American exorcist god.

Chapter 327 Weird Realm

Chapter 327 Weird Realm

Notting Hill Villa.

"Where did this caveman come from?" Ed was drinking tea in the living room of the villa when he suddenly saw a "beggar" walking in.

"It's me!" Xu Yi fiddled with his messy hair, and the hair flakes flew wildly.

Not only did he not sleep for several days, he didn't even take a shower. He only washed his face at most. The place where he stayed was a forging room with a scorching heat wave, so he looked very shabby.

He didn't have time to tidy up next. He immediately headed to Beacon Mountain, where the Ring of Destruction's crusade against Behemoth was about to begin.

"Have you brought anything?" Xu Yi asked eagerly.

"I bought it for a lot of money and borrowed it from the church, but you ruined it for me." Ed warned worriedly while opening the box in his hand.

There were two magical artifacts lying quietly inside the box, one was a tattered black cloak, and the other was a faceless mask of white lacquered wood.

"Not to mention, this cloak suits you quite well." Ed picked up the tattered cloak, drew it on Xu Yi, and admired it.

"Is this the shadow cloak? A magic weapon that can restrain Roy's ancient lamp?" Xu Yi rolled his eyes at Ed and took the cloak, but did not put it on immediately.

"Are you still worried about me doing things?" Ed picked up the mask and handed it to Xu Yi, "This is the pretender's mask. It can disguise the aura and confuse Roy's ancient lamp, but there is a problem."

"what is the problem?"

"The Pretender's mask must be used by people of similar blood to have the desired effect." Ed replied.

Similar blood? Can't we just let dad use it?

Xu Yi thought subconsciously, but he soon realized something was wrong. As the blood melted and he became a god, his blood had turned into the blood of a demigod.

How effective can it be if you let dad use it?

He was in a bit of trouble. Seeing that the time was coming, he didn't have much time to think about it.

"Boss! Carlisle is awake!" Arent suddenly came to his ear and whispered.

Xu Yi's eyes lit up and he was a little happy.

He looked at the mask of the pretender in his hand and suddenly had an idea.


The buzzing sound of flapping wings is endless, and the entire Beacon Mountain has become a paradise for monsters. Xu Yi's path to lurking is particularly difficult.

This is because most of them were lured away by the Ring of Destruction, otherwise there would only be more monsters in Beacon Mountain.

A caterpillar covered with barbs crawled past his eyes. Xu Yi lay down in the muddy pit, his body blending into the shadow. But he suddenly did not dare to move, and his body trembled slightly.

A huge figure crossed over his head, blocking the skylight. Xu Yi looked at the huge figure with his peripheral vision. This was the first time he saw Behemoth's appearance.

The opponent has a head similar to that of a beetle, but has a large number of white tentacles that dance slowly.

Behemoth's legs are extremely long, almost like long pillars reaching the sky, with six legs.

A large number of nests are built on the legs, and creatures such as scorpions and flies move in and out of the nests.

Xu Yi had no idea that such a powerful creature as Behemoth would be willing to form a strange symbiotic relationship with these flying creatures.

Behemoth suddenly let out a huge roar, like an elephant roaring, but filled with the majesty of a king.

A flood of living zombies came from a distance, and the air was filled with a strong aroma. Xu Yi frowned as he looked at the strangely shaped zombies.

A few days ago, the living zombie he saw had a terrifying face, but at least it still looked like a human being. The living zombie in front of him could be described as "demon and monster".

Some have four arms growing out of their backs, like spiders; some have eight extra legs, crawling like centipedes; some grow into huge mountains of meat seven or eight meters high...

"These living zombies are evolving on their own!"

Xu Yi frowned, West's ability was even weirder and more difficult to deal with than he imagined.

And he didn't know if it was his illusion, but he actually felt that West was more dangerous than the Ring of Destruction. Behemoth apparently sensed the approaching danger and made a sound to summon the monsters back in Boston.

