American exorcist god.

Chapter 323 Extremely complex forging

Chapter 323 Extremely complex forging

The Eight Demonic Houses and the Patio Forging House.

Xu Yi stared at the eight-tatami mirror without blinking.

What is going on right now is the "Magic Circle Migration", which is the first step in forging the "Seven Deadly Sins", and it is also the most critical step.

The golden flames kept burning the eight-tatami mirror, and both the ghost warrior and Xu Yi stayed away from it.

If you want to smelt a mythical holy weapon, it is certainly impossible to do it with ordinary flames.

The golden flame uses the clay god stone tablet as a medium, integrating the demon-suppressing flame and the red lotus karma fire, and uses divinity and transcendent flesh and blood as fuel to form a burning fire.

The temperature of the burning fire is too high. Even though the ghost warriors have tried their best to suppress it and prevent the temperature from leaking out, the entire forging room is still billowing with heat.

The light of the eight-tatami mirror flashed, and mysterious lines were looming. Xu Yi remembered the depiction a few hours ago, and his hands felt faintly sore.

It was a magic circle whose pattern was the sacred weapon itself.

Making the Yata mirror's magic circle appear is not a simple matter. Fortunately, a batch of extinct Cassi bugs were collected deep in the pyramid, which made this matter much simpler.

After the formation appeared, it was time to analyze it. He used the knowledge of the formation from the Sun Golden Scripture to analyze the energy direction of the entire formation.

Under the influence of the "entry burning method", his magic circle ability has been very impressive, no worse than those magic circle masters who are immersed in this way.

These two steps alone are enough to dissuade most people, but this is only the simplest part in forging the "Seven Deadly Sins".

The next step is to "solidify the magic circle".

Through the ability of the Black Scripture of the Dead, Xu Yi stabilized the magic circle of the Eight-tatami Mirror, and then used the "Magic Circle Engraving Brush" to carve it.

Usually, the tip of the magic circle engraving pen is made of red crystal, but red crystal is completely useless for the mythical sacred weapon.

Xu Yi had a sudden idea and used the Philosopher's Stone instead. The effect was remarkable.

Although it will consume a certain amount of Philosopher's Stone, it is completely acceptable.

After the Philosopher's Stone was contaminated with a special expensive potion, Xu Yi began to trace the entire magic circle.

There can be no mistakes during this period. As long as there is a wrong stroke or a broken stroke, all efforts will be wasted.

The most important thing is that curing the array is not enough once, it needs to be cured a full 36 times.

In other words, to draw the extremely complicated sacred weapon formation, he needs to draw it a full 36 times without making any mistakes during the process!

Relying on the bonuses of a series of terms such as painter, sculptor, etc., and the precise control of the body of the demigod, Xu Yi was able to bear it.

The steps involved in forging the "Seven Deadly Sins" using mythical sacred tools are so complicated that it can be nerve-wracking!

If it weren't for Xu Yi's rich ability and all kinds of weird things, he wouldn't have dared to think about it.

Under the calcination of the burning fire, the Yata Mirror gradually melted.

For the magic circle migration to be successful, two conditions must be met: the sacred vessel melts, and the magic circle above is not damaged.

If you simply melt the Yata Mirror, you will get only "waste", which is useless.

The first alchemical weapon Xu Yi is going to forge is "Gluttony" among the seven deadly sins.

This is not his choice, this is determined by the Yata mirror itself.

Different sin skeletons have different tendencies. The Yata mirror and the Taotie sin skeleton are more suitable, so he chose to forge "Taotie".

In other words, no matter what the first alchemical weapon he forged was, he would use the Yata Mirror as the material.

Although the Yata Mirror was destroyed by the crow people, it does not mean that it is not strong.

On the contrary, the Yata Mirror is an extremely powerful mythical artifact.

Can the origin of original sin be sealed by ordinary holy weapons?

The Yata Mirror was destroyed just because it was not known for its sturdiness. After all, each mythical sacred weapon is good at different things.

Among the holy weapons he has mastered, the strongest is of course the Shield of Creation.

