American exorcist god.

Chapter 316 Outbreak

Chapter 316 Outbreak

"Quantity is limited, first come first served!"

Xu Yi carried a loudspeaker, waved the registration form in his hand, and kept shouting, just like a small vendor walking down the street.

The students below came enthusiastically, fearing that if they were a little later than others, they would not have a chance.

"Me! I want to choose Tutor Yukni!"

"And I!"

The young priests in the crowd had complicated expressions. Because of their special status, they could only choose Father Arturo, otherwise they would all want to sign up.

The reason why this scene happened starts a few minutes ago.

Xu Yi took out the "Dragon Blood Warrior Phase 1 Potion".

The so-called "Dragon Blood Warrior" potion is naturally made from the blood of Olivedo.

Through Xu Yi's unremitting efforts (cheating), he not only eliminated the shortcomings of "dragon transformation" and "mental loss of control", but also made the potion more powerful.

After he came on stage and briefly introduced the information about the potion, he said nothing more and instead found a "guinea pig" on the spot.

No one in the audience answered.

Even though Xu Yi is an honorary professor, who would dare to try such a medicine of unknown origin?

At this time, the importance of "trust" came to light. Carrie and Keith came on stage one after another and injected the medicine on the spot in front of everyone.

Although school has just started, everyone has already figured out the identities of the people around them.

Although they didn't know Carrie, they knew Keith and knew that she was the "orphan" of the Finn family and had a close relationship with Xu Yi.

Since Xu Yi dared to inject the medicine into Case, at least it showed that the medicine was safe and reliable.

Then they were "planted" severely!

After Case injected the medicine, his strength was visibly enhanced, and his body became extremely strong and invulnerable.

Although only ordinary sharp tools were used during the test, it was enough to show how extraordinary the medicine was.

"This is just a first-stage potion. The second-stage potion is three times more effective than the current one!"

Xu Yi then threw another bomb: "The effect of the third-stage potion is ten times that of the current one!"

While everyone was in a daze, Xu Yi continued to speak loudly:

"As long as you choose me and Youkeni as your tutors, you can get the first-stage potion of the Dragon Blood Warrior; after you get enough credits, the second-stage potion will be distributed; among them, the students with excellent grades and the top ten credits will be given the third-stage potion directly!"

There was silence, but that was just before the bomb went off.

"After injecting the third-stage dragon blood potion, I can guarantee that even if you are novices, you will still be able to step into the realm of a great exorcist!"

Xu Yi directly threw the "King Explosion"!

There was an instant uproar at the scene. They entered Isolt Academy, and their biggest hope was to become a great exorcist.

But now someone actually told them that they only needed to inject three medicines to get close to this state. How could they not be surprised.

"You don't have to doubt the authenticity of this statement. I can swear on the reputation of Professor Youkeni that it is absolutely a pity." Xu Yi added an assurance.

Yukni slowly typed "?".

Xu Yi did not lie. The realm of the Great Exorcist is equivalent to the blue entry of the combat system. After injecting the third-stage Dragon Blood Warrior potion, one can obtain the entry of the "Green Epic" level.

The atmosphere at the scene was completely detonated, and everyone rushed to Yukni and snatched the registration form on the table.

" could he do this!"

When Novi saw this scene, he was so angry that his whole body trembled. How could a public class be held like this?

Hekaseth's face was gloomy, her heterochromatic eyes took a deep look at Xu Yi, and then she turned and left.


"This will be a battle where I risk my dignity!"

Xu Changrong looked forward with a serious expression. He took deep breaths and then slammed the red button in front of him.

The claw machine's four-claw hook opened and fell slowly, grabbing the Tianling Cap of a pink bear as if to snatch away its soul.

The four-claw hook was raised, taking the little bear toy to the exit. Halfway there, the four-claw hook shook, and in Xu Changrong's eyes, the pink bear fell down. "Mom! Mom! This uncle failed again, this is the 30th time!"

The little girl next to her jumped up and shouted, with a face full of joy. People who didn't know thought she had won some big prize.

Xu Changrong's body slumped and his eyes were gloomy, like a defeated and captured warrior.

"Master! How about we change to another one?" Mieko Harada stood behind Xu Changrong and whispered.

"But I really like this little bear!"

Only Xu Changrong and Mieko Harada could hear these words. Little Alice in her spiritual state stood in front of the glass cabinet of the claw machine, her eyes full of longing.

"I don't believe it's so hard to live with a mere doll!" Xu Changrong cheered up and bought another thirty coins.

Game coins fell into the claw machine one after another, and Xu Changrong failed again and again. Xu Changrong was already sweating.

The last coin was put in, and Xu Changrong pressed the start button mechanically. He had no hope.

A miracle happened at this moment. The four-claw hook picked up the pink bear and transported it safely to the exit.

Xu Changrong took the pink bear from the exit, with a look of disbelief on his face.

He stared at the doll that was almost bald. He didn't know why, but felt inexplicable palpitations.

Screams suddenly came from outside, and Xu Changrong hurried to the door of the store.

There were two people chasing each other on the street. The one in front was a hooded man carrying a woman's leather bag, and behind him was an urban female white-collar worker in uniform.

At first glance, this scene looks like a thief being chased by his victim.

But Xu Changrong stared at the woman closely. She gave him a very familiar feeling, like the "ingredients" he often came into contact with.

The running woman suddenly jumped up. The distance she jumped was simply astonishing. Even the Olympic long jump champion could not reach this level.

She threw the man in front of her and bit his neck fiercely. Amidst the painful screams, the man's throat was bitten off and blood splattered out.

This horrifying scene caused complete chaos. Some people were screaming, others were calling the police, and some were yelling and trying to stop them.

The woman let go of the dying man and raised her blood-stained face. Her fluorescent green pupils scanned the crowd, shining with hunger.

The woman rushed towards the crowd, and the crowd screamed and ran away. No one was still standing there stupidly. They all realized that something was wrong. This was thanks to the baptism of the Divine Rebellion before.

Xu Changrong subconsciously wanted to step forward. With his strength, it was not difficult to deal with the woman in front of him.

But he stopped suddenly, because the expired man suddenly moved, his body twisted and stood up, and his pupils turned the same fluorescent green.

The man came back to life. At the same time, Xu Changrong smelled a strong aroma. He shuddered suddenly and the hairs on his body stood up one by one.

In that aroma, he felt the cold breath of death!

"Hold your breath!" Xu Changrong shouted angrily in vain, and Harada Mieko subconsciously obeyed.

Screams mixed with explosions came from a distance. Xu Changrong immediately figured out what was going on, and his face became solemn.

"Quick! Let's get out of here quickly and go back to Yaoyao's house first!"

In such a chaotic situation, only by returning to Yaoyaoya and connecting with the ghost warrior can he feel a little safer.

Among the chaotic crowd, Xu Changrong ran wildly with Mieko Harada, and little Alice possessed the magic weapon Xu Changrong carried.

When passing the central square, Xu Changrong was suddenly stunned. There was a large truck parked in the square, and he didn't know how it got in.

The men in black robes lifted the tarpaulin of the truck, revealing a huge metal spire like a bull's horn inside. They unloaded the goods as if no one was around, seemingly unaware of the commotion around them.

In normal times, Xu Changrong would definitely investigate, but now he had no time to look at it. After taking a few glances, he hurriedly left with Mieko Harada.

(End of this chapter)

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