American exorcist god.

Chapter 324 Demigod Behemoth

Chapter 324 Demigod Behemoth

Xu Yi came to the door of the villa, and the moment he saw the two men in black robes, his body tensed up.

If they were really old friends, they should be able to sense the familiar aura of each other even if they were wearing loose black robes.

The two people in front of him gave him a strange feeling of coldness.

One of them took off his hood, revealing his beautiful face. Xu Yi recognized him instantly. After all, this face was so recognizable.

Tomie Kawakami? !

Xu Yi rushed out suddenly, and at the same time, the body of lust fell into his hands, but strangely, the body of lust did not react.

Tomie Kawakami did not dodge, and allowed the lustful sin skeleton to penetrate her, but the sinful skeleton failed to absorb even a little bit of its origin.

"The Kawakami Tomie in front of me is just an empty shell!" Xu Yi understood instantly. No wonder the body of lust and sin did not respond, and the original soul was not in the body at all.

Xu Yi stopped attacking. An empty shell meant there was no threat. He had no interest in dealing damage to a "silicone doll".

Another man in black robe lifted his hood, and the gentle man with glasses spoke softly, "This is the first time we meet, let me introduce myself first. My name is..."

"West! What are you doing here?" Xu Yi interrupted the other party.

West's expression was dull for a moment, and he realized that something was out of his control. Logically speaking, the other party should not know him.

Xu Yi looked at the stunned West and sneered secretly in his heart.

No matter how smart you are, you can't resist the power of his cheating.

When he was ambushed, West had already introduced himself. Later, Xu Yi used the resurrection coin to go back in time, so West naturally didn't know about this incident.

Taking advantage of West's daze, Xu Yi pounced again. The "arrogant" sin skeleton slipped out of his hand and was slashed out with a single stroke.

West's neck was severed, and his head fell off and rolled several times on the floor.

Kawakami Tomie's expression did not change at all. She walked to the side of the head and squatted down, picked up the head, and faced Xu Yi.

Although there is no body, the facial features on the head are still moving, which does not even affect the ability to speak.

"I didn't expect Mr. Xu Yi to have such a hobby of playing pranks."

West glanced lightly at the arrogant sin in Xu Yi's hand, and then withdrew his gaze.

Xu Yi shrugged. There was no harm in trying it. What if there was an unexpected gain? At the same time, this is also a kind of temptation.

As expected, the other party knew that Sin Gu was under his control! Xu Yi understood.

West's eyes revealed a desire for arrogant guilt, but he maintained restraint.

"As people from the Ring of Destruction, what are you doing sneaking over here?"

Xu Yi specially emphasized the word "sneaky".

"Of course I want Mr. Xu Yi to be my friend." West smiled.

"Friends? Do you think we can be friends?" Xu Yi looked at each other playfully.

"Of course, our positions are actually the same. I think Mr. Xu Yi can also see that those of us who are the original sin are actually just pawns of the Ring of Destruction. Although we don't know what the end will be, it should be very tragic."

The smile on West's face faded and turned serious.

The alarm bells rang in Xu Yi's heart. The scary thing about people like West is that he will always have something up his sleeve.

Although what the other party said was extremely sincere, since he could betray the Ring of Destruction, he could also betray his "friends".

"Tell me! What is your purpose for coming here this time?" Xu Yi lost his patience and was still in a hurry to forge the Seven Deadly Sins.

"Since we are making friends, of course we can't come empty-handed. We brought gifts." West gave Kawakami Tomie a look.

Tomie Kawakami was holding a box in her hand. At West's signal, she opened the box and placed it in front of Xu Yi.

Xu Yi observed it for a moment and determined that there were ordinary documents inside the box. He picked it up and glanced at it casually, his expression instantly becoming serious.

The document actually contains information about Beacon Mountain’s “Second God”.


He looked at the introduction in the information and knew the other person's name for the first time. There is not only an introduction to Behemoth, but also a topographic survey map of the lighthouse. This is a big surprise for Xu Yi.

The terrain of Beacon Hills has changed dramatically since the two worlds melted.

With this exploration map, Ring of Destruction can at best arrange it more calmly when dealing with Behemoth.

But he is different. With this exploration map, he can more easily find the space node where the True Spirit is located.

People in the Ring of Destruction would never have imagined that there is a different space hidden under Beacon Mountain. If the Black Void Gate had not taken him into it once, he would not have thought of this.

It is absolutely impossible for Xu Yi to reveal this secret, let alone the ring of destruction. Exorcists with titles like Hekasese will be crazy about it.

"This exploration map was hard-won, and more than a dozen people from the Ring of Destruction were sacrificed."

West was keenly aware of Xu Yi's gaze and opened his mouth to increase the value of the "gift".

Seeing Xu Yi's eyes flashing, West did not hesitate to reveal a little more information, "This foggy world is called 'Xia Moor'. It is a different world that a certain military accidentally connected to while conducting an experiment called 'Arrow Project'" .”

"When is the Ring of Destruction going to take action against Behemoth?" Xu Yi suddenly changed his voice and asked the question that mattered most to him.

"Three days from now at noon."

West did not hide anything. He spoke softly: "I will give you another piece of news. The people from the Ring of Destruction have been monitoring you, using the 'Roy Ancient Lamp'."

Roy's ancient lamp is a rare magic weapon that can determine his location by locking onto his breath.

Xu Yi had already expected this. When the Ring of Destruction was "negotiating" with the host of the original sin, he frequently disrupted the situation. It's no wonder the other party didn't take any precautions.

"Before the Ring of Destruction attacks Behemoth, we will come here again. I hope we can drink warm coffee by then."

After West finished speaking, his head and Kawakami Tomie's body began to melt, like wax melted by the high temperature.

Xu Yi looked at the rotten meat on the ground and frowned.

In three days, I don’t know if I can drive out the "Taotie".


Two days later at one o'clock in the morning.

Under the burning fire, the eight-tatami mirror slowly melted, and Xu Yi stared at the flashing magic circle above.

This is already the sixth time he has conducted the "Array Migration" experiment.

In other words, he has consumed five resurrection coins and currently only has 43 left.

For the first time, Xu Yi felt the pain of spending "money" like water. At this rate, this resurrection coin may not be used for long.

The core structure of the Eight-Headed Sea Snake is too complex. Even if it can be cheated, the analysis work cannot be completed in a short time.

But it doesn't matter, he just needs to know the general principle, and he is not asked to make another one.

He slightly modified the core structure of the eight-headed sea snake and used it as a "magic array solidification device" for the holy weapon, and the effect was very significant.

The surface of the Yata Mirror has begun to melt, and the magic circle shows no signs of collapse. Xu Yi clenched his fists involuntarily.

The eight-tatami mirror melted more than half, and the magic circle began to flash out unsteadily. Xu Yi's heart rose to his throat.

After the magic circle flashed away for a moment, he still carried it over.

His hands were covered in sweat.

The Yata Mirror completely melted and turned into a ball of golden liquid metal. The magic circle no longer flickered and became completely stable.

Thanks Ring of Destruction! Thanks to the Eight-headed Sea Snake brothers for sending me the "Array Curing Instrument"! Xu Yi wanted to shout excitedly.

The most difficult step in forging the "Seven Deadly Sins" has finally been passed.

(End of this chapter)

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