American exorcist god.

Chapter 319 Secondary God

Chapter 319 Secondary God

Time went back to five minutes ago, and the sound of explosions came from the other side of the city.

"Oops! My daughter..."

Before Youkeni finished speaking, Xu Yi took over, "Your daughter, isn't she my daughter? Let's go! Let's rescue her now!"

Until now, Xu Yi still didn't understand that the explosion did not happen randomly, but was planned in advance. The purpose was to lure Youkeni away and let Xu Yi go to the trap alone.

Now that he knew it was a trap, Xu Yi certainly couldn't go there again, but in order to avoid the Ring of Destruction's people jumping over the wall and intercepting him midway, it was best to stay with Eukni.

Of course, he also has another important purpose, which is Beacon Mountain.

Eukni's home happened to be near Beacon Hill, and he planned to go there and take a look. If there really was a true spirit there... Xu Yi's heart became extremely hot.

"Okay... okay!" Youkeni glanced at Xu Yi in surprise. How did the other party know what she was going to say?


In the coffee kiosk in Fountain Square.

West picked up the coffee in his hand, hesitated for a moment, and then put it back on the table. He already felt a little need to pee. If he drank any more, he might have to go to the toilet.

"Why hasn't Xu Yi come yet? Didn't the other party notice his aura?"

West's brain was running at high speed and he began to think about which link had gone wrong.

This seemingly crude ambush was actually carefully calculated by him.

Xu Yi's character, Yukeni's situation, and even the reactions of the senior management of Isolt College and Boston were all taken into account.

He reviewed it in his mind, but still couldn't find any loopholes.

"Interesting! Really interesting!"

West suddenly laughed. After he obtained the origin of arrogance, his memory and computing power were unimaginably strengthened. This was the first time he made a calculation mistake.

"Let's go! Xu Yi won't come!" West stood up and prepared to leave.

Although he didn't know where the mistake was, she was certain that Xu Yi would never come back.

"It seems that the plan has to choose another direction." West thought to himself.

He was originally planning to kill Xu Yi, but now that his plan was discovered, his interest in Xu Yi, whom he had never met, greatly increased, and he planned to change his plan.


Xu Yi arrived at Youkeni's rental house. The explosion was caused by a gas leak from a neighbor's house.

"Is this what you call your daughter Xiaomi Li?"

Xu Yi looked at the blue-eyed Persian cat in Yukni's arms, speechless.

"Is there any problem?" Youkeni put the Persian cat into the cat bag and carried it with her.

The cat bag is still pink with blue, and has two long drooping ears, which is seriously inconsistent with Yukni's dress and temperament. It actually looks a bit cute.

"The problem isn't that big, it's just that this cat... seems to be a male!" Xu Yi muttered softly.

Eukni stood there as if struck by lightning, "You didn't lie to me?"

"It's actually easy to identify male and female cats." Xu Yi casually said some tips, and then looked at Eukni in surprise, "You have raised this cat for so long, don't you know whether this cat is a male or a female?"

Eukni said nothing, looking like her faith had collapsed.

Xu Yi can understand the other party's mood. Anyone who has raised a daughter for so many years and suddenly turns into a son will probably look like this.

"It's okay. Cats can be castrated. Once the balls are cut, the male cat can become a half-female cat." Xu Yi comforted in a soft voice, but he couldn't hide the smile at the corner of his mouth.

The Persian cat suddenly huddled up and its body trembled violently.

Can this cat still understand what he says?

Xu Yi was a little surprised. According to his perception, the Persian cat in front of him was an ordinary cat, not a civet cat like Black Carp.

And the cat is too scared, right? It's like trying to find a crack to hide yourself completely. An inexplicable wave swept over Xu Yi's body. Xu Yi's hair suddenly stood on end, and the hairs on his body exploded one by one.

He and Euknie both turned their heads and looked out of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, where they could vaguely see Beacon Hill in the distance.

Lighthouse Mountain was shrouded in white mist, and a black shadow emerged from the white mist.

What a huge creature it was, it simply covered the sky and the sun!

They couldn't see each other's true face clearly, they could only see a rough outline, like a mammoth magnified countless times.

But it was definitely not a mammoth. Huge tentacles grew out of the opponent's body and danced in the air.

Densely packed flying creatures clustered around the black shadow, as if guarding their king.

"What on earth is that?" Xu Yi couldn't help but exclaimed.

The other party's breath was too terrifying, and even though they were so far apart, they still felt a strong sense of suffocation.

It can be said to be one of the most terrifying creatures that Xu Yi has seen so far.

"Second God!" A word suddenly flashed in Xu Yi's mind.

Not a "false god", but a "secondary god", an existence second only to the true god.

Xu Yi now began to believe that the spirit of the true god really existed in Beacon Mountain. Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain how such a terrifying creature was conceived.

He suddenly lowered his head, and the sin bone in his waist shook again, this time it was the "lazy" sin bone.

That huge black shadow is the host of the origin of "lazy".

Xu Yi felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart. With his current strength, if he wanted to devour the source of laziness in the opponent's body, he would simply overestimate his capabilities.

"The Ring of Destruction summoned the foggy world in Boston, and ambush him was just incidental. The real purpose may be the source of laziness in front of him."

Xu Yi suddenly had a realization in his heart.

"Let's get out of here quickly!" Youkeni packed her luggage and opened the door to leave.

No matter how confident you are, you can't challenge such a terrifying monster rashly.

Residents poured out of the closed houses where they had been hiding to guard against the attack of the zombies. But after discovering the terrifying existence on Beacon Mountain, they couldn't control the fear in their hearts and fled one after another.

I don't know if it's because of the fear of "secondary gods", but there are no living zombies in this place.

Xu Yi looked at the fleeing crowd. For some reason, he suddenly felt palpitations in his heart and his right eyelid twitched wildly.

Raging flames soared into the sky from the southwest of the city. Xu Yi suddenly turned his head and looked around, stunned for a moment.

The fire came from the flame sword energy of the ghost warrior.

The flame sword energy temporarily cut through the fog, and Xu Yi looked far into the distance and saw the violent flame giant standing tall on the ground.

That is the strongest form of the Ghost Warrior, and it is also the most energy-consuming mode. This move will only be used when desperate.

Who can force Dad to use this form?

Xu Yi thought of a possibility, and his expression suddenly changed. At the same time, his father Xu Changrong's plea for help rang in his mind.

"Dad, they are in danger!"

Xu Yi turned on "Blood is Holy", and his speed surged instantly. He ran wildly in the direction of the flame giant, which was the direction of Notting Hill.

Youkeni looked at Xu Yi's back and hesitated slightly.

She knew very well that an existence that could make Xu Yi feel like a powerful enemy was absolutely unusual. If she went with me, she would probably put herself in a dangerous situation.

"Forget it, just think of it as repaying him for helping me deal with the old witch." After muttering, she chose to follow him.

But in fact, he had already given the remains of the "Gear of Longinus" to Xu Yi as the promised reward.

(End of this chapter)

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