American exorcist god.

Chapter 318 Black-hearted profiteer

Chapter 318 Black-hearted profiteer

Being stared at by the man named West, Xu Yi felt uncomfortable all over.

It's not the feeling of being targeted by a powerful being, but because of the other person's eyes.

Staring into the other person's eyes is like staring into an abyss, and you feel like you are being seen through.

Xu Yi suddenly felt very familiar.

"Cold reading! And it's cold reading at the soul level!"

Xu Yi has an entry in psychology, and when he uses cold reading to examine ordinary people, they will feel as if they have been seen through.

But when faced with an exorcist or something strange, it often fails.

There are too many variables in mysterious things.

The other party's "cold reading skills" were obviously several levels higher than his.

Xu Yi kept retreating. Logically speaking, the original sin of "arrogance" was right in front of him. He should step forward and insert the sin body into the opponent's heart and devour the source.

But his sixth sense kept giving warnings, stinging his temples.

Something's wrong! Something is very wrong!

The sin bone senses the other party, and the other party should also sense the "arrogant" sin bone.

But the other party turned a blind eye and showed no urgency like other hosts. He didn't even glance at the "arrogance" sin on his waist.

And the other party is so calm! It's so calm that it makes people a little cautious.

"What a pity! You shouldn't have come!" West sighed suddenly.

Xu Yi's expression suddenly changed, and he instantly turned on "Blood is Holy". He turned around and wanted to run away, but the death sickle shrouded in rich black energy struck his head, and he could only retreat.

The crow man blocked his retreat with a death scythe and stared at him coldly.

Not just the crow man, the purple metal sea snake appeared on his left side, the heavy lizard dragon appeared on his right side, and behind him was an alchemy machine he had never seen before, which was a huge silver ape. .

He was surrounded by the four major alchemy machines of the Ring of Destruction!

A dazzling light suddenly rose from the ground, forming a cage of light, trapping him firmly.

Xu Yi's expression was gloomy. He understood that this was basically a trap, a trap aimed at him!

"Arrogance" is originally the bait, and he is the fish that bites the hook.

The four major alchemy machines of the Ring of Destruction, coupled with the magic circle in front of him, formed a dragnet and he had nowhere to escape.

The crow man looked down at Xu Yi, excitement flashing in his pupils.

The hatred their internal members have for Xu Yi is second only to the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization.

On the way to search for the origin of the original sin, they could always see Xu Yi, who was like a stir-up stick, making them restless.

Now that they can finally deal with each other, they can breathe a sigh of relief.

The Ring of Destruction rarely appears in groups.

Although they called the people of the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization cowardly worms, they had to admit that the power controlled by the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization was simply not something they could resist.

If they go out in groups, they will definitely attract the attention of the Ancient God Sacrifice Organization, and they will probably be blamed.

But there is no need to worry about this now. After the mist world overlapped with Boston, this space was sealed off, like a siege. People inside could not get out, and people outside could not come in.

That's why they dared to appear openly.

But what makes Crow Man confused is that there is no look of fear on Xu Yi's face in front of him. Does the opponent still have a trump card to make a comeback?

Xu Yi had no trump card. It only took him a few seconds to determine the situation in front of him. He could sum it up in four words: "a certain death situation."

What can he do? Of course, the only option is to mess it up.

There is no way to save this resurrection coin no matter what.

He was about to immolate himself, when he suddenly felt a stinging sensation on his right arm, and the mark of the Black Void Gate was as hot as a soldering iron.

Before he could react, his eyes suddenly blurred for a moment, and the next second, he had appeared in the Soul Swamp, standing in front of the Black Void Gate.


If it were a game, a message should pop up in front of Xu Yi at this time: "Black Void Gate is requesting a transaction from you?"

This Black Void Gate is really persevering!

It is like an extremely dedicated insurance salesman. As long as he seizes the opportunity, he will sell you hard. However, the timing chosen by the Black Void Gate was indeed very precise. If it were not for the fact that he had the resurrection coin, summoning the Black Void Gate would have been his only way to survive.

