American exorcist god.

Chapter 326 Tang Dao "Angry"

Chapter 326 Tang Dao "Angry"

Xu Yi took out the Tears of Heaven "Elnis" and prepared to use it to refine the weapon "Wrath".

Tears of Heaven, a legendary holy weapon, can definitely be ranked among the top three among the holy weapons he obtained.

Because this sacred artifact involves a very rare ability: the power of space.

Not only can it perceive space, it can also tear apart space to a certain extent.

If you want to get the true spirit of God, it is not enough to have a "storage container", you also need to find the "key to open the door".

The ability of Tears of Heaven is this key.

Xu Yi was preparing to forge the materials for "anger" when the door was lightly knocked again.

"Boss, your 'old friend' is here to see you again!" Arent's voice came from outside the door.

Xu Yi was a little surprised. He thought the other party would wait until the evening to come over, but he didn't expect to come at noon.

The waiting room of the villa.

"Still no coffee ready?"

West sighed, unable to hide the disappointment in his tone.

He wanted to drink coffee, not because he wanted to test Xu Yi. He was the kind of person who would feel uncomfortable if he didn't drink coffee for a few hours.

Xu Yi ignored West's complaints. He never thought that the two were friends, not even guests, so it was naturally impossible to prepare coffee.

If he wasn't worried about being discovered by the Ring of Destruction, he wouldn't even let the two of them in.

Whether it is West or Mieko Harada, they are essentially the same as the people in the Ring of Destruction, they are both crazy.

"Tell me! What's the purpose of coming here this time!" Xu Yi didn't mince words, he got straight to the point.

"I wonder if Mr. Xu Yi has brought the arrogant sin here?" West said.

Xu Yi directly took out the "arrogance" sin skeleton and threw it to West. In this case, he is not worried about the other party cheating.

But the next scene made Xu Yiran's eyes widen suddenly.

West picked up the sinful body of "Pride" and without saying a word, pierced his own heart.

What is even more shocking is that the "arrogance" sin body actually vibrated, started to operate spontaneously, and swallowed its origin.

With a pale face, West pulled out the arrogant sin body and threw it back to Xu Yi.

When Xu Yi caught the body of Arrogant Sin, his face was still a little dull.

What is going on? West actually took the initiative to let the Sin Skeleton swallow up part of his origin!

What he had been thinking about for a long time actually came true so easily.

Isn't the West in front of me a 'silicone doll', but the real thing?

Xu Yi suddenly thought of a question and stared at West, his eyes shining.

"No need to think about it, these are already the origins of this body. Besides, these origins should be enough for you to open the sinful body."

Xu Yi was shocked, the other party actually guessed that he needed the origin to open the sin skeleton!

Dealing with such smart people is troublesome, because you never know when the other person will notice the clues.

He did not continue to take action, not because he believed West, but because he knew that with the other party's IQ, it was absolutely impossible to leave such a big flaw.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

Xu Yi asked with a frown. He was a little unsure of West's direction now.

"Don't be nervous, I just want you to see my sincerity first."

West had a smile on his face, "My request is actually very simple. I want the sins of 'lust' and 'arrogance'. I don't need a lot. I only need a little bit."

West then explained, "Many people may think that the sin skeleton and the origin devour each other, and it is a life-and-death relationship... But I think the two can actually cooperate, because they do not need to be completely swallowed to be able to A qualitative change has occurred.”

Xu Yi was shocked by West again, because few people can think of this. West's thinking is really unusual.

He suddenly understood why the other party did this. West knew very well that there was no basis of trust between them at all. If he were rashly asked to hand over the pieces of his sinful remains, he would definitely refuse.

Instead of pulling back and forth, it’s better to just put the “King Explosion” on the table.

The effect was indeed outstanding. Xu Yi was a little dazed by the explosion, and he even began to think about whether to give them any guilt.

"If I guess correctly, you should still lack the origins of 'angry' and 'laziness', right?"

Although it was a question, West's tone was extremely determined.

"I'll give you another piece of news. The host of the source of anger has been found by the Ring of Destruction, and is also in Boston."

Xu Yi was still digesting the news, and West immediately threw another king bomb.

"I can tell you where the source of anger is. Not just the source of anger..."

West's voice changed, "Even if you are lazy, I can create opportunities for you when you attack Behemoth."

Xu Yi thought for a long time. He really couldn't find a reason to refuse. West's behavior was too impeccable.

"If I have the chance, I will definitely kill you." Xu Yi stared into West's eyes with an extremely serious expression.

This kind of person is really terrifying. Even though he was so wary of West, he was still persuaded by him.

"I regard you as a friend. There are too many stupid people in this world. It's rare to find one who likes me." West's eyes were sincere.

What he said was not superficial words, but his true inner thoughts.

Of course, if he planned a plan and needed to kill Xu Yi, he would do it without hesitation.

Xu Yi took out the "Sin Bone Bracelet".

In order to ask his father Xu Changrong to help search for the origin of original sin, he cut off a little bit from each sin corpse and made it into a bracelet. Unexpectedly, it came in handy now.

He took the "lust" and "arrogance" sins from it and threw them to West, who smiled.

West told Xu Yi the location of the source of anger and discussed some details.

"I hope we can have more cooperation opportunities!" West adjusted his reflective glasses and said goodbye to Xu Yi with a smile.


In the Eight Demons House.

Xu Yi stared at the Tang Dao in front of him, his eyes almost glued to it, unable to look away at all.

The alchemical weapon "Wrath" was successfully forged!

He looked at the time and saw that it was still 2 minutes away from 12 noon.

The "Seven Deadly Sins" are weapons of the same ancestry and origin. One advantage is that as long as you forge the first one, it will be much easier to follow the same pattern.

That's why he forged "anger" in just one day.

But even so, he still inevitably encountered new problems during the forging process. For this, he paid a resurrection coin. He now only has 40 resurrection coins left.

Among all the cold weapons, Xu Yi only loved the long sword. When he wanted to forge a long sword, he immediately thought of the Tang sword, so the "angry" style was determined.

His sword skills are not weak either.

[Master of Swordsmanship, current progress: 92/100]

He has been equipping this entry for a long time. Even if he didn't go out to refresh it, after such a long time, the entry will soon be full.

The "Wrath" blade is 75cm long and the handle is 27cm long. It is the most standard Tang Dao style. Its pattern is different from that of the "Taotie". It shows a radioactive pine needle pattern and looks extremely gorgeous.

"Boss, Ed is here."

Arent's voice came from the door.

Just in time! Xu Yi's eyes lit up, and he quickly packed up his things and left the forging room.

(End of this chapter)

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