The "dark clouds" pushed in from the horizon. Compared with before, the "dark clouds" were much smaller. The plan of the Ring of Destruction was obviously successful.

A purple light curtain suddenly rose from the ground, forming a huge light prison that surrounded most of Beacon Mountain.

"What a generous move!" Xu Yi couldn't help but marvel.

In order to prevent the monster group from hindering their plan, the Ring of Destruction even spared no expense to set up a huge magic circle around Beacon Mountain.

This purple light curtain is burning "funds" every second it exists, and a large number of treasures are drained of energy.

"What a good man!" Xu Yi sighed immediately.

In his eyes, these monsters are the "power banks" of the ghost warriors. Originally, he was worried that a large number of monsters would die in this crusade.

But now the Ring of Destruction has blocked the monster group and allowed the monsters to remain. Isn't this a good person? What is he?

Of course, the magic circle's ability to block the group of monsters also benefited from the fact that a large number of monsters had been eliminated in the past few days, and there were still quite a few monsters that had not had time to come back.

With the emergence of the four major alchemy machines, the battle against Behemoth began, and the horrific aftermath of the battle was like a passing hurricane.

The whole area was filled with sand and rocks. Xu Yi's eyes lit up. If he didn't act now, when would he wait?

He crawled quickly in the insect pit, not caring about the mud and insect excrement in the pit. He was already dirty enough anyway, and he didn't care if it got a little dirtier.

The tomb-like Lighthouse Mountain was right in front of him. Xu Yi glued a Nest of Evil God on the black stone tablet. After keeping his vision, he rushed towards the Lighthouse Mountain in the thick fog.

Beacon Hill has beautiful scenery and he has been here several times, mainly for walks with Lisa.

Lilac petals flew down from the top of Beacon Hill. Xu Yi and Lisa walked side by side on the cobblestone path surrounded by vegetation. Lisa's white skirt rose and fell with the bounce.

He suddenly missed that time very much. He had been on the road recently and rarely had the chance to go out with Lisa and the others.

At this moment, Beacon Mountain has changed greatly. There are many more honeycomb-like mountains, and you can only barely see what it looked like before.

Every time Xu Yi visits a scenic spot, he will stay for a while, and the beautiful pictures in his memory keep flashing through his mind.

"I wonder how Lisa is doing?" Xu Yi suddenly missed Lisa very much.

Others might only be able to see things and miss others, but he didn't have to. He left the Nest of Evil Gods in Lisa's body, and he changed his perspective.

He saw Lisa lying quietly on the bed, her aura getting stronger and stronger, and a heartfelt smile on her face.

But the next second, he broke out in cold sweat.

Something's wrong! Something is very wrong!

The moment he switched to Lisa's perspective, he finally realized something was wrong.

There is no doubt that he really likes Lisa and misses the good times between them.

But at a critical moment like searching for the spirit of the true God, you wouldn’t suddenly miss the past and be sad for the spring and autumn, right?

His eyes returned to the lighthouse.

At this moment, the feeling of "sadness for spring and sadness for autumn" has disappeared. When I look at the scenic spots in Beacon Mountain, I no longer have that beautiful feeling, it's like looking at a devil's cave.

He switched his gaze again and looked around the battlefield where the Ring of Destruction was attacking Behemoth.

Whether it is the four major alchemy machines or the surging zombies on the ground, they are all inactive, but the people and monsters in the battle are extremely engaged, as if they are acting hard.

It looks extremely weird.

"Field! It's the power of the realm!"

Xu Yi suddenly realized that Behemoth had released a special field. People or monsters in the field would be unknowingly attacked.

If he hadn't been able to use the Evil God's Nest to switch his field of view and see Lisa, he would have been immersed in that emotion, and then walked around the lighthouse, as if he was here for an outing.

The domain belongs to the power of the true God. I never expected that Behemoth would actually master this power!

(End of this chapter)

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