"Everyone is here!"

Xu Yi thought to himself, and then agreed to the transaction request without hesitation.

He did not summon the Black Void Gate, but exchanged it for a powerful soul method.

The Black Void Gate was silent for a long time, wondering if it was shocked by Xu Yi's "coquettish operation".

As the saying goes, if you hear the truth in the morning, you will die in the evening. Xu Yi really wants to be strong, even if he doesn't even give up his life!

Xu Yi has already decided to use the resurrection coin, so summoning the Black Void Gate is useless. It is better to see what the so-called "powerful soul method" is.

If it was something knowledge-based, he might be able to pick it up.

Xu Yi's eyes were in a trance again for a moment. The next second, he had appeared high in the sky and dived downwards.

His body was light and airy, completely in the state of his soul.

"This is... the city of Boston?" Xu Yi saw the familiar building below and recognized it instantly.

He also saw "himself", his body surrounded by four major alchemy machines, but they seemed to be still.

"The speed of time in the soul world he is in is hundreds of times that of the ordinary world, so this situation occurs." Xu Yi suddenly understood.

His soul was flying over Boston. At this moment, his mind was full of questions. What could the so-called "powerful soul method" have to do with the city of Boston?

He suddenly fell.

He instantly recognized the destination, Boston's landmark building, Beacon Hill.

"This Beacon Mountain seems to be different!" Xu Yi looked at the foggy Beacon Mountain and suddenly felt a strong sense of strangeness.

The thick soil did not stop him at all. As he passed through the deep soil, a "purple sea" suddenly appeared in front of him, with surging waves.

He passed through the "Purple Sea" and reached a black void.

Golden light suddenly illuminated his eyes, and dense golden threads appeared in front of him. They seemed to be alive, intertwined and intertwined.

Xu Yi's soul couldn't stop trembling, and his pupils shrank suddenly, revealing full fear and...surprise.

Even the behemoths he encountered in the Soul Swamp could not give him such a strong sense of oppression.

No! Comparing the two together is simply an insult to the golden lines in front of you.

If it weren't for the protection of the Black Void Gate, I'm afraid his soul would have been annihilated before he even got close to it.

The spirit of the true god, what is in front of you is definitely the remaining soul of the true god!

Only the spirit of a true god could possess such a powerful sense of oppression.

Logically speaking, after Ragnarok, the bones of the true gods have almost disappeared. How did such a "huge" spirit of the true gods survive?

Although the spirit of the True God in front of me is nothing compared to the True God at its peak.

But for humans, it is already a "monster" that is difficult to reach!

"Is it because of this overlapping world?"

Xu Yi knew very well that if it were in Boston in the real world, it was absolutely impossible to have the spirit of the true God, and it could only come from that "fog world".

Did the Black Void Gate bring him here to help him integrate the spirit of the true god here?

This deal is too good a deal!

This thought flashed through Xu Yi's mind, but soon his face turned black.

His soul was pulled back at an alarming speed, but in the blink of an eye, he had already returned to the Gate of Black Void.

"Deal is done!"

Xu Yi felt like something was being pulled out of his soul. It was Fick's deceiver's soul.

"The so-called way to strengthen the soul of feelings is to provide an address?"

People in Xu Yi were numb. The unscrupulous merchants selling dog meat with sheep's heads are not so evil. They will give you a piece of meat anyway. The operation in front of you is equivalent to directly giving you the position of a sheep.

Fortunately, Xu Yi didn't want to have a good deal with Heixu Gate.

After the transaction was over, Xu Yi's soul returned to his body. He glanced around and decided to self-immolate under the dull gaze of the alchemy machine.

Even in order to maximize resources, before his death, he burned a large number of entries and activated the ability of occult inspiration to deduce the "Ando Name Blacksmithing Technique".

"Ando's famous blacksmithing technique" is the focus of his recent breakthrough.

(End of this chapter)

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