As for whether the Yata Mirror is damaged or not, it has no effect at all on the forged weapon, as it will be melted in the end anyway.

As long as the magic circle above is not destroyed, the same is true for the Spear of Longinus.

As for why Yata Mirror was chosen as the first forging target, this is an obvious thing.

To collect the true God’s spirit, you can’t just find a box and take it away, right?

The soul-collecting ability of the Yata Mirror is the most suitable for this task, so he chose to use the Yata Mirror to forge his first alchemical weapon. The eight-tatami mirror in the burning fire suddenly trembled, Xu Yi's face changed slightly, and he suddenly had a bad feeling.

The magic circle on the Yata Mirror suddenly flashed with light, and the next second, the magic circle shattered into countless parts like a mirror.

The migration of the magic circle failed!

Xu Yi frowned. The failure to move the magic circle not only made all his previous efforts in vain, but also caused the Yata Mirror to be completely scrapped.


"It's so lively! It makes me want to join them!"

In Notting Hill, someone sighed softly.

A man in a long black robe stood in the shadow of the trees, watching the "lively" scene below.

Strange creatures are raging everywhere, and the students of Isolt Academy fight bravely.

The man also took a special look at the black cat in the battlefield. The black cat was running around in the battlefield. This monster took two bites, and that monster took two bites.

He could see that the black cat was extraordinary. It seemed that it was devouring the flesh and blood of these monsters and then evolving.

"If I had the chance, it would be great if I could do an autopsy!" The man felt a little pity.

"With our current status, do we still need to have contact with Xu Yi?"

A charming female voice sounded behind the man.

The man smiled silently, "What do you think we are in the eyes of the Ring of Destruction? Collaborators? Or...captive poultry?"


Yayao House.

Xu Yi looked at the "abandoned" Yata Mirror and decisively burned the entries on his body in exchange for occult inspiration.

The Occult Apocalypse was initiated at the same time.

[Occult Apocalypse: When the holy vessel melts, the magic circle changes from a solid state to a flowing liquid. It is impossible to stabilize the magic circle by carving alone. Why not try to learn from the "magic circle flow" technology? 】

Forging the "Seven Deadly Sins" cannot be successful at the first try, especially in the early stages of exploration.

Xu Yi dared to challenge this seemingly impossible task, of course, relying on the "do it again" function of the resurrection coin.

In order not to waste the resurrection coins, before going back in time, he would also burn the entries to obtain mystical inspiration and achieve "one coin for multiple uses".

Time goes back to five minutes ago.

The burning fire was still burning the Yata Mirror. Xu Yi asked the ghost warrior to stop. Because it had not reached the critical point of melting, the magic circle on the Yata Mirror was not damaged.

He was fully prepared, but the migration of the magic circle still failed.

He had been mentally prepared for this, but disappointment was inevitable.

Fortunately, the occult revelation showed him the way, otherwise this alone would be enough for him to be stuck for several years, or even decades.

Xu Yi took out the remains of the eight-headed sea snake. He had dismantled the shell of the alchemy machine, leaving only the core structure inside.

The "magic circle flow" technology mentioned in the occult apocalypse comes from the core in front of you.

It was also by virtue of this technology that the Ring of Destruction was able to steal the power of the legendary holy weapon.

The so-called "magic circle flow" technology, simply put, is to make the magic circle in the sacred vessel move.

When the magic circle is static, there is basically no way around the blockade, but once the magic circle moves, you can "fish in troubled waters."

Xu Yi also studies this alchemy machine in his spare time and is quite familiar with its structure.

He analyzed the above technology and compared it with the migration of magic circles, and gradually gained insights, which made him happy.

"Boss! Someone is looking for you outside, saying he is your old friend!"

Arent suddenly appeared outside the forge and knocked gently on the door.

Notting Hill is now short of manpower, and as a housekeeper, Allent certainly cannot be idle. He is mainly responsible for counting the number of monsters and then keeping records for each student.

old friend?

Xu Yi was stunned for a moment. Which old friend would come to see him at this time?

(End of this chapter)

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