American exorcist god.

Chapter 321 The incoming conspiracy

Chapter 321 The incoming conspiracy

Xu Yi recognized the golden gel as something called "empty shellac", which was refined from the blood of empty insects. However, the empty insects had been extinct for hundreds of years, and he didn't expect anyone to still have this thing.

Although he didn't recognize the pale skeleton, he thought that something wrapped in empty shellac must be very precious.

But in the next second, the crow man's palm suddenly exerted force, crushing the empty shellac and the pale bones inside.

The rest of the alchemy machinery has returned behind the crow man. They are not surprised at all by the crow man's behavior. They obviously discussed it early in the morning.

Xu Yi was ready. He was deeply impressed by the annihilation barrier created by the crow people with black water droplets.

The crow man let go of his hand and let the ashes fall away.

The breeze blew, and the ashes fell one after another, like a powdery drizzle, scattering around Notting Hill.

One second, two seconds... five seconds passed, and Xu Yi didn't feel anything unusual.

I felt neither terrifying energy nor deadly poison from the powder, as if it was just ordinary ashes.

The four major alchemy machines looked at Xu Yi coldly, then turned and left.

Xu Yi wanted to catch up, but unfortunately conditions didn't allow it.

These remnants of their troops simply don't have the conditions to keep the other side behind.

Arturo and Hekasese were lucky enough to come to support them. It would be too much to want them to fight against the Ring of Destruction.

"Thank you for coming!" Xu Yi greeted him.

Arturo nodded seriously, "The school was attacked by a large group of zombies just now, so we were late."

Sure enough, it was the Ring of Destruction that was responsible, Xu Yi thought to himself.

A buzzing sound suddenly came from the horizon, and everyone in the conversation turned their heads and looked into the mist.

A huge "dark cloud" approached quickly, Xu Yi frowned, the holy flames gathered in his hands, he punched hard, and the strong wind blew away the thick fog.

His expression changed slightly, and he saw clearly the truth about that "dark cloud", which was a densely packed flying monster.

Not only are there "dark clouds", but there are also "black rivers" behind them. The crawling creatures are not as fast as the flying creatures, so they fall behind.

Everything is clear, the white bone powder of the Ring of Destruction is used to "attract monsters"!

Where did so many monsters come from?

Xu Yi thought of the "minor god" he saw in Beacon Mountain. At that time, the other person was surrounded by densely packed unknown creatures, which looked very similar to the monster attacking in front of him.

Could it be that the pale skeleton came from a "secondary god"? Xu Yi couldn't help but think.

"I'm leaving first!" Arturo's face was solemn. The monster's route happened to pass through Conn Cathedral, and he had to go to help.

Hekases and Xu Yi nodded and left as well. Xu Yi's sense of Hekases had improved, so it was good that the other party could come over.

"I'm going back to the academy." Youkeni said hello and left.

Yukni looks cold, but she is actually a very responsible person. Although the students have only been here for less than a day, she is still a little worried about their situation.

A black shadow swooped down. Ailan drew his sword and slashed. The black shadow was cut in half, and the remaining limbs were still squirming on the ground.

It looked like a mixture of a fly and a scorpion. When Xu Yi squatted down in front of it, the opponent suddenly swung its scorpion-like tail stinger to attack him.

Xu Yi did not dodge, and let the tail thorn fall on his arm, making a "ding" sound, and he felt a slight stinging sensation.

The attack of "Scorpion Fly" is not strong, but the toxin carried on the tail stinger is very difficult to deal with. Even he will be affected if he is attacked by this toxin for a long time.

And this kind of monster is not the only one in the "dark cloud". As far as he can see, there is also a "wing-fingered eagle" with fleshy wings of a bat, an eagle-like body, but a head with sharp bone spurs.

Xu Yi actually didn't understand why Ring of Destruction sprinkled bone meal in Notting Hill?

He didn't necessarily have to stay in Notting Hill. If there was no other way, he could drag his family and leave first. After all, he owned the Eight Demons House. wrong! Xu Yi felt that he had entered a misunderstanding, and it was not necessarily because of him that led these monsters here.

A map of Boston came to his mind. If he connected Beacon Hill to Notting Hill, he would find that this line runs through exactly half of Boston.

It’s not just a matter of distance!

Xu Yi recalled the buildings that passed along this route, including important churches and the Boston government hall.

The most terrible thing is that there are also a series of very important scientific research bases, including the Blade of Scourge project.

As for how the Ring of Destruction knew that the scientific research base of the Blade of Scourge was so secret, don’t forget about Robert, a young man like this.

Even if the Ring of Destruction chooses Boston as the battlefield, Robert may also have a share of the credit.

The golden "miniature sun" suddenly rose from the fog, and terrifying fluctuations spread in all directions. It was the "Arc of Divine Punishment".

When faced with the evil, Boston's top management suffered the disadvantage of being "difficult to use in the city", so the scientific research team used the Scourge Crystal to transform the "Arc of Scourge".

Although the power has become smaller, it is more restrained. Most importantly, the range of radiation has been greatly compressed. As long as it is not directly affected, it basically doesn't matter.

"What a good calculation!" Xu Yi sighed.

He probably figured out the Ring of Destruction's plan, and the reason why the other party blocked him in Notting Hill was just a coincidence.

Even if he does not live in Notting Hill, the other party will sprinkle bone meal in Notting Hill, which is something they planned early on.

The target of the Ring of Destruction is the "lesser god" of Beacon Mountain.

"Second God" is terrifying enough on its own, but if you add the army of monsters surrounding it, it becomes even more unplayable.

If Xu Yi wanted to deal with the minor gods, he would also find a way to deal with the monster army first.

The Ring of Destruction summoned the foggy world in Boston, not just for him, but they also wanted to use Boston's power to destroy the monster army.

Whether it is the Arc of Scourge, the student mentors at Isolt College, or even Xu Yi himself, they are all pawns on the chessboard of the Ring of Destruction.

More and more "mini-suns" are rising in the fog, and the Scourge Blade scientific research team has obviously faced off against the monster army.

Xu Yi felt powerless. Even if he had insight into the Ring of Destruction's plan, he could not stop it at all. This was a conspiracy, and Boston's top management could not leave these monsters alone.

"Maybe it's not necessarily a bad thing!"

Xu Yi thought of the secondary gods on Beacon Mountain and the spirit of the true god under Beacon Mountain.

With his power, he can't deal with the minor gods at all. Perhaps he can use the power of the Ring of Destruction to try to pick up the slack and devour the source of "laziness".

He wants to go deep into Beacon Mountain and find the spirit of the true god, but he also needs to avoid the gaze of the minor gods.

The best time is when the Ring of Destruction attacks the minor gods!

"It seems that we need to be well prepared!" Xu Yi's head was racing. This opportunity was rare, so he had to be fully prepared.

"Let's retreat first!" Xu Yi was about to leave. As Notting Hill was the "terminal station", a large number of monsters would soon gather here. There was no need to fight these monsters.

The ghost warrior suddenly rushed to Xu Yi's side and grabbed the stump of the "Scorpion Fly" on the ground.

Xu Yi looked at the ghost warrior in confusion, wondering if Xu Changrong wanted to pick up these stumps and go back to cook?

This is not unheard of. Xu Changrong often returns to the Eight Demons House carrying some strange things.

But he suddenly froze. In the hands of the ghost warrior, the stumps dried up quickly, and the pale golden energy flowed into the ghost warrior's body.

(End of this chapter)

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