy are the people that various governments want to cultivate. They all come with missions and cannot do whatever they want."

Nuowei's frown relaxed and a smile appeared on his lips.

He understood what his great-grandmother meant. The new students basically had only one purpose when they came here, and that was to strengthen themselves. It was completely meaningless to do those fancy things.

Who can you choose to quickly improve your strength? This is something that doesn't even need to be considered.

(End of this chapter)

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