American exorcist god.

Chapter 317 The arrival of the foggy world

Chapter 317 The arrival of the foggy world

Youkeni looked at the thick pile of registration forms on the table, and her iceberg-like face couldn't help but smile.

Isolt's first batch of students was about two thousand. Except for the students who chose Arturo and were preparing to take the church path, most of the rest are here.

It doesn't matter if there are more people or less, the main thing is that you can see Hekaseth deflated.

You must know that she was tricked by that old witch Hekasese.

"The follow-up will be left to you. Preparing the dragon blood warrior potion requires a lot of time and energy. I have to hurry up!"

Xu Yi was talking nonsense. Once the formula is determined, as long as there are sufficient raw materials, it won't take much time at all.

He just made an excuse and prepared to be the hands-off shopkeeper.

But at this moment, screams one after another suddenly came from the direction of Boston.

Xu Yi and Youkeni looked at each other, jumped to the top of the towering bell tower next to them, and looked out.

With his strong eyesight, Xu Yi could clearly see the scene in the city. In the billowing smoke, figures fled in panic.

This familiar scene gave Xu Yi a bad feeling.

"Go find Professor Arturo!" Xu Yi told the students below, then exchanged glances with Eukni, and rushed towards Boston together.

On a high-rise building in the city, Xu Yi looked down and his pupils suddenly shrank.

The crowd fled in panic, with ferocious-looking "people" chasing behind them, their pupils glowing with fluorescent green light.

The person who was left behind was thrown to the ground, his throat was bitten off, and blood spurted out from his trachea.

What is even more horrifying is that those who fell to the ground and lost their breath quickly twitched and stood up again with their limbs twisted.

"Resident Evil? Zombie outbreak?"

This time the words flashed through Xu Yi's mind.

You know, in movies, Resident Evil is usually linked to the extinction of mankind.

"These are artificially created living corpses. They should have used some kind of medicine. Once the effect of the medicine wears off, these infected people will die instantly."

Youkeni could see the clues at a glance. She had traveled extensively over the years and had more experience than Xu Yi.

Xu Yi was slightly relieved when he heard this, as long as there was no zombie crisis.

A living corpse discovered the two people on the tall building and jumped up suddenly. The height of the jump was simply astonishing.

Eukni waved the golden scepter in her hand, and smashed the head of the "living zombie" with one blow, and the fluorescent green blood splashed out.

Xu Yi and Youkeni both changed their expressions and avoided the blood. The blood gave them a very strange feeling.

Although I don’t know the consequences of contamination, it is definitely not a good thing.

Xu Yi's waist trembled slightly, which came from Sin Gu.

In order to facilitate the perception of the origin of original sin, he made the seven sin corpses into a belt and wore it around his waist.

Although the breath was very light, Sin Gui still felt that it was the breath of the origin of "arrogance"!


Boston, Blue Lake Park.

Huge alchemy machinery rose from the lake, and silver balls floated on the sea. The flashing red light reflected the lake water like blood.

"Bring the coordinates!"

The man in black robes with the eye-catching door sign on his forehead stood above the water and stretched out his hand to the person behind him.

A heavy metal box was handed to his hand. When the metal box was opened, there was fist-sized "amber" inside.

A piece of pale bone is wrapped in an unknown golden gel. The bone comes from the "mist world". After the mist world subsides, everything from that world will be annihilated.

To bring out what's inside, special methods must be used, and these golden gels are one of them.

The world of mist first appeared because a certain military accidentally opened a passage to another world while conducting experiments.

The people from the Ring of Destruction brought out the bones from inside. The "Metal Dome" floating on the lake was the Unit 1 of the original experiment. After the Ring of Destruction was obtained, Unit 1 was repaired and improved.

The man in black robe inserted the golden "amber" into the center of the dome and pulled the activation lever hard.

The red light of the dome flashed more and more rapidly, and the lake water was evaporated by the high temperature bursting from the base, forming a large amount of water mist.

The alchemy was rumbling, and with the deafening sound, a black "lightning" appeared above the dome. It was not lightning, but a space crack.

The violent hurricane, together with the thick fog, spurted out from the cracks, forming a "fog tornado" in the sky.

The world of mist has arrived!


After Xu Yi and Youkeni discussed for a while, they decided to find out the mastermind first.

There are too many living zombies all over the city, and this viral spread is difficult to stop.

Most importantly, who knows how many more potions are behind the scenes?

When the time comes that they have worked so hard to clean up the zombies, another injection from the other party will make their efforts come to naught.

"But how to find each other?"

Eukni frowned. According to her experience, this kind of person is like a sewer rat and will hide himself very tightly.

"Just follow me!" Xu Yi felt the vibration of the "arrogance" sin in his waist.

He has been able to determine that these living zombies are the work of the "arrogant" original host.

At this moment, strong winds swept in from afar, and the howling wind sounded like evil spirits whimpering. Heavy rain followed and poured down, and the entire city of Boston trembled in the storm.

"Typhoon? Why is it happening at this time?" Yukni held up the protective shield, looked at the dark sky, and murmured to herself.

"It's not as simple as a typhoon."

Xu Yi looked into the distance, and the thick white fog rolled over like a tsunami, swallowing up the city of Boston in an instant.

"Is this the breath of another world?!" Yukni felt the strange breath in the thick fog, and her expression instantly became serious.

"That's right, the two worlds are overlapping. If nothing else, the exit from this space has been locked!" Xu Yi also looked solemn.

The outbreak of the zombie crisis, the sudden typhoon, the overlapping worlds... He smelled a strong smell of conspiracy.

They braved the storm and moved forward. The special task force and the troops stationed in Boston were dispatched, but the emergence of the typhoon greatly affected their rescue operations.

A violent explosion suddenly came, and even in the violent storm, the sound of the explosion was still clear to the ears.

Youkeni looked at the direction of the explosion, her face suddenly changed slightly, "Oops! That's the direction of my home. My daughter Xiaomi is still at home, I have to save her!"

daughter? Xu Yi's eyes widened. He didn't expect to hear such exciting news. Yukeni actually has a daughter!

For some reason, he suddenly felt sour.

While he was dazed, Yukni had disappeared from sight, and the "search team behind the scenes" fell apart in an instant, leaving him alone.

Xu Yi followed the instructions of "Arrogant" Sin Gu and moved forward rapidly in the city.

He stopped suddenly, and the "arrogance" sin bones in his waist shook violently.

He looked ahead. In the coffee booth in Fountain Square, a gentle man with eyes was drinking coffee slowly, which seemed out of place with the hellish scene around him.

The other party also noticed Xu Yi, raised his head, and smiled gently at Xu Yi, "This is the first time we meet, let me introduce myself. My name is West, nice to meet you."

The host of the "arrogant" sin skeleton has been found.

Xu Yi was a little confused. He couldn't feel any strange aura on the other party, as if he was just an ordinary human being.

You must know that among the seven original sins, the original sin of "arrogance" ranks first and is the most powerful existence among the original sins.

But the origin of "arrogance" actually chose a human being as its host?

Xu Yi had a dreamlike feeling.

(End of this chapter)

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