American exorcist god.

Chapter 322 A gift from the Ring of Destruction

Chapter 322 A gift from the Ring of Destruction

"There is divinity in this monster!" The voice of Xu Changrong's soul came from Xu Yi's mind.

Xu Yi was shocked. He never expected that such a weak creature as a "scorpion fly" would have divinity in its body.

In his subconscious, only those particularly powerful beings would possess divinity.

"Perhaps it's because of the spirit of the true god."

Xu Yi became more and more certain that there was a true spirit of God under Beacon Mountain.

The divinity in the scorpion fly is extremely weak. If the nightmare bones were not particularly sensitive to the divinity, it would not be detected at all.

Xu Yi looked at the "dark clouds" swarming in the sky, his eyes shining.

This is not an unreasonable disaster, it is simply a gift from the Ring of Destruction!

The weak divinity in the monster would be difficult for others to extract, but for the Nightmare Bones, it is no problem at all.

The amount of divinity that a single creature can extract is very limited, but the number cannot be maintained. The "dark clouds" in front of it alone may number tens of thousands.

This is just the advance force, there will probably be more monsters behind them.

Xu Yi looked at the "golden miniature sun" rising in the city, and suddenly felt displeased. Was it a monster that was being destroyed? All that was destroyed was his divinity!

The "Sun" suddenly disappeared. Due to time and raw materials, the output of the Arc of Scourge is still very limited.

"Dark clouds" rolled down from above, Notting Hill instantly darkened, and thick fog enveloped the area, as if night had fallen.

"Do you still want to leave now?" Xu Changrong asked through mind connection.

"Which way to go? Notting Hill is our home, we will live and die with Notting Hill!" Xu Yi replied decisively.

Xu Yi and his team of three charged and killed among the monsters, and monsters continued to fall.

He and Ailan also thoughtfully threw the monster's stumps to the ghost warrior so that the nightmare bones could absorb the divinity in them.

Platinum holy flame sweep, this is Xu Yi's most commonly used group attack skill, but he stopped after using it once.

The holy flame obtained by burning blood was so powerful that it "burned" the body of the scorpion and fly, and the divinity in the opponent's body naturally dissipated.

Xu Yi felt for the first time that being too powerful turned out to be a shortcoming.

After thinking for a while, he finally remembered his ability to press the bottom of the box. He cut his palm and blood spurted out, condensing into thin bloody lines in the air.

A faint white-gold air flow spreads on the thin line. The soul-binding line from the soul jade entry has become extremely sharp after being strengthened by the blood of Fusion God.

The soul-binding thread cut open the monster's body, and the broken limbs and arms fell all over the sky, and blood spilled everywhere.

But there are too many monsters, and the three of them cannot kill them all.

Seeing the Ring of Destruction, Xu Yi didn't intend to fight back, so he asked Harada Mieko to come out of the Eight Demons House and join the battle, but it was still a drop in the bucket.

But the worst thing is not this, but the divinity that the Nightmare Bones can store is about to reach its upper limit.

The effect of adding up a small amount is so terrifying!

Since the birth of the Nightmare Bone, the divinity in the body has been unable to make ends meet. When has it ever fought such a wealthy battle?

There is no doubt that this is all thanks to the "good brothers" of the Ring of Destruction!

The Nightmare Bone has absorbed a large amount of divinity. This should be a good thing. Why does Xu Yi feel bad?

Because after the death of the monster in front of you, the divinity in the body will evaporate in about ten minutes.

This was discovered by Xu Changrong.

So they are now facing a very embarrassing situation. If they continue to kill monsters, the divinity will be wasted because there is no container to carry it.

Not just any thing can store divinity.

But if we don't continue to kill, when the Ring of Destruction attacks the Demigod, these loyal monster armies will definitely come back to help, and it will become very troublesome to kill them by then.

At that time, it is impossible to continue to hunt these monsters while fighting against the Demigod and the Ring of Destruction, right?

Xu Yi didn't know when the Ring of Destruction would take action. It might be an hour or two later, it might be tomorrow, or it might be a few days later.

There was too little information, and he couldn't predict it at all.

So he is in a very urgent mood now, and he can easily obtain a lot of divine opportunities, maybe just once, but there will be no such store after this village.

"If you want to find a way, use your divinity quickly!"

Xu Yi thought about it and felt that this was the best way so far. Forging the "Seven Deadly Sins" of alchemical weapons is immediately on the agenda.

He is not fully prepared yet, but he can only rush to put it on the shelves. Fortunately, he has everything he needs to forge the Seven Deadly Sins.

Leaving the ghost warriors to continue hunting monsters, Xu Yi hurried back to the Eight Demons House.

In the forging room of the Eight Demonic Houses, Xu Yi touched the cold forging table and opened the system panel at the same time.

[Ando Ming’s Blacksmithing Technique, Current Progress: 42/100]

It was about to start forging the "Seven Deadly Sins", but the forging skills were not fully developed yet. Xu Yi was not worried at all about this.

He has been too busy recently and can't find time to practice blacksmithing.

But even in this case, the progress of the entry will soon be over half.

The reason is very simple, that is cheating.

For this kind of "knowledge" entry, progress is like a rocket ride, driven by a lot of inspiration and occult revelations.

The only certainty is that it costs some resurrection coins.

But now I don’t care about that much.

Night fell quietly, but the restlessness in Boston did not stop, and the screams and roars of wild beasts were still heard.

Late at night, Xu Yi finally maxed out the "Ando's Named Blacksmithing Technique", for which he paid the price of two resurrection coins, and now he only has 48 resurrection coins left.

This is the third resurrection opportunity he has used today. Fortunately, zero o'clock is coming soon, and the number of resurrections is about to be refreshed.

Xu Yi wants to start forging the alchemical weapon "Seven Deadly Sins", but now there is a problem.

Forging the "Seven Deadly Sins" requires both him and the ghost warriors to be present, but without him and the ghost warriors, it would be difficult for Ailan and the others to protect themselves from the monster army, let alone hunt them.

"Teacher! We are here to help you!"

Carrie's voice suddenly sounded from outside the Eight Demons' House. To Xu Yi, it sounded like the sound of nature.

Because Carrie did not come back alone, she was also accompanied by Eukni and the students they recruited at Isolt College.

Xu Yi left the Eight Demons House and came to the door of the villa to look at the strange yet familiar faces, feeling extremely lucky.

When he helped Youkeni "recruit students", he never thought about this problem at all.

At this critical moment, this group of people simply saved my life.

"Help hunt down the monsters outside and transport them to the door of this villa. Each one counts as one credit."

Xu Yi looked around at everyone and said loudly, "If you reach one thousand points, you can exchange for the second stage of dragon blood potion! If you reach ten thousand points, you can exchange for the third stage of dragon blood potion!"

In order to motivate everyone, he didn't do anything fake and went straight to the hard stuff.

"Long live the teacher!"

The atmosphere at the scene was instantly detonated. They came to help. Originally they just wanted to gain some favorability in front of Xu Yi, but they did not expect such an unexpected surprise.

It seems that they can already see the scene of obtaining the third-stage Dragon Blood Warrior potion, becoming a great exorcist, and returning to their hometown in glory.

"Thank you!" Xu Yi walked to Youkeni and thanked her sincerely, "This is one time I owe you. I can agree to your request, as long as it does not violate my moral code."

Yukni was slightly startled, but didn't say anything, just snorted.

Tsundere is always Tsundere.

With the addition of students Eukni and Isolt, Xu Yi and the ghost warriors were finally freed.

Xu Yi washed his face, took a deep breath, and adjusted himself to the best condition.

The forging of "Seven Deadly Sins" begins!

(End of this chapter